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Palace Wars Mod


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

As a first step just attach the rules and artini on this page for me to read through.

Then if you want me to do a full test I will as Conflict is bogged down at present (I hate doing icons and that is basically all that is left to do), so the change will be refreshing. How will you get the files to me (about 5Mb) -will you want my email?

Will you want me to make the rules/artini changes or just tell you where to try to fix?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Superweapons are very fussy - what are you trying to do?

You can change the function eg the [ATHawkweapon] is now a stealthed engineer in COTL and before that was the Deathhand missile BUT when I changed the entryline in Rules to [ixengineer] it fell over (the code looks for only [ATHawkweapon], [HKDeathhand] and the [ORChaosweapon] labels.

Oh and a 2nd version (eg a supermissile for more than one side) I have NEVER got to work either though I believe some modders in the past said they did.

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;D Easy peasy!

Thats what mine does in COTL as Ordos now have the green blob as their Inkvine splat.


DeathHand = TRUE

House = Harkonnen

PrimaryBuilding = HKPalace

UnitGroup = FromHKPalace

Cost = 0

BuildTime = 7500

Speed = 40//20

//SoundID = 37

//No turret, uses DeathHandBomb as a bullet

Resource = DeathHandBomb

//ExplosionType = DeathHandSplat // object left after explosion

Size = 3 //need to stop assert

Terrain = Rock, Sand, NBRock, Ramp //need to stop assert


CanDie = FALSE


MaxRange = 0 //blow up immediatiely

Debris = DebrisLarge

Damage = 6500

ExplosionType = DHBigExplosion

Warhead = Death_W

BlastRadius = 160 //Tile is equal to 32

BlowUp = TRUE //infantry death anim

ReduceDamageWithDistance = False

FriendlyDamageAmount = 100

There you go that is how easy it is! By the way with Damage = 6500 - kills Conyard in 1 shot hence BuildTime = 7500 to slow down the first shot by the AI!

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Yeah but Harkonnen are in my mod as well, so I need a superweapon which replaces the chaos lightning.  I wanted that to be a supermissile.

Give the Deathhand to Corrino ([ORChaosWeapon]) and have a SuperInkVineGun for harkonnen using a retextured IxMegaTurret that fires very heavy long range InkVine shells.

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  • 3 years later...

Well, as it turns out, I have more spare time on my hands than I thought, so I thought I'd restart a mod that I put a lot of effort into, until a computer crash destroyed most of it.  Just thought I'd post some details of it over here, so people can see what I'm planning.  I know Emperor's practically dead now, but it would be nice to finally finish the mod.  So here's the basic facts about the mod:

  • Main houses:
    [o]  Includes the Fremen
    [o]  Includes the Sardaukar

  • Subhouses:


  • [+]Around 70 unique units
    [+]Over 20 new units
    [+]Skirmish/multiplayer only
    [+]New music
    [+]New tech tree to make the game more enjoyable, including Light Factories.

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  • [+]Imperial Scout
    [o]  Same as Harkonnen and Atreides Scout.
    [+]Imperial Recruit
  •   Weapon: Close range shotgun.
    [o]  Raw and untrained, these Imperial troops have been pushed into service by necessity, and are the basic foot soldiers of the Corrino forces.
    [+]Imperial Sardaukar
    [o]  Same as E:BfD unit.
    [+]Imperial Engineer
    [o]  Same as Atreides Engineer.
    [+]Imperial Sardaukar Elite
    [o]  Same as E:BfD unit.
    [+]Imperial Sardaukar General
  •   Weapons: Las-Gun and Knife
  •   Uncrushable
    [o]  Although they may not be as quick as their younger counterparts, their experience more than makes up for any shortcomings, turning these already feared troops into one man armies.

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Atreides/Harkonnen changes


  • Infantry
    [+]Harkonnen Inkvine Trooper
    [o]  Weapons: Inkvine Launcher and Flechette Pistol
    [o]  These troops have the capability to launch deadly Inkvine poison across the battlefield, however in order to use their weapon they must be deployed, so a sidearm is also carried.
    [+]Harkonnen Plastma Trooper
    [o]  Weapon: Plasma Cannon
    [o]  Equipped with the immensely powerful Plasma cannon, these troops are deadly foes for both vehicles and infantry alike.  However, their plasma cannisters on their backs are also highly explosive.

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[move]Palace Wars[/move]

My new mod brings about many changes to all sides and brings in new sides and will hopefully be the most advanced Emperor mod to date.  It is called Palace Wars because each major side has two infantry units which are built from the Palace for free, although their build time it quite high.

Good luck with ur mod hope it comes out soon  :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

I must say IN THE DESTOYERS GRIP was a good mod  ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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