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Brian Herbert Interview Questions


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I have one...

Where excatly was the story of the Verinus Family supposed to lead? Rhombur owed Duke Leto Atreides his very life and yet House Vernius is never mentioned in the Dune Novels?

In all instances in the Dune Chornicles it has always be said that Duke Leto sent Thufir to arrange the purchase of The Lady Jessica as his concubine, not that the Bene Gesserit gave her to Duke Leto as a gift.

Why was this changed in the House Novels?

There was never any indication that Pieter de Vires was a Ghola and even if he was how did he have his other memory in the Dune series when the Tleaxiu did not make this break thorough until the Ghola Duncan Idaho?

Okay that is it for now..

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However nice some specific questions like that are, they seem a bit to much like "the obsessive fan finding fault" so I want to keep general questions, and then include some of my own questions regarding his family life, etc, and the like. Though if enough questions are given, I will crunch them down into general questions, like if three get asked about the Tleilaxu, then I'll get a good question for them going.

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Yeah, I suppose I would have to agree, but when reading Dune, it gives the impression that no one could help and they appeared beyond help. What was left for the Ixians to help save, at least from their point of view?

Not to mention, I kind of assured Byron that I wouldn't ask questions like that.

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I'm not a fan of being called Inco >:(... :D

Well, I understand your point, but mostly I want to ask him about the writing process and life with his father, and his influences on him. This isn't a nitpicking session.

I'd like questions more oriented towards that and the other novels he has written. Maybe some general storyline questions, but nothing so specific.

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Let's ask positive questions as I doubt he would answer negative ones. ;)

Will there be any games/miniseries/tv shows in the future?

Have you noticed Dune's fan base increase or decrease over the recent years, and what would you attribute it to.

What series of books do you think would make a better miniseries or movie:

The "House" series, or Butlerian Jihad series.

What series of books did you enjoy writing more?

More later.

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What is your favorite book by frank herbert outside the Dune series?

Also, is there a connection between a few of the books outside of Dune and the Dune series itself? Many things are identical in his other books, identical technologies, items, politics, whatnot. I could list them but you have probably seen it. (Axolotl tanks, heighliners, Galach, etc...) Many have said that it is a typical thing for an author to use ideas from another book and infuse a new book with them, and that is true. I have seen it done many times. Usually though the concepts are highly mutated, or they are few and far between, not in these cases though. (like listed above, the OMC's in Destination:Void are placed in axolotl tanks, Galach is the major language in either the Godmakers, or the Whipping Star series, forgot. And heighliners are mentioned in Destination:Void and The Jesus incident). anyways... do you think there is a connection?

Also, what character creation are you most proud of? I thought some of your characters were pretty average, but you made some absolutely genius characters! some which come to mind are C'tair, and Erasmus. What are your favorites?

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Since the Dune Franchise is owned by a company (granted, a family company that you're a partner in) how much influence does the Herpert Partnership actually have in your novels? Do the completed works have to be presented to the Partnership in order to get their approval, do you talk discuss the course of the novels with the other family members as you write them? Or are you and Kevin pretty much independant when it comes to the writing?

Do you have any plans to have other family members who are authors join in co-writing the Dune Novels?

Was the huge success Dune has been having recently (the books, miniseries, etc.) predicted by you or your family?

In a recent chat with the sci-fi channel you did not mention Paul of Dune or the Young Dune novels as being future projects for you and Kevin. Are they dead, or did they just slip your mind?

Is it pretty much confirmed that Dune 7 will in fact be two novels?

The new novels have pretty much divided fandom into two camps: One hating the prequels, and one loving them. Did you anticipate such a reaction?

The late Dr. McNelly said that before your father got sick, the two of them were planning on writing a novel together called "The Butlerian Jihad", and that he actually finished two chapters of it before your father passed away. Dr. McNelly has also said that he sent you said chapters and asked if you were willing to join him in finishing the book. Is your "Legends of Dune" trilogy based in any way on this work? And what changed between the early ninties and late ninties to cause you to want to begin writing stories set in the universe of Dune?

As with all popular books/films/tv shows, Dune has its fair share of obsessed fans. Do you have any anecdotes from dealing with such fans that you'd like to share?

In your weblog you wrote a story about meeting a fan outside of a book shop to whom you gave signed copy #1 of The Machine Crusade. This fan has since appeared on our forums giving his side of the story and even posting a picture of the book. If you'd like to to read his message, it is available at http://www.dune2k.com/forum/?board=1;action=display;threadid=12258

Edited to add new questions.

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Ok, here are the questions I sent off to Byron a few minutes ago:

1) Would you say that being raised by such a masterful writer as your father influenced the style that you write with? Perhaps a tendency towards philosophical or religously oriented writings rather than action or thriller novels?

2) When you first began reading your father's literary works, what was your opinion of them? Outside of the Dune series, which of his novels did you enjoy the most?

3) Though the first in the Dune series did win a Hugo award, it tied with another novel by Roger Zelazny entitled "The Dream Master." How do you feel about Dune having to share the honour of a Hugo award with another novel?

4) After you discovered your father's notes regarding Dune, how long did it take you to decide you were going to write another book in the Dune series, and then how long did planning Dune: House Atreides take you?

5) In reading your father's notes regarding Dune, did you ever come across anything that might have suggested there was in fact a connection between Dune and several of his other novels? Though some points have been observed, nothing can yet be called conclusive with regards to this.

6) What originally made you think to request the talents of Kevin J. Anderson in writing the Dune House Prequels and Butlerian Jihad novels? How long did Mr. Anderson need to decide to co-author your new Dune novels? Had any other possible choices for a co-author occurred to you before deciding on Mr. Anderson?

7) Having both read the Dune novels, did you and Mr. Anderson ever feud over what should and shouldn't be included in the Dune House Prequels and Butlerian Jihad novels?

8) Participating in the numerous book signings for Dune, Mr. Anderson being famous for the frequency with which he attends such events, how did the immense turn out of readers make you feel about your work so far?

9) As I'm sure you are aware, many feel that your recent Dune novels are not fitting additions to the Dune series, and have been vocal about it. Have you given any of this hard-core criticism significant consideration while writing your novels (I'll note that these are in no way my personal feelings)?

10) Have you ever read any of your recent Dune novels after their publication, and observed anything you felt very strongly about changing?

11) In writing your Dune novels, did you ever find yourself particularly attached to any characters, or simply especially pleased with the way one turned out?

12) Has writing the Dune House Prequels and Butlerian Jihad novels ever interfered with any other writing projects that might have occurred to you while writing them?

13) How much influence does the Herbert Limited Partnership actually have with regards to novels published as part of the Dune series?

14) What are your personal feelings regarding Dr. McNelly's Dune Encyclopedia? What sort of contact did you have with Dr. McNelly prior to his death?

15) Some have suggested that Dr. McNelly and your father, Frank Herbert, were in fact planning to write a Dune novel entitled "The Butlerian Jihad' but could only finish two chapters of it. It has also been suggested that these chapters were given to you. Did you perhaps base any events in the Butlerian Jihad on these two chapters, if not, do you ever plan to make these two lost sections available to the public?

16) What were your first impressions and later thoughts regarding the recent Dune miniseries productions done by the sci-fi channel? How do you feel they compare to David Lynch's Dune film project?

17) Would you personally advocate all of your father's Dune novels being made into similar miniseries'? Do you foresee the possibility of any of your recent Dune novels being made into a film or miniseries?

18) While writing some of your other stand alone science fiction novels, what were your feelings towards Dune and your relationship to it?

19) Excluding your father, what author would you say you admire or enjoy reading the most? All modesty aside, what author would you compare yourself to?

20) What do you think your father would say of your recent work, if he were able to do so?

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16) What were your first impressions and later thoughts regarding the recent Dune miniseries productions done by the sci-fi channel? How do you feel they compare to David Lynch's Dune film project?

ugo.com :

UGO: What was it like working on the Dune miniseries?

BH: Yes, I was a creative consultant on them. My wife and I went to Prague and participated in the making of the film. It's amazing they did those movies on a $20 million dollar budget. I think the new movies follow the plot better than the David Lynch version, but I like the Lynch one. It's swashbuckling and daring.

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I have questions....

To which extent is the "Dune" you're writing the continuity of the "Dune" Frank Herbert wrote? Is it the same frankish world do you consider it another world started from Frank's?

I could also ask "Do you consider your work as a form of fanfiction?"

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ok guys, I just got the interview back from Byron, and I'm exstatic! I couldn't have imagined so much new info would come from the interview, but it has :) Some extremely interesting little details that as far as I know have never been revealed were included. Unfortunately I'm not going to be posting it for a bit, because I want to make sure I get it added as a web article in a few other places first. But... within a few days, certainly before Thanksgiving.

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I have a question.

Dune novels both glorify and dispel many ideas, most of them being inspired by elitism, race eugenism, mind control, genocides, religious fanatism and facist regimes. Given the destruction potential of this accumulation, how is it possible to write Dune novels and preserve mind sanity?

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