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We need more people to play Dune 2000 online. There aren't enough. Anyone who has Dune 2000 please play online(you need the 1.06 patch to play).


Find a way to get the game to run at normal speed, (and not so fast that you can't control anything or see what you're doing properly), fix all the bugs that cause the game to lock up/crash, and I might consider it. ::)


To make it go to normal speed, all you have to do is-as soon as you start the game-click the options tab and game settings. Then adjust the game speed from full to about 3 quarters of the way. This is about normal speed. Most people in multiplayer want to play at full speed, though. Look for me in multiplayer mode (online) -kylemcfly, kyle0014, kyledog14, dunatic14 are my names. Hope to c ya online!!!

  • 2 weeks later...

find me my disc and i'll do the same. also make it so my vid card can temporarily downgrade to play it. yes, my vid card way too good for that. :/ too bad, i liked it.


Yeah well I got annoyed by people telling me to turn my graphics down to 8-Bit when I told them I had a Geforce 4 so I just left...

It's not related to your grafics card, playing with a higher bit setting isn't preferd playing Dunne2000 online. .. or might not even work at all. ..


I would seriously be playing it now only thing is....my CD and computer are on their way to Australia!! Cause I am moving back home....once I am there, I will be back online. Haven't played in a while....Also having an XP issue....but that can be fixed.


Katnip :)


I don't think Dune 2000 is Win Xp compatible. Many people had problems with Dune 2000 being Win Xp uncompatible.


That's interesting. I've had no problems whatsoever running Dune 2000 on Windows XP on my computer.

  • 3 weeks later...

I've played a few games online, I'm running XP Home Edition, I enjoyed it a good bit, but the only problem is: I suck.

Yep, if it's not against an easy computer opponent at regular speeds, my water will most likely be taken for the good of the tribe. And, although that's probably a great thing for the tribe's sake, it's no fun for me ;)


I played Dune 2k online a few times, mostly single, but ive been thinking on playing it. I had a copy of it but its dissapeard and it had CIH virus on it, but im "getting" another one :) already half way there.


I just bought Dune 2000 and im on level 9 already. I really want to play multiplayer online , but westwood says the server is down or some crap, what can i do somebody help. :'(


Dizzak, you need to download the 1.06 patch. You can do this by clicking autoupdate when you try to play multiplayer, or you can download it from this site in the left column, on the main page, under downloads, click dune 2000. Then all you need to do is to register with westwood online. the site is www.westwood.com, or westwood.ea.com then just click signup.

Hope to see ya online.


Thats not the problem Kyle. I can't register with westwood for some reason? I went to that website and tried to register but they never sent me an e-mail of my password, help!what do i do :-


they don't email you the password anymore. Just put in whatever password you would like in the password spot when registering and then you should be able to log in to WOL.

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