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Everything posted by JulesG

  1. 559 downloads

    Conflict of the Landsraad.
  2. 205 downloads

    Imperial Cival War by JulesG & Inoculator9.
  3. It is possible to change the flame tank and the flame trooper multi-fire aspect but you have to manually edit the xbf so that the fire sequence is reduced to the number and frequency required, I did this during development of my EBFD mods. You can also disable the graphic sfx of firing which is needed for models like the ATR DUke Atreides unit which flashes four times but only fires twice (before the cycle repeats). This was also how I removed the flame effects from flame trooper, gas trooper and flame turret. It takes trial and error and unfortunately I have forgotten how I did it, but if you download my last mod you could look at the units and see what I changed. The biggest issue is that the XBF editor did not allow any real editing of animation bones or adding bits to models (you could delete bits).
  4. Medic cant be done, but the repair vehicle can repair infantry if the rules file is adjusted. Unfortunately no one around here anymore mods Emperor and even I have forgotten how to do it (12 months since I edited the rules files) but I think you have to set CanRepair = FALSE to CanRepair = True for each infantry that you want able to be healed by the repair vehicle. Cant remember whether I did this for House Corrino in my Conflict of the Landsraad final mod or not (I tried it out, cant remember whether I then junked the idea).
  5. Shouldnt the title of this subject be renamed as ...its almost ready...if its 2010!
  6. JulesG

    Kane's Wrath

    :O Watch out - according to all the C&C forums Kanes Wrath uses more memory in-game than the C&C3 specs of 512K, more like 640k. I have found the game to load slower (I have 2Gb RAM) and I had to drop the GFX to medium/high rather than high using my GeForce 7900GS. Dont play online just repeating campaign on HARD.
  7. Thats OK, it is just that some of us here have years of experience modding EBFD/Dune 2K and just havent bothered to attempt what you are doing with C&C3 - I know a lot of C&C 3 modders cut their teeth on Generals/ZH and LOTR/LOTRII and so have been able to pick up C&C 3 coding quickly. That means if you dont know (or are unsure) how EBFD does something just ask us. You could keep the Deviator as a "Chaos Tank" to match the Superweapon while the "real" deviator units are low cost - perhaps short range infantry with a green chemical deviator gas spray like DuneNewt suggested. I have been thinking about the issue of Carryalls for Harvesters - is it possible to automatically trigger Call-for-transport by an event, like the harvester being full and returning to base or are there no internal triggers you could use?
  8. ::) So actually you havent got it working - sorry ccgx you flamed us that we dont know how TW works because we dont know the lower order detail that the C&C 3 coders did not use that you have found out while modding it, we only know what may be capable from the game itself and from what other modders have so far come up with and released to the C&C community. However you obviously dont know how EBFD works either otherwise your colleague above wouldnt have to correct your previous comment concerning deviator code "as you understand it implemented and working". What you have at the moment is equivalent to EBFD "Beserk = True" statement as used in the Chaos weapon and in various mods as a unit weapon. Deviation as I described it is how it worked in EBFD and Dune2K - to balance the power of the weapon the time the unit was converted was short and the missiles were inaccurate with a long reload time as well as the unit being expensive but weakly armoured. An option you have is to give the mastermind ability to a low level Ordos unit that is cheap to produce but easy to kill so that they can mass convert the enemy(one each), but can be killed quickly. Such a "permanent style of enemy conversion" was part of the story before the last Emperor Worm mission where each house fights the other houses all "converted" to fight for Guild/Tleilaxu alliance. It would not be perfect (KW Mastermind mode is much closer) but it would at least be closer than a chaos style weapon. DuneNewt the Sardaukar tank in EBFD was just a standard Harkonnen one, the APC was a gunless smoothed off Atreides APC (the textures for which were the worst quality and size in the game). Arrakeen was one of the cities on the planet Arrakis, that had its sheildwall destroyed by Atomics by Paul Atreides when he attacked with his Fremen soldiers at the end of the first Dune book. So it should be Arrakian War(s) as in War of Arrakis
  9. Deviator gas = You have coded the ability to change multiple units (hit one after another by deviator missiles or by splash damage explosion) to Ordos side for a set time span? - If so well done. The units that EBFD fans will want are: Harkonnen Flamer If Harkonnen do not have an APC then need armed engineer, though many EBFD mods included a Hark APC unit Sardaukar - heavy machine gunner Sardaukar Elite dual weapon unit(laser and sword) Ordos Chem unit Ordos Mortar (high arc anti-infantry inaccurate high splash damage weapon) Atreides Kindjal (lower flight arc than mortar and much more accurate anti-vehicle weapon) Atreides Sniper General light infantry and rocket troops for two/three sides Fremen sniper Fremen Fedyakin (sonic weapon) Some may want a short range Deviator rocket trooper Some may want Dune2K Atreides Grenadier Leeches and Contaminators could be based on Scrin Corrupter weapon effects That would just leave Ix and Guild units to work out plus extra unit ideas like DuneNewts Choice of friendly houses = EBFD Skirmish/Multi-player mode. Set sub-houses to main house = EBFD campaign style play. Former better than latter.
  10. quote author=Dunenewt link=topic=20393.msg323449#msg323449 date=1203358789] I posted a topic on the thundermods forums. It would be nice to see Fremen as part of Atreides rather than a separate faction, and bring in Richese as a subhouse. A proper House Corrino would be nice as well For unit ideas: Harkonnen Inkvine Trooper - A unit armed with a pistol, and when it deploys, a Inkvine mortar. Ordos Deviator Infantry - Slow moving unit armed with very short range Deviator gas sprayer. Atreides Hawk Infantry - Infantry armed with the small sonic rifles. DuneNewt you need to understand that C&C 3 has limitations in its ability to code new capabilities, so what you ask is difficult - deploy mode does not really exist anymore in C&C 3. I am surprised that they have been able to code the Kobra mode of dual battle. The Devastator as in Dune2K is just a modified GDI Mammoth, much easier to build than Mechs, even the EA Devs didnt want mechs hence their reticence in putting Tiberian Sun mechs into Kanes Wrath (forced through by APOC). Deviator gas is probably possible due to the prescence of the Mastermind control function, though in C&C 3 it only enables one unit to be controlled at a time (Kanes Wrath extends this to a radius effect). Gas effects can use the harvester tiberium "gas effect" (which is green in TW even on Blue fields!) Mortars are available on the Pitbull but not as an infantry unit (flamers, beam weapons, rifles, grenades, snipers and rocket troopers are the norm) and not certain if this team is developing new infantry models. Sonic weapons are possible, hence the new Shatterer in KW but whether you can make the gfx effect smaller than a large weapon (as in gun turret in TW or shatterer in KW) I dont know, most modders in C&C3 just code small unit changes - and that is dificult, I gave up after coding walls back in and changing a few units around! As for factions - there arnt any in TW that is Kanes Wrath, so Fremen would have to be a "GDI = Atreides" infantry unit. As for the 3 main houses Atreides, Harkonnen and Ordos I will be interested to see how they do sub-houses. They will need to have a "sub-house unit" that can be built from three different buildings each aligned to the 3 main houses, but that will then assume you can build any house at any time unlike the three max sub-houses in EBFD... It will be thus interesting to see his reply to your last question...
  11. I could never get any extra mp3 files to work, if I added extra to the auido.bag it stopped me running EBFD, or the voices went out of synch. I would have liked to have had extra "voices" to have used in Conflict of the Landsraad, say from Dune2K but anyway no-one is modding Emperor now - everyone has moved on (to say C&C 3 etc). I come back occasionally - I did start an infantry only mod but there are not enough different infantry units in Emp to make it fun. I also got bored with the three sides I chose (Corrino, Guild and Tleilaxu). Now C&C 3 has lots of infantry models to use...but is SO difficult to mod!
  12. The game was balanced on all missions EXCLUDING the Emperor Worm one. I just made certain that it played (some other mods crashed on that mission). Anyway Landsraad may have been easier, however you try Corrino or Ix!
  13. Could someone sticky this topic as it will be useful for any person with non-english Emperor wanting to use any mod which has modified the strings folder (Conflict of the Landsraad, Imperial Civil War, Shai-hulud, Collapse of a Dynasty etc. Thanks JulesG
  14. My Mod includes: /data/sfx/ E_output_extra_text_pickups.txt --> rename this G_output_extra_text_pickups.txt E_output_pickup.txt ---> rename this G_output_pickup.txt E_output_text_pickup.txt --> rename this G_output_text_pickup.txt after that if there are any other errors tell me as it will be other files that the german version has appended G_ on the front of (the above one the E_ stands for english).
  15. Check whether you have duplicate SFX entries. All of my mod are UK-English ones and your text error is due to you having botha german one and my english one, so other differences will be SFX (and possibly edits made to correct Superweapons which is in another of the folders to do with speech).
  16. [Julesg mod] I have decided to abandon development of the mod - I am not enjoying creating it. I am also very busy at work and in my free time I am finding relaxing with C&C3 is much more fun than fiddling with the mod.
  17. No progress recently on mod as I have been playing C&C3 campaign mode. Thinking about previous comments: Missile Tank and Sonic Tank are both quite "weak" tanks in many ways so to buff up the snipertrike to same level of desirability I will make it stealthed, but the sniper gun will then become short range very-heavy damamge weapon. Corrino Devastator - A number of Hark missions airlift in Devs so perhaps instead of the dev we could have a second lightly armoured APC (in addition to heavy armoured sandcrawler APC) that carries an ATPillBox gun (longer range Sardaukar machinegun)...
  18. I like the weak engineer, it balances instant capture (unlike C&C Generals or BFMEII where armed units take time to capture). [MyMod] Busy at work (only Business Advisor, other two off sick and on hols) means I have had little time recently, however I found time to complete the rough building textures for all GUILD buildings (including GuPalace) on the CHOAM textures in COTL and create a new looking GuBarracks (derived from ATR barracks). All building damage models to do of course. Units for Guild ended up as: //GUILD Infantry Scout Chemical Trooper - as anti-contaminator unit Sniper with slow weaker lr weapon going to fast weaker lr weapon at tier 3 Engineer Plasma Mortar unit Heavy Beam Trooper - range reduced to 10 and anti-infantry effect reduced since first tests. Guild Captain with IMSardaukar machinegun GU Sandcrawler APC (campaign, non-build) GU Sandcrawler APC GuMaker with increased armour (Light) and health (now 1750) GuNIAB Tank (std unit) Just started inital work on Corrino and unit plans look to be: //CORRINO Infantry Scout - I wonder if this unit as a Sard should have at least a pistol... Flamer unit - as anti-contaminator unit Sardaukar Engineer Mortar Unit Heavy Flamer (campaign only non-build) Sardaukar Sniper which is a slow heavy damage lr weapon but no weapon upgrade at tier 3 Co Sandcrawler APC ADVSard Corrino General Corrino Terror Tank - thinking of what I did in my very first mod where I had a Devastator with Lasers and Hawk missiles...it slowness and if I make missiles and lasers short range would make it vulnerable to Guild Beam Troopers and Tleilaxu Deviator Kindjal or Deviator Leech.
  19. Ok lets start the talk about using guns... you said "AT light infantry with ATpillboxgun" and that Chem trooper uses one of the Ordos turret guns (not sure whether it is the gas turret or the popupgun turret). If you scroll through the RULEs file you will come to the listing of WARHEADS (eg HMG_W) which dictate the damage levels a bullet does by each type of armour (in %) then the BULLETS (eg HMG_B) which tell you the amount of damage a bullet does, splash area, speed, (-1 means instant hit), whether it is accurate (homing), damage to friendly units, sfx effects and what WARHEAD it uses. Next you come to WEAPONS eg [ATPILLBOXGUN] which determine the BULLET used, sfx effects, whether it has to reload (ornithopters only) AND ROTATION. All infantry weapons do not have ROTATION (Y is horizontal, X is vertical), so giving the ATR Infantry the ATPILLBOXGUN without disabling rotation (use // in front of the line to disable) allows the unit to fire while facing AWAY from the enemy! SUBHOUSES - IX and TL and GUILD I expect that Sniper disabled these three buildings search for [TLFLESHVAT] or [iXRESCENTRE] or [GUPALACE] look for a line //PrimaryBuilding = Remove the // and the buildings will be constructable again. The reverse process within each infantry definition eg [ATINFANTRY] will stop the production of that unit.
  20. OK where to start... ...hijacking the thread - fine with me if you release your mod to everyone it will be great to have two different versions of infantry games to play so carry on makes sense to discuss both in one thread especially as mine will be months before completion (see problem below). ...too many units - yup know that one! I tried adding in a mortar equivalent and sniper equivalent to each of the three sides, got messy AND broke my RULES/ARTINI files!!!! SO - take backups when it works, as the files easily break (I hadnt - woops pride comes before a fall!) I am now back to square one, decided to set Corrino as Hark replacements to speed up development, Guild will then be the good guys replacing ATR and story be they were duped by Tleilaxu... ....Why not keep the ATR sniper but give it the FRFremenGun rather than ATSniperGun (line is TurretAttach = ATSniperGun). No Engineers - means mod wont work in campaign unless you ensure each AT/OR engie is actually just a Hark (add TurretAttach = HKEngineerGun) and change the ARTINI from where it says the xbf = AT_engineer.xbf or xbf = OR_engineer.xbf to say = HK_engineer.xbf COTL ==== Installing COTL will erase all that you are doing. To stop this: You would need to protect your RULES and ARTINI file in DATA/MODEL directory by renaming to say Infantry-Artini, and Infantry-rules). Then you can install COTL, play it (and look at textures, units, rules etc for help with your design) copy any bits you want to keep to a separate WESTWOOD/COTL directory (I have loads of them!) and then use the uninstall to remove COTL. Once removed you need to run the Emperor fixer (see attachment) to return to std vanilla Emp. Then rename your Infantry-Artini, and Infantry-rules back to artini and rules, make any changes, add textures, unit directories etc if required and away your mod goes. To open xbf files you need a hexadecimal editor (Cygnus, XVI32 etc) and you must replace the text VERY CAREFULLY. Look at some of my units to see what I mean (change g_infantry_256.tif to say coinfantry_256.tif). fix EBFD after cotl mod.zip
  21. Sort of quicker on the draw... ...the SFX header of the ATInfantry has reference to a "cycle" of the unit in which it fires 6 times, while the SFX header of the HKLightInf has 9 firings. Infact with equal bullets, the HKLightInf outshoots the Sardaukar! This is why mixing unit animations and SFX headers with the editor goes messy, as they are all different lengths and we cant access the animations. To make all units available to all houses follow the mcv/harv examples: Take out the House definition line using // at the front of House = i.e: //House = Atreides then change each PrimaryBuilding line to: PrimaryBuilding = ATBarracks, ORBarracks, HKBarracks This sets each unit as a generic unit...enjoy
  22. I dropped Ixian infantry as the use of Mercenaries suited the fact that they were using modified Ordos mission scripts and then I could also use standard tanks across all three factions, with 100% Ix I had to use only Ix troops and Ix tanks (which I did trial in an earlier unreleased version of COTL) and that didnt fit so well.
  23. Any sub-house could have the ELITE = True veterancy tag if desired. Every house make any infantry unit from any other house? - Theoretically Yes, practically No, especially as Tleilaxu are using "clones" or fleshvat units it would seem odd. A better solution is that the Sub-house units offer a mix of any 3 house style units so that you can effectively "mix and match" so Hark could have Flamer + LR InkVine Missile, Atr have weak sniper + mortar, fremen stealthed: adv and short range killer-rifle, Ordos have Chemical trooper and Saboteur (or EITS/Sabo) and last side (To be decided) two other units (To be decided). All of these could then go up to ELITE status and then "pass it on" when they return to their respective barracks.
  24. :) I like your thinking... Missile Tank in. Sonic Tank in. Orni in. what about a Sniper Sandtrike? the Corrino and Tleilaxu would then buy these as they dont have a sniper
  25. I was not thinking of using the CHOAM [beam] Tank from COTL, (I just loved that unit which was originally created for the Guild side before Landsraad replaced them in the final COTL version), it was to be very generic units say: Sandtrike, Quad, Flame-tank, Kobra and Ornithopter(Gunship) available to all three sides, so only Quad would offer some AA (or not). I am open to discussion on which 5 units to offer via Starport. On the progress of the mod I built a new Barracks for Guild (cut-down of ATRs) and for Tleilaxu (cutdown OR, which I probably now wont use), and setup the Tleilaxu units including a medium strength Contaminator (bit better than std Emp) and it wiped the floor of the Corrino AI! So I then created a 3rd level veteran (with Bomb) as Campaign reinforcement - this murdered Corrino on first mission! So in an infantry mod the Contaminator must be cut right down to size (I ended up just using it and not bothering with the Fremen or Sard clones). I also tried out the deviator fast engineer - way too overpowered, and speed not right in conjuction with Contaminators. So I was thinking of changing things around: TLFleshVat replaces ORBarracks are list of units (reinforcements NOT buildable for TL) then becomes: Stealthedwhenstill mini-Leech Scout (no weapon) Contaminator (now cheap otherwise same as std Emp as first cannon-fodder unit) Then have campaign only re-inforcement - 3rd Level Contaminator with Bomb (not trained) Human clone Engineer CAMPAIGN only (non build)(fast but very weak and no weapon) not from tLFleshVat Mortar Leech with poison splat Then from TLResearchCentre (modded ORHanger) Human clone Engineer (no weapon) Sard Clone with Steathedwhenstill (but with short range machine-gun too make it play different from Corrino Sards) Fremen ADV Clone (short range sonic) with stealthedwhenstill (real Fremen will have full stealth in this mod) TLTransport APC Guild Maker clone (with longer range sonic voice) Human clone Kindjal Deviator Superweapon = TLDeviatorSuperGun Superweapon Infantry = Walking superbomb with radioactive splat I suggest Sard clone, fremen clone and GuMaker clones can level up to become 3rd Level veteran ELITES and return to ResearchCentre to "trainup" future units.
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