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Junigard game thread - This is where you play


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Welcome to Junigard, everyone!

I know this is quite a late start, but better late than never!

In this thread, you will be writing your character's actions and so on and so forth. You should know how to play, but if not, please click here. Also, a map of Junigard is stored in the first post there.

It will be you writing the story, and me interacting with all of you and making exciting quests and mysteries.

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"Dwarves... dwarves... I hate dwarves..." The dark figure muttered to himself while he warmed his hands near the campfire.

"There is nothing inherant to the dwarves that you should hate them all." His companion said patiently, "Considering your old alliances with the duergar..."

"The duergar are mercenary." The darker figure said, waving a hand and causing the fire to warm up slightly, "dwarves are just thieves. And they have the nerve to call themselves 'surface' dwarves when they live in tunnels and caves just like the others..."

"They are an honourable people."

"They steal anything that glitters. They're bearded magpies."

There was a pause while the two figures watched each other through the flames. Then they both smiled.

"You know as well as I do that there are exceptions to every rule." The second, lighter figure grinned. He drew his white cloak around him. "Besides, if you dislike dwarves so much, why are we here?"

"Dwarves hoard." The first figure smiled. "Like magpies, they bring together everything they mine and forge... impressive tools and weapons. We're here to get some of it."

A worried frown crossed the face of the lighter figure, "We're not going to attack the dwarves..."

"No, your holiness, we're not going to attack the dwarves." Said the dark figure with a smirk. "I know your morals wouldn't allow it. And even I can't take on an army of the harglukkin. "

"Being moral is part of what being a paladin is, Elv'tyrr." The lighter figure became serious. "You won't harm the dwarves will you?"

Elv'tyrr Zauafin looked up from the smoudlering coals, revealing his ebon skin and deep purple eyes in the shadow of his heavy black cloak. He smiled. "I've got you beside me. How could I possibly do any harm to them Turgon?"

"That's not an answer." Turgon Fingolfinson said, trying not to look amused. "Stop ducking the question; will you harm any dwarves?"

"I'm sure the oppertunity will not-"

"Will you?"

A sulky silence hovered for a moment.

"Not if I can help it." Elv'tyrr sighed.

"Good. Now what were you planning?" Turgon asked.

"Like I said, Dwarves hoard." Elv'tyrr smiled, glad to be back on track. "Around here there are countless tunnels and halls filled with jealously-guarded dwarven treasure. All we have to do is find one that is less well guarded, slip in, take what we can carry, and slip out."

"Stealth is your speciality Elv'tyrr." Turgon pointed out. "And you can hide in shadows as much as you like, but that is not an honourable way of fighting, dying, or living."

"I knew you'd say that." Elv'tyrr smiled. "Fortunately, there are some that have beaten us to it."

"Meaning?" Turgon asked suspiciously.

"Meaning that around here somewhere there is a hall overrun with goln. They moved in years ago under the command of a company of haszakkin. I assume you have no trouble with their slaughter?"

"Goblins and Ilthids." Turgon gripped the hilt of his sword. "The world is better without them."

"Making a sentient species extinct? Very holy." Elv'tyrr grinned.

"Ilthids are evil by definition and goblins will never be taught better." Turgon replied defensively.

"And aren't paladins supposed to be merciful as well as righteous?" Elv'tyrr said casually. Turgon stopped just as he was about to reply.

"...You make a good point." He said at last.

"I always do." Elv'tyrr smiled.

"If only it were so easy to find cracks in your moral armour." Turgon sighed.

"You can't crack-"

"-what doesn't exist. I know, I know." Turgon smiled the smile of the long-suffering. "So what of the ilthids?"

"Presumably they were looking for something, found it, and left." Elv'tyrr said. "But they left the goblins behind." He paused; "And having said that paladins should be merciful, keep in mind that these goln probably don't have their minds left after Mind-Flayer enslavement. It would be a mercy to kill them, rather than let them live."

"You can't manipulate my ethics so easily." Turgon smiled, they'd had this conversation before.

"Yes I can."

"No you-" He stopped suddenly. There was a momentary pause while both figures listened, and then they both moved at once.

With a wave of his hand Elv'tyrr extinguished the fire, plunging their campsite into darkness. Being a creature of the Underdark, he could still see just as well, if not better in the blackness. The same could not be said of Turgon. His nightvision was elven, and thus impressive, but paled beside the infra-red of Elv'tyrr's drow vision.

Elv'tyrr watched Turgon sweep up his helmet and sword. In light his armour would be white all over, but in this vision it merely appeared cold.

Elv'tyrr himself sprang over to the clump of boulders they had stopped by, flattening himself silently against them. He had left his larger and more specialised trident by the fire, and in its place drew his dagger. A vicious poisoned blade glinted ever so slightly in the moonlight and he cursed silently to himself. He always forgot about the damn moon.

"You are surrounded!" A hoarse voice cut through the night air from the West, "We have no intention of harming you if you surrender now. Who are you and what do you want?"

'Blasted harglukkin!' Elv'tyrr thought.

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"Papa, I'm back!"

Inside the small hut sits two men. One is the old fisherman that saved Fenriss 5 years ago. Another is Mr.Scyther, a famous trader in the region.

"Ahh...Fenriss, you're finally back. Mr Scyther got business for you again."

The trader speaks as Fenriss takes a sit around the table.

"Pirate hunting. This time it's triple the price." said Scyther in his usual businessman tone.

"Did I hear wrongly, Triple?" said Fenriss, astonished.

"Yup, triple. The job is straight from the Trader's Guild. Fenriss, didn't you find the dock being a bit...empty recently?"

Fenriss nodded in slience.

"All done by those from Harrow's. That wouldn't be a problem usually, but they have looted the Blue Traders."

"So which ship was it? Ulysess, Sepernto or...?

"The whole fleet. So the Guild had ordered a party to be gathered, and wipe out those at Harrow's. We would set sail a week later, after those from Freeport arrives, then head straight to Harrow's through the rough sea."

"They are even getting men from Freeport?"

"Yup. The Guild is enraged. Okay, that's all I've got to say. Find me at the pub if you're intrested. I don't want to force you to decide now, since this ain't some small jobs like usual."

"I'll take it."

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OCC: Did I ever say something about mercy, Turgon is a member the Crystal Rose order, a order dedicated to the vengeful aspect of justice, so there is no mercy to be found there, so it’s completely ok to slay goblins

By the sound of their movements Turgon judged there to be three of them. As soon as the dwarves walked into the cave he steeped forward, blocking their way into the cave. As he stood there the three dwarves could see him in the moon light coming flowing in from the cave entrance.

“Why be you here?” The leader said

“I am Turgon Fingolfinson, a Crystal Rose, my companion and I are here to cleanse a den of goblins, as far as I know that den belongs to your hold”

“Indeed it does, that why we are here, we will allow you to take only half of what you find with you”

“I see no problem there, it is your right.”

“very well then, we shall then aid you in your quest”

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Galafang slowly stalked around the forests. There had been a rumor spreading among the elvish clans recently about a great beast who was hunting in these woods.

Whatever it was had the entire coastline shaking in fear, as no one who had been sent to capture the creature had yet returned. Only the warrior Shdoriu had been found, and he was found in 3 seperate peices, eacht a half mile away from the other.

No one had been able to bring this bastard down yet. But thats because Galafang had not tried his hand yet.

As he crept around a rock outcroping, he heard the distinct sound of footsteps on the ground on the other side of the wall. Readying himself for combat, he drew his swords from beneath his cloak and lept around the corner...

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3 days before the party heads for Harrow's.

Fenriss is now in Scyther's mansion. The room he is in now seems to be the conference room. There were big glass windows on the wall, but for the sake for secretcy, the were all covered up with black curtains. Oil lamps were lighted to illuimate the room, even though it's now afternoon, when the sun is shining overhead. Fenriss is alone sitting in the middle of the long table, waiting for Scyther and the other party members to arrive.

(OOC: If anyone who's starting location is 1 or 4 and in intrested, please reply in 3 posts time. If no one's intrested, Cyborg, may you get me a few NPCs?)

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TO: Galafang

The man on the other side, which happened to be an elven ranger, quickly drew his rapier in reaction to your quick appearance. The metal buckler was readied and just waiting to stop any arrows or sword blows which could try to hurt its wielder.

He was not charging or attacking Galafang, but was instead ready to defend himself.

TO: Fenriss

Answer to your OOC:

Yes, I can join your party with a few NPCs. But remember, everybody, that NPCs are controlled by me.

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Sheathing his enchanted sword, and letting it bounce off his leg in a reassuring way, Leivan was ready to leave. He opened the door of the room he had rented in one of Dockport's many inns, and made his way downstairs.

"Thanks again, friend." he said, addressing the elderly innkeeper, laying down a tip of 1 GP.

"Good journey to you, traveller." he replied as Leivan strolled out of the door. It was a bright day, the sea breeze bringing in a warm southern wind.

"It is a good day to travel." Leivan said to himself. It was late morning, and the whole city was bustling. He made his way patiently through the crowds, smiling gently as always, until he reached the north-west borders of the city some time later. He looked down at his feet to see a mangy cat rub against his ankles.

"You look like you've been through a lot, little one." Leivan said, apparently to the cat. "Trees or mountains?" he asked. The cat 'mrrrowed' indifferently, but then ran to the west, into some bushes and out of sight.

"Trees it is, then. Through the Gnome Lands to the Dwarven Mountains." Leivan said, pausing as he breathed deep the sea air. "Sound's like an adventure!"

And with that, he set off; west into the woods, his path clear, but doubtlessly filled with many hidden surprises. Leivan welcomed them.

Dragoon Knight.

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TO: Leivan

Upon entering a small forest, you notice a small camp of goblins roasting a deer on their camp fire. The amount of foliage is sparse, so you should be lucky that no one of them have caught sight of you yet.

They have swords and a few bows, although stashed away at the moment, and they do not look tired.

It would be your choice to put up a fight with them, if you did not want to walk around the whole camp. They would surely attack you if you were to stride through their camp site.

They seem to be about four goblins, however you do not know whether all of the members of the tribe are present or not, because the three tents would provide shelter for more than six. Maybe eight if personal space was of no matter.

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OCC: Well if you'd given me any details, Sard, instead of LEAVING I could have avoided writing about mercy.

"That was a very dim thing to do." Elv'tyrr intoned from behind the boulder. He watched as Turgon sighed and the dwarves raised their axes protectively. "You do realise that these Harglukkin will have absolutely no love of my race at all? How many times do I have to tell you, you tell people you're travelling with an Ilythiiri FIRST or not at all."

"Drow!" The dwarvern leader shouted, peering into the night. "What kind of drow are you on the surface? Answer!"

"See Turgon?" Elv'tyrr said smugly, "I told you so." He waited, dagger ready.

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The goblins, in Leivan's eyes, posed no real threat. The possibility that other members currently absent from the fireside may have spotted him weighed on his mind slightly, but he decided that discretion was the better part of valour.

"No..." Leivan thought to himself. "I won't attack them until they force me to. I've had trouble with goblins in the past, but not these ones."

Carefully backing away from the thin barrier of leaves and branches, Leivan made heading to the left of the camp, planning to pass around the camp entirely. Guttural and rough language could be heard emanating from the campfire area, but Leivan was not paying attention to what he COULD hear... he was paying attention to what he couldn't. The sound of someone being silent was heavy in the air...

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TO: Leivan

None of the goblins took any notice of you while you walked around the camp.

TO: Everyone

Sometimes, I display hidden text in boxes. like the one below.

Only the player who has its name displayed above the box may read its contents. The box will contain information or knowledge attained about something that not everyone would notice.



Hidden messages are displayed inside these boxes


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As he passed by the goblin encampment, Leivan felt slightly crestfallen. He had almost hoped that they would have started a fight. Like his master had always told him, "Never start fights; only finish them." This did not matter much longer, for Leivan was soon caught up in the journey again. The forests to the West of Dockport were indeed spectacular, and although the Gnome Lands were still a far way off, Leivan did not grudge this fact. He had always loved to travel, ever since he was a stripling, training with his first rusty old broadsword by fighting unruly beasts at the edge of the village...

Leivan stopped. The village where he was born, Trelheim... it lay far in the east, where the Human Kingdom met the sea. It was positioned between the pine forest of Trel and the leaf forest of Ythra, looking out onto the sea itself. On a clear day, one could see the Broken Wine Bottles from Trelheim. It had been a long time since Leivan left his old home and pursued his dream of becoming a Dragoon Knight.

"Must make a point of returning there soon..." Leivan said to himself, still walking steadily westward. He soon found a path that seemed to have been walked many times, and altered his course to match the trail's. After a half-day or so of uneventful travel, Leivan decided to have a rest. He took out his provisions and sat with his back to an old oak tree. The sun was still high in the sky, but soon would begin its descent; Leivan knew that he had another quarter of a day at the most in which to travel.

Suddenly, his eyes were attracted to a tiny movement that was nevertheless too large to be accounted as wind or a normal forest animal. His ears heard rustling of leaves, and Leivan was instantly at his feet and behind cover. More rustling... the arrival was making itself known...

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After about ten seconds, a new group of arrows miss their target, landing in the ground nearby. It's impossible to see the person shooting them, but the arrows are poiting north in the sand, so the archer should be positioned south of you.

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*Current relative positions*



[dwarves] [Turgon]


"Show yourself, cowards drow!" One of the dwarves shouted.

"It's not me you know." Elv'tyrr whispered as he slipped over another boulder and around to the West, scanning the rocky terrain. "I use spells. Or occasionally this really small crossbow." He ducked around a rock and used a slight magical enhancement to make his voice sound from the North, where it had been. "Not arrows."

"All drow are liars!" Another dwarf shouted, peering North. A poorly-shot arrow bounced off his helmet.

"Another thing, I'm a better shot." Elv'tyrr sighed. He sneaked a glance to his left, Turgon was ignoring the dwarves and peering South, where the arrows had come from.

"We are bad shots, drow," a sinister voice rasped from ahead, "Because that way you get closer."

Elv'tyyr froze in his tracks. The voice was hidden behind a boulder, but he knew it's source anyway.

"Yingilin." He hissed. "What are gnomes doing here?"

"Tracking an elf." Came the whispered reply. And then behind him, Elv'tyrr heard a battle cry.

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It is now midnight. The sky is cloudy and there is no moon or stars. Fenriss is now standing guard, waiting for his objective to come.

The party is on an old trading ship, unarmed, but filled with cargos as usual. The only difference is that sands and boulders were in the crates and sacks, instead of spice and gold. They hope that this would lure the pirates, so that they could capture one of their ships and sneak to Harrow's...

Fenriss scanned the horizon again. Nothing special except a huge black shadow. The shadow is located right in front of the ship, and they would come into contact with it should they maintain the course.

"What could that be? It doesn't look like a ship either, and we're still too far rom any land..." thought Fenriss, "Better inform Scyther."

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TO: Fenriss

As the black shadow grew and the distance between your ship and it decreased, you could clearly see the vessel.

It was some sort of a boat, floating only about three metres above the sea surface, but with a big tower on the middle of it.

Apparently, it looked like a wooden construction, and was about ten metres wide and a hundred metres long. It kept a slow, but steady pace towards you.

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Now everyone was on the deck.

"This thing is...huge." muttered one of the merceneries.

"I had never see the pirates with vessels of such size. No, not even in the Kingdom Navy." said Scyther, staring at the closing vessel.

"Boss, what are we gonna do?"

"Captain, do we have enough time to change our course?"

"Not likely, Mr Scyther."

"Fenriss, Kai, Johnny, take a small boat and board that thing. Don't expose yourself. You, go light the torch and signal that ship. Everyone, to arms!"

Fenriss and his 2 companions is heading towards the vessel, while Scyther and the other men were on the ship, ready to take on any hostiles.

Signal to the vessel:

We are from Dockport. We represent the Trader's Guild. Identify yourself.

OOC: Please roll and randomly assign the stat points for the 2 NPCs. One is a human/fighter, one is a human/ranger.

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TO: Fenriss

OOC answer:

The attributes are now assigned to the two NPCs, but they aren't displayed to you. (Do you know the attribute points of your real life friends? :P)

The ranger excels in shooting, with a high dexterity. He also has a high charisma. The fighter is strong.

A person dressed in blue robes and a red cloak, with a white half-a-metre long beard comes out of a door in the tower and takes a few steps out on the deck. "Greetings, travelers!" he shouted. "I take it, from the look of your outfits, that you aren't pirates. What on earth are you doing in these waters then? They are filled with pirates." he added.

"Oh, I almost forgot! I am Krobald Grinn, from the Braam Guild of Mages, heading, with a couple of other mages, to the Beholder's Isle," Krobald said after a few seconds.

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TO: Fenriss

Krobald waved his hand and staff, and the ship slowed to a crawl before it reached a stand-still, or the closest you could get to that in uncalm waters. "I wouldn't go to close too those islands, my friend. The society there is strong, and the pirates united, or as united as thieves and cut-throats can be, that is. They even have a leader. I advise you, unless you're very skilled, to go hunt somewhere else." he told you, awaiting an answer.

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