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How I'm a huge Dune Loser


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Here's the story. The day machine crusade came out i was going to go to a signing session with KJA and BH in Washington DC. I live right outside the city (N.VA) and figured i'd pick up a copy early so i could get to the nitty gritty at the signing session. So i arrived at my local borders only to see two guys who seemed vaguely familiar signing Dune novels. I then take a closer look, and inaddition to the prequel trilogy & B.Jihad they were also signing the new Machine Crusade. So i went up, asked if they were for sale when KJA said, not only are they for sale but would you like the first signed copy of the book? well needless to say my jaw dropped. 2 days ago i checked teh official website to find their travel-log to find this entry written:

"The bookstore people roll out carts and carts of the books, and we sign frantically, also handing out posters and flyers. While we stand there signing book after book, customers wander up to get the fresh copies. At a Borders in Fairfax, Virginia -- our first stop -- one young man sees us walk in and sees CRUSADE. He practically runs over, picks up the book, and says “Is this for sale already? Can I buy this?” So, he received “Signed Copy #1” of THE MACHINE CRUSADE."

so yea, i dunno, was real neat to find that i actually made the web from one of my fav. authors on the subject of Dune no less. i wasn't quite THAT enthused though... and i am 22! there's my fanboy moment, later guys. here's a pic of the sig:

i also just noticed that my attaching the file DID work and you can click it right next to the title... sorry people i'm new to posting regularly on a forum :-[attachment archived by Gobalopper]

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HA! i have thrwarted geocties with angelfire. now this better work cause my story ain't too hot w/o the pic of teh signature now is it! ;)

as for why i'm a dune "loser", it's an affectionate term my friends and i have come up with when we're huge fanboys of somethin. so take it as endearing. ;D


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