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  1. Hey guys its me....my dad put some gay pass on his comp and said i cant install any games. Ive been tryin to sneak emp back on the comp ever since i found my install disc. My brother also wont let me use his comp. I just remembered the site today and wanted to say hi. -Die4Honr
  2. if all these people think bush is stupid or dumb then why was he elected president...he obviously did something right, i mean who cares if he is just finishing off what his daddy started. i say he relieved the world of a threat that was getting stronger by the day i mean who could imagine if saddam got his hands on nukes
  3. the only thing i have t say is i hope it doesnt happen in my lifetime
  4. what would it hurt huh? better safe then sorry
  5. as ialways it is safer to believe in something than nothing
  6. be nice nav u dont wanna go scaring him off do u???? [hide]save some for every1[/hide]
  7. broccolli has 2 votesand it isnt on top oh yea and im suprised no1 liked m nickname >:( >:( (J/K)
  8. well if u ever see me on i would be happy to train u etc just look for die4honr(my tag should read FEW***)
  9. well i always have to quit because my dad makes me walk the goddamn dog or something that his fat ass cant do but wha i really hate is when i am marching to kill the guy and he is like " Nick i think uve had enough time ands i think its my turn" and then he stays on until 3:00AM and looks at porno and when i find it on the computer and confront him he blames it on me
  10. its worth a try isnt it?
  11. i totally like empy better but what use is it on an EMP forum where every1 that visits is an emp fr33k there are none to say anything for generals
  12. die4honr
  13. isnt navaros cyrenius??
  14. ive heard that Atlantis was so technologically advanced that they had nuclear capabilities
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