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Pulling You Down


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I just kinda pisses me off when I am downloading something, like a demo, patch, game, anything, it REALLY annoys me when

*It's taking forever

*It freezes after sitting there for so long.

*Sometimes when my computer goes into sleep mode the DL stops.

*When I minimize it into the background and play a game, it gets deleted and/or stops DL'ing/messes up.

Like right now, I'm downling Cronous, and it is taking forever to go 1 percent. It really ruins my day,  :-

What are some things that really screw up your day when your in the gaming world?!

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The game doesnt work, it crashes, it messes up my OS.

After exiting the game it resizes desktop resolution or resizes screen size.

Playing a game till 5 in the morning is also a bad thing to do.

You forget to save the game. You can't beat the game.

Important people IM you when you are playing a game (but you don't know it).

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Know what ruins my gaming experience? Windows.

Typical Day With Vilgent and Windows XP Home Edition:

"Time for some Ghost Recon!"

*Puts in disk*

*Slow hum*


*Double clicks GR icon*


*Dead silence*




"...Son of a..."



*Dead silence*

"God damnit, fine, I'll just play Emperor"

*Puts disk in and decides to start via start/programs*

*Moves cursor down*

*Realizes it won't go past the taskbar*

"You have got to be bullshitting me..."





*Dead silence*

*Error pops-up, PLEASE INSERT PROPER DISK with the three options: cancel, retry, proceed*

*Re-puts disk in, clicks retry*



*Dead silence*


*Emperor starts up*

"Thank God"

*Windows XP decides to randomly reboot*

"God damnit, I hate this OS! How could it get WORSE?"

*Windows detects a improper system restart, checking disk for errors, press any button to exit*


*Proceeding with disk check*

"Son of a..."


"What the hell is Safe Mode? ...AGH, 400x600 reso with 16-bit colors?!?"

*Horrible XP welcoming sound*

"Ahhh, its blinding!"

*Falls out of chair*

Yes...Windows I say...Windows...

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1)An hour late for registering for betas

2)Load a game then it won't install because Win98 doesn't support the language

3)Dying/Disconnecting when a rare drops

4)The CD being shredded into pieces, screwing up my CD-ROM driver, and giving me a deep deep cut...

5)Auto alt+tab to desktop while playing some FPS game because of a porn ad message from ICQ

6)Someone kicking the plug accdently...twice in a row

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6)Someone kicking the plug accdently...twice in a row

Once i can understand, but twice? Someone doesnt want you playing ur computer.

U know what really pulls me down? HAVING 56K! i cant play ANY rts games, or i get kicked / whinged at for lagging servers.

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1)Having laggers in your games...and worse still, those laggers accuse ME of lagging then they lag out and after they get timed out, the game continues normally.

2)Your ally quitting on you

3)Your ally backing out on you

4)Your ally cursing you

5)People lagging you, forcing you to quit, and they get a free win

6)People who do the above occasionally on purpose

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Solution to several of the above problems:

1) DON'T run any programs in the background while playing. Either play, or do something else. I mean, if you get message pop ups while playing and it's annoying you, don't start up any messaging programs.

2) Change ISP. If you lag all the time, or have a hard time downloading something, for Gods sake, find another ISP.

3) Join servers with a good ping. If your ISP is good, join servers with a better ping.

4) Get a decent system. Don't start playing games which your system can't handle. Not much sense in that.

To be honest, there isn't anything that annoys me while playing. No probs what so ever.

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New one.

*Trying to load up a game server from your desktop but it says: I'm sorry, this server is not available - please check if your internet is correctly connected, or try again later. >_<

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I don't usually get problems while running games, because I can often fix any problems I run into.  The only technical things that really bug me is when I can no longer run a game because my system is too new.  XP has no MS-DOS mode, and DOSbox doesn't always work, so some of my games are, unfortunately, dead.  Strife, the 7th Guest, and Quarantine are good examples, and CyberMage, which I had problems running even when I first bought it and was using it on my 486.  :-

I still have my 486, but some of my old games don't even run on that for some reason.  No matter what I do, I can't seem to get Frontier working on anything, which is a damn shame.

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