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Everything posted by mordusxxx

  1. WHATS UP NATHAN! long time no see man, my first member of SKUM2 lol how yah been? and wheres brennq at? get back to me bro
  2. ive been playing alot of wow lately, tried getting on wow, but the cd i had was broken, dont know any torrents to download it from but would willing to come back and play if sendakon brought is nub FEW skills around =) hey everyone else sorry its been so long dropping in just real life things... kids, work, yeah anyways hope to see yah all soon
  3. Merry xmas guys and gals, its been along road to victory =P just playing, hope yal are safe and having a good day ;D
  4. got a new computer loaded emp up, got the patch, but when i try to set the xwiss thing for ra's server it wont keep the numbers into the slots, also windows 7 really sucks for emp.... keeps lagging erasing my guys then making them reappear idk its messed up, i'd like to play but cant get the damn serial number for ra's server to stay in the little engine, any ideas?
  5. im basically going to play wow on it and maybe some other low key games. But thankw for the info i most likely will buy a new vid card in the future. thanks andrew and everyone else ;D
  6. Intel Core 2 Duo 3.33GHz Processor w/1333MHz FSB 4GB RAM 500GB Hard Drive DVD+/-RW Optical Drive 256MB High Performance Digital Video 22" LCD Digital Flat Panel Speaker Bar for Flat Panel XP Pro or Windows 7 Pro - your choice PC Tools Spyware Doctor w/Antivirus 1 Yr USB Keyboard / Optical Mouse 3 Year Warranty this is what im getting sounds decent?
  7. I'm not that intelligent about what systems will run what, thats why I was just curious to know if it was feasible to even take the time to load the games i'd be playing. the old computer i had about seven years old played emperor and world of warcraft just fine..lol so thats all i was really asking. as far as new new games, i dont know if im going to be even interested in something new.
  8. thats all i know about it guys, its a normal desktop computer brand new. intel core 2 duo. dont know the sepcifications on it or anything. Most likely its like millions of other dell computers with the same cpu in it. Just curious as if anyone knows what they actually put in them factory wise, and if it would be able to run games okay, not looking for a dominant gaming system, just something that will let me play comfortably.
  9. is this a computer i will be able to game on? 3M cache 1066 mhz fsb not sure what video card or anything else just curious if anyone has any ideas.
  10. hey blob wassup. Rostok and sendakon wtf is up guys long time no see ive been without a computer for around eight months now but in about three months i will be back to allllll games and then some. I really do miss the great games and conversations we have had over the years so im looking forward to getting it back. Hope to see you all in the near future.SKUM4LIFE oh ros ur still and aussie abo fag in my book :P
  11. i was just kidding as long as there is people to play this game it will never die... I have been away for a few months here and there but i will never quit. Nor will countless others. skum for ever!
  12. why would anyone want to play this game.... I mean its like old! and requires no skillz :O
  13. so the system security on this computer will not let me do anything... everytime i try to remove a program or even install something the security alert comes on and says its infected... any ideas on how to remove it manually so i can get a real virus scanner? this is really annoying.
  14. Basically if this was Bush presenting it, everyone would get pitchforks and march on DC. But since it is obama and he is doubling debt-gdp ratio from 41% to 82%, that is ok. Couldnt of said it better myself... Its not enough the mass public do not understand Obama is a puppet, they turn there backs to the fact hes throwing away more money then Bush.
  15. I agree with everything spaze said, just dont have the resources at my disposal or i would make the world how people would like it to be rather then how a few rich fcks do. Its all breads and circuses, give the people food and entertainment and let them live... you know its not half bad when you choose what entertainment and food you eat, but when everything is all stereotyped and catergorized it makes things so much more difficult. The last thing im going to say on this topic is that we are human beings with free thought and will. Do as you see fit that stays in the boundries of human nature, dont wrong people and hurt there souls and you will be a happy person. AND KEEP EMP ALIVE!!! HARKGOD FOR LIFE!!!!
  16. the only optimisim there spicy is the fact people always look at the bad parts in life. i know the old chiche of you never know if its your last day is pretty cheesey considering you dont wake up in the morning and be like damn im alive, just think if life was like the movies, death corruption, hunger, all mixed into one in everyones lives... we have it pretty easy compared to the olden days of slaughtering your meal and walking to the wells. IDk though life sucks but atleast your able to wake up at three in the morning and make a sandwhich, or watch a funny movie and laugh, the keyword in all of this is the simplicity of it all... we are a product of our own enviroments, and if we choose to be peices of chit then thats what we will be. just smile =) everything will be alright. ;D
  17. Well to start off kindjal whats up man long time its been. Life is crazy dude. we all know that... work is work, you have to do it to survive, if you dont then sell drugs or live with your parents? thats all there is really left unless you win the lotto. The only good thing i can tell you that will come from what your doing now is that you will learn to appreciate things much more then when you were a kid. The little things are what counts bud, just remember that, sometimes you just have to conform to the life thats around you to survive... you'll turn out well though man just think that your going to be something and strive forward! =)
  18. i will be your partner limiano...
  19. I stop playing computer for a few months and you start another tournement damnit voodoo!!!!! I'll have to get in on the next one alot of new and old faces alike sprouting around... looks (fun) lol SKUM 4 LIFE!
  20. i dont get it. why are they impressive? there just pins for games.
  21. so i cant burn any cd's or use my cd drives for anything, computer says i dont have them anymore. also ive tried going back to a recent point in my computer to use them, but it wont let me go back any further then a week.. i dont have my cd's for the drivers and i dont know what to do any suggestions?
  22. glad you mentioned my name spaze... you suck anyways, couldnt even play against me in the tourny.
  23. um i sent viking a message to ask when he wanted to play... not my fault he didnt respond.
  24. Honestly if you dont like the game speed dont play, thats what makes the game so strategic, is the speed you dont have time to build out a long drawn battle, you have to defend the oncoming zerg of units, the time you spend defending or attacking at the beginning is your time to plan out what you want to do in the game, honestly i think you should just try something a bit slower and leave the dune community to the ones that can handle the speed =) gl in your endevour.
  25. Pretty cool to get our hopes up and just leave us hanging... we tried guys we tried.. :'( :'(
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