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Overrated games


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Actually, I would say that Warcraft III contains a huge deal of strategy. The manner and order in which you construct bases gives you advantages -- the existence of unit limits forces players to not simply "tank rush" each other and use tactics; feints and tradeoffs. If you've ever played 8 player team Battle.Net, you know that there comes a point where each player specializes in a different ability, and then the teams unite their armies and begin games of maneuver to give themselves superior positions. Or, players might assault bases with throwaway units to lure another army to appear there, while they use their main force to strike at the main base. This is only the most common example. What about the use of EMPs, Nukes, and Cruisers in Starcraft to turn the Protoss reliance on shields against them?

To say that there is little strategy in Warcraft III or even Starcraft seems to me as being the words of those who have not played it to any real depth.

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Emperor needs strategy:

You already have dozen of choices when building your first structures and units, if you pick the wrong ones, then you are dead. Later in the game the size of your army may matter, but what it contains matters even more. You must mix different types of units.

The other thing needed is being able to micro-manage, which is a part of strategy. You can do alot with only a few Laser Tanks, or 1 with some Projectors...

Warcraft III needs strategy:

You can only build around 2 stacks of 12 units, each lead by 1 or 2 heroes. You need to carefully assemble those stacks with the right units, and the units you control best. In combat you need to use the right abilities, and position the right units on the right place. It matters also on how you play at the beginning, else you'll get overrun (like me)

Age of Mythology (just an example, I do like the game though) doesn't need so much strategy as the 2 previously mentioned games.

There isn't that much of a variation in the units, other then that they do more damage against certain other units, and have different damage and health. If you mix your army quite well, and build units soon enough, then it is all about army size.

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Are you kidding? You obviously havn't met someone familiar with the concept of Necromancers and autocast. Or flying units. As for Generals, number one, what you can accomplish there is easier and cheaper done with 5 hummers packed with rocket troopers. Second, by the time you build 20 paladins and 10 comanches, I would wonder how many simple rocket troopers the enemy could have built in that time, not to mention all the other various ways those sincerely overrated units could fail.

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I just won a 3vs3 with grunties and a chieften, again you aren't listing real strategies, only unit combos and rushing. in the 2 years I've been playing warcraftIII I've never seen nor used any decent strategies or tactics, and I did fairly well

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Unit combos are strategical foo'. :)

Ok how about this as a strategy. You start your game of WC3 and you grab your hero - it doesnt matter so much which. You get your hero as fast as you can and you run him into the enemy harvesting area, killing a lot of his peon class units. Then at the end you town portal, rendering him invincible while the portal takes him back to base.


There are a hundred I could think of, so I'll give just a few. You dump a devastator in the enemy base, destroying refs and drawing enemy troops. Meanwhile you take infantry rock near his base and kill harvs/carryalls. Another one: You get feyds as soon as you can and deploy them all round the enemy base, killing his harvs and other slow units, while you build up an auxiliary force for destroying his base. The list goes on.

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Unit combos and the maneuvering of troops is strategy, and has been what every military in human history has recognized as a part of strategy and tactics. Winston Churchill said that battles are won through maneuver and slaughter, the greater the general, the more he commits to maneuver and less to slaughter. If I can get an efficient unit combo, and maneuver that force with my allies' forces in tandem so that we can easily wipe out the enemy's bases with limited opposition, we win. We win every time we can pull that trick off. More tactics? How about psychological manipulation? I send out a knight to get your team of 20 grunts to break formation and follow, where they are slaughtered by gryphons.

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. . . ooh gryphon rush, that's a real good strategy ::)if I had creeped enough, I could have my voodooman cast big bad voodoo and rush my grunts into your base.

you cna think of elaborate strategies for all games, but they are rarely put into action due to ineffectiveness. WCIII is about speed and a strong forefinger.

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No offense but anybody stupid enough to let you get away with 20 grunts and a cheiftan deserves death. Besides anyone who can micromanage effectivley can destroy your louded group of units easily, Grunts are the best basic trooper in the game but they can be matched by the other races if they use the right strategies. I find it much more benneficial to creep with the opponents units over the creeps themselves (quicker exp gain, hurt your opponent). I play Undead and can use Liches to deadly effect especially on peons and on your lines of supply. No gold, no grunts, sure you might have a hero but he is probably bogged down defending the base or trying to do the same with me, which I plan for since my ghouls can tie the hero up until my hero TP's back and helps kill yours, then your really behind. Even if you were to some how pull off all those grunts a good player is keeping tabs on you and planning accordingly if I come at your 20 grunts and Tauren chieftan with a bunch of crypt fiends using the kiting tactic those grunts will die in short order, and your hero will die because I'lll double or triple team him with my own. Even then it also depends if your opponent can micromanage a battle effectively, lets say 20 grunts/chieftan vs. another 20 grunts/chieftan fight each other, if one commander can control hi units well enough to prevent run arounds and targeting the troops with the least hp first he can quickly outnumber you and gain the advantage, not to mention what he could be doing with his hero. The ammount of tactics involved in Warcraft III goes beyond just simple number, yes they have a role too, but even if you only play with one type of unit, if you are master of getting the most out of that unit, you are still a great tactician, you shouldn't limit your idea of tactics to the terms of number of units alone, but control of those units, All RTS's look the same from a distance, its how you manage your units and counter your opponents own moves where you start finding tactics.

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hmmm weird. Many others believe grunts are rather weak because they cost a lot and get raped by range.... well that's kinda the problem with warcraft 3. Air and ranged is too powerful. Mass casters and ranged units beats everything but air. Air beats all melee too because of magic damage. And grunts take 200% damage from magic.

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Well, I would say that the Sims is overrated. It is a nice game to play, but for the game it should be it has too few playing hours, before it gets boring.

But then I look around and see how many people are addicted to the Sims, and then I'm starting to doubt if it is really overrated...

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are any of the "tycoon" games ANY good?  they just seem like pointless cashcowism beyond railroad and rollercoaster tycoon.

altho i'd laugh if someone actually took that sketch in PCG UK seriously and made a game called "pimp tycoon."  pick yo hos, gun down yo rivals on yo turf etc.

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