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Favorite Starcraft Units


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Dark Archons. They have intriguing uses in alliance games...

I once played a 4 vs. 4 game, and concentrated on building a huge swarm of Dark Archons while my allies used conventional tactics. Then a foolish Terran attacked me with an immense Battlecruiser fleet... and my reaction was along the lines of: "Nice fleet. I'll take it."  Heh heh heh. ;)

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Dark Archons. They have intriguing uses in alliance games...

I once played a 4 vs. 4 game, and concentrated on building a huge swarm of Dark Archons while my allies used conventional tactics. Then a foolish Terran attacked me with an immense Battlecruiser fleet... and my reaction was along the lines of: "Nice fleet. I'll take it."

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I just hope they had no Science Vessels tagging along, the EMP Shockwave is a killer on Protoss shields.

They didn't, but it wouldn't have mattered anyway, since Dark Archons lose their shields after mind controlling.

Still, tell me the rest of what happened afterwards... ;)

Well, I exterminated the foolish Terran using his own Battlecruiser fleet, then the game progressed normally. The other enemies saw what happened, so I couldn't use the Dark Archon trick again. I started building more conventional units, and my team eventually won, after several conventional battles.

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Battlecruiser: Man, I love battles with battlecruisers. :)

Protoss carrier: The cigar is spitting fighters!

Siege tank: Bye bye, enemy base.

Goliath: Rather weak if enemy has more powerful units, but they look cool and are good anti-air.

Zealot: Very powerful unit plus they are a bit like yautjas. ;)

Centipede? I don't remember it's name, but that catelpillar looking Protoss unit that shoots scrambles. Man, they're mean.

Dragoon: They're simply just cool.

Heh heh, the cutscene when that rookie spots the Dragoon... "Shoot it!" *blam* "yeehaa!" *Arbiter flies overhead* *12 Dragoons appear*

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Reavers...not as long range as...say, a Terran Siege Tank, but has more damage than the latter (w/c can also be upgraded at the Robotics Support Bay, aside from the Forge weapons upgrades.) And one of the most amusing unit acknowledgements in the game...

The only downside is you gotta have a lot of minerals in your stash to prolong its effectiveness (read:build more scarabs).

And like the Siege Tank, it requires some support units as well...

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You know, I've found that using Seige Tanks in their primary mode is almost as fun as putting them in seige mode. Their turrents automatically track targets, even while moving. And at a solid 30+ damage apiece, each tank can certainly do a good bit of damage. The only issue with this is that it's only really effective if you've got a column of 6 or more tanks engaging Zerg or other Terrans.

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Overall I find the Siege tank to be more effective than the reaver but the reaver does have a few advantages.

- More damage

- No minimum range

- Can fire at max range while moving

- The area of effect damage doesn't damage friendly units. (it does damage allies)

However the range is shorter than that of a stank in s mode and the scarab cannot move over water or over cliffs. So the enemy unit has to be on the same level and not behind a building or minerals or something for the scarab to be most effective. Also scarabs cost money. Nonetheless they are a great threat when used in reaver drops.

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Marine. Rednecks in space? Oh well, they're pretty versatile units.

The science vessel. Of course units like the Marine and Siege Tank are good and vital units, but using the science vessel is the most fun and often very effective.

Goliath. Looks very cool and the AA is awesome.

Zealot. Claw style melee weapons in space? 'nuff said.

Zergling. Watching tons of them get torn to pieces is very entertaining. They're good rush units too.

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I agree with mostly of the other units mentioned above: but here is my collective list.

Zealot: Well, since I'm a 'Toss user, these units are valued by me greatly. Great Rush.

Reaver: Oh baby. What I do is: Rush early in the game, get a dropship, and 2 reavers quickly. Load up the scarabs and rush behind the enemy base to with the dropship and destroy their miners. I always do this.

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Depends on how you control the zerglings. It's hard to control great masses of them but economically seen zerglings beat zealots. 4 zerglings defeat 1 zealot with 2 zerglings still living (1 of em nearly dead though). Zealots are more effective vs. marines and siege tanks etc. though.

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I still think that groups of six marines with four medics is a pretty decent force. It would take either a large number of units -- whose cost would far outweigh the 600 minerals and 100 gas used to make the marine/medic team -- or a few powerful units. Ultralisks and reavers spring to mind as obvious choices.

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Yeah medics and marines are good. Though when playing zerg lurkers are a good good counter. I find hydralisks and zerglings to be mediocore effective but the lurkers do very well. For protoss i just use high templar. They rape medic and marines just as badly as ever.

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Right, but what gets me is the cost associated with building the Lurkers... even Templars need a Templar Archives, and the Templar is only really good as a counter for that, unless you make 'em into archons afterwards. The marine/medic combo is just so versatile...

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Woah. I have to disagree there. A unit with no standard attack? A unit that cannot damage buildings? Versatile? I think the Templar is a pretty effective "specialist" unit, but the Ghost is a bit better...

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lol no.. go away :)

Templar can defeat nearly any army. Hydralisks, guardians, battlecruisers... carriers anything you want. Their spell can be cast at very long range (slightly shorter than the siege tank range) does 110 massive damage (was 150 damage in earlier versions) to all units under the area (which is large) and costs only 75 mana, meaning that it can cast 3 times (with energy upgrade) per templar. So if you have a few templar, you have a great weapon against an enemy army. There's no ghost that can match that.

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Right, and you have to actually cast the spell, if you're not paying attention and that 45/45 Templar is located where the roof falls in, he's hosed. Basically, the Templar is good only in a certain situation; where he has enough mana and is in range to deal damage to a large number of massed units. What if he hasn't the mana? What if he's far away? What if he's right where the attack is and he's killed before you can click on him and hotkey up a spell? Too many variables. With marines and medics, I press A, and I click. And I go do other stuff. 6 marines and 4 medics? I don't care if they even live or die, sometimes! That Templar, you lose him, you get mad, because no one builds Templars in bulk and when they go, there goes their abilities until you can get the next one.

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If you have like 6 of them you always have enough mana. Only 75 mana to cast it and the damage is incredible. I'm not a great templar user but i've seen some online, they use them excellent, dealing full damage pretty much every time. Medics and marines are a good force. But too easily wiped out by counter forces like siege tanks, high templar/reavers and lurkers. Also they can't beat a decent base defence. Making them a very costly way to fight with.

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Dark templars, Wraith, Carriers.

ps : I got a question about starcraft map editing. How could I place mineral right next to the starting point and how am I going to make multiple scv's( or equals ) work on the same field simultaneously?

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