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Everything posted by Scorpius

  1. Is there a way to convert the music files from 22050 to 44100? I seem to have a lot of problems converting it.. and my stupid CD-RW can't burn files encoded at 22050. *mumbles angrily*
  2. I am trying to create my own playlist for E:BFD. I make a BAG file and put it in place of the original (leaving the original in a safe spot). Then I go into the CommonMusic.txt file to make a few changes. I think I did most of it right but because this is a program, its all or nothing. The text file is attached. any hints or suggestions?[attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  3. I always thought it was Galach (You know, the language of the empire?)
  4. I have the exact same issue the new maps do not show up anywhere.. I even reinstalled Emperor and made sure I updated the game in correct order. I know I have the maps in ...EmperorData section I don't know what to do now. any suggestions?Im also questioning whether the patches even worked is there any way to check the version number because I cant seem to find it anywhere in the game.
  5. I do have a life by the way ;D... I just enjoyed writing it... a little too much... ;)
  6. Okay, this may be overly detailed and I know a few things are mispelled but here's my entry. House Arbon Hailing from Helio Prime Helio Prime is a harsh, volcanically active planet. Atmosphere is very poisonous due to the amount of toxic gasses poured into the atmosphere. It is that atmosphere that is its biggest commodity. The refinement of the gasses powers generators and is a fundamental part in the function of glowglobes. Because the atmosphere is so dangerous to life, the residents of Helio Prime live in a subterranean network of tunnels caves and some surface dwellings. Similar to House Vernius but not as massive because the population is relatively small compared to other houses in the Lansaraad. Government This house has no official leader, rather a collection of provinces that govern the world like a commonwealth. Society is arranged in a caste system. This caste system is based on importance of one
  7. Before I post anything.. Do I just post my house details here in this thread? Or is there some kind of procedure, since moderation seems a bit tight around here : )
  8. I would like to see a fourth house in the game. maybe the Grumman (Im not sure if they're a house or not but they seem strong enough to make a good house) and insnt House Ix really House Verinus? (sp?)
  9. They're hardly shoot em up, so far I've read House Atreides and most of House Harkonnen and there are only a few scenes which I can think of that are action scenes. Most is political and plot development.
  10. For Some reason, I can't play the map packs. It says I installed them but they do not appear in the map list in skirmish or multiplayer. Could the problem be that the file in which the game is located is called Dune instead of Emperor (For some reason I had to be a genius and change the name) ::) And I'm pretty sure I have version 1.9
  11. Whats wrong with the Atreides? I thought they were the most powerful house in the game. the Mino is great in groups and the mongoose can do awesome damage when used right and the Sonic tank is the most devastating piece of machinery in the entire game... of course you all know multiplayer better than I do so I could be wrong.
  12. What really sucked about the Emperor plot was it was essentially exactly the same for every house, now if each house had a different plotline that eventually fit into the ending, it would be awesome but... I agree, the ending was weak.
  13. I just suck at the game, I can only play the AI, I have no tricks.
  14. Like the topic says, how do the Ordos fit into the actual Dune books? Do they even make any appearence or are they a creation of Westwood?
  15. Hey, Im new to the forums and I need some strategies for Emperor. I'm playing the Harkonnen campaign and Im attacking Caladan. How do I defend against the Fedaykin without loosing most of my armor units? because if you've been there, you would know that they don't give you a whole lot of time to prepare for the fremen attack.. or maybe its me..
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