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Everything posted by belbincolne

  1. 209 downloads

    Goal: We have twenty one years to rebuild our countries decrepit railways and make our sugar industry prosperous once more. Comrade Mao I ask you, in fraternal friendship, to aid the great Cuban revolution to the best of your abilities. By the end of 1980 we must connect every city and earn an industrial revenue of $10million. This will earn you a Gold Medal and the grateful thanks of the people of Cuba. Failure will, as you would expect, get you nothing. You must also commence building from our Havana rail, and cannot build any discontinuous track. Oh, and one other little thing. We cannot afford electricity so it's steam or diesel only I'm afraid. Author's Comments: Fidel has taken Cuba over removing Batista and the Yanqui capitalists and their vice empire. Now he is calling on Chairman Mao to help in rebuilding the railroads and sugar industry.
  2. Hi DV - long time since this forum was active. Can I suggest you also posto onto http://hawkdawg.com/ which seems to be the only active RT3 site now
  3. There's hundreds of posts on this around. For example one I found quickly is http://www.expressworldforum.com/forum/index.php?topic=468.0
  4. This is an Industry Scenario. Build a Tool & Die where there is Iron and Coal together (using a Bond and Stock Issue). Later you will be able to build a Steel Mill in this area (when, or before, message re T&Ds needing steel not iron comes up) and you can build other industries like Textiles. Lay rails with care and don't expand too fast so that you have no cash for industries. I finished 5 years early on both Normal and afterwards on Expert.
  5. Yes it is nice to see new members so Welcome - and however long you've been playing you keep learning new things - like the shift click method of inserting a station which I've been doing the old/hard way as described above for years. One of the great things about RT3 is the number of user built scenarios which makes the game virtually inexhaustible so if you heven't got any yet there's scores available when you've beaten all those in the game as supplied.
  6. Hi Gw. Played this twice and 2nd time I got close. Missed out on loads (only 515) and CBV ($6.5) took me another 14 months to get loads by which time CBV was over $8m. Nice idea but a few oddities occur - like lines to some places are real hard to place for no apparent reason but when you do succeed and place a station it says connected - and you can run trains - but no station shows up on the map! Anyway as I hate long scenarios this one suits me fine ;D ;D ;D
  7. No Hawks map is an RT3 one and is someones own creation not a PopTop one - don't know who I'm afraid.
  8. See Pennsylvania topic for why I've giot the following but I hope it answers your query! Campaign Eleven: Argentina Haul 350 loads meat, 200 wool, 100 grain and have Industry Profits of $25m in 30 years What a relief to find another easy campaign. I found little difference between Easy & Hard
  9. Looks like the following (As a nerd I used to make notes on how to win every scenarion on Expert but there are now so many I've stopped trying!) Pensylvania 1855 Carry 1500 loads oil, 750 coal & iron, 500 steel plus revenue $1billion and PNW $250m in 50 years The AI
  10. It is correct that you will get the dividend as you would expect but this answer is not quite as simple if you are substantially in debt. I've posted on this on several RT3 boards and no-one has been able to figure out why - or say it doesn't happen to them. To give an (slightly exaggereated) example: I've borrowed $2m and bought 100% of my company shares. I have virtually no borrowing capacity left so to get back into the black I increase dividends to (lets be realistic) $500k. A year later my borrowings should have reduced to about $1.5m. But - in these circumstances - they scarcely alter. It's suggested that its because you pay interest on the loan, which would be fair enough, and ways of finding out what that interest rate is have been suggested but, in my example, it would have to be 25% and no-one has suggested anything anywhere near that high. I've had examples where the interest rate would have to be nearly 100%. Afraid I can't give a real example without checking through every active RT3 board and can't even remember what I titled my query. The only time when its worth going through such major borrowing is if PNW or taking over all competitors is a scenario target but if you're playing one of these and reach a time when this is a possible option try it and see what happens! (Save the game first so you can go back and play it more sensibly after you've had all your shares sold for you because the game seems to have an inbuilt factor that if you've 99% borrowings your share price will have a major fall!)
  11. The way it works is if F1 selling price is $5 and F2 $6 and F3 $7 with station wanting produce paying $10. Then F1 sells to F2 who sells to F3 who sells it all to Stn. But this rarely if ever happens - all 3 F are likely to be $5 in which case F1 wont load because it doesn't know Stn will pay $10. If it does happen then loads are on and off all the time which is why (if the distances are not too great) its just as quick to go F1-Stn-F2-Stn etc. In early days I nearly always run trains this way if the trains are costing (say $100,000) a lot because there isn't normally much cargo and you can afford to run one train and have 3 stations and do pretty well - one reason AI's go bust is that they practically always start with 2 stations and 2 trains and run empty most of the time on a 0/4 consist.
  12. The intention is that trains only stop when necessary. There have been bugs in some scenarios but I think you should discount this and carry on as you are doing as you seem to be getting the spacing right.
  13. You can't. In fact as the price at farm2 is unlikely to be higher than at 1 you may never pick anything up. You can try by setting only 2 cars on corn at farm1 4 at farm2 and 6 at farm3 but you'll be very lucky if it works. Best way (if you can't afford 3 cheap trains) iis to run the train with a minimum consist of 2 (max 8 if you like) F1 - destination - F2 - destn - F3 - destn.
  14. Interesting - On Normal I've got to 1890 without any handouts and probably already have over 100 trains and have connected 80 of the 90 stations required but with annl divs of $1.3m (and one of $1.7m) things have got very tough. Tried Hotels to reduce my overheads but (with a few exceptions) these haven't paid off. Of course the last 10 towns need tunnels costing around $3m each and entry to other countries so times are getting hard. Until now the debt caused by dividend payment has been paid off in the first 6 months but on my only try since 1890 I couldn't get into the black and by 1900 when I quit I was $5m in debt - I took a handout and was given $1m :( :( :( - any advice as to how to proceed from my last 1890 save?
  15. O/K went to Expert and solely Industried for a while so got Gold quickly. Played on and connected two of three towns so was still Gold at next stage. The war however seemed impossible to negotiate - No troops anywhere on map and places supplying weapons and ammo had nil stock - likewise alcohol. There's umpteen breweries on the map but few grain farms so only one could produce alcohol and by the time I'd been able to connect it to the farms & Melbourne without bonds the war was over. I hadn't cash to try to run steel etc to any weapons and ammo factories but weapons needed rubber and there's none on the map. Consequently I don't know how anyone can get through this stage although I have to admit that my worst skill in RT3 is getting connecting industries going i.e. to get coal and iron to steel mills and thence on to weapons/auto factories. Similiarly rubber to tyre mfr and then on to auto and so on. Never seem to be any good at this because it takes so long to set up the supply lines (and usely they're ludicrously unprofitable) that I've lost interest and (as in this case) by the time the supply has worked through the demand has passed anyway. Connecting to Sydney. Made it in last year but no idea whether I got any points for it as the Almanac always changes at end of last year (should be one year(actually month) later) and during this period the Ledger gives out no info anyway. Now trying to create electricity - there's two established steel mills in the area and they grab most of the coal so cant get anywhere near enough power to get any points even though I built a second plant way out west to use Mt Gambier coal with lines solely running coal to it. Two points. (1) I think theres too many trains and you should reduce the number available and (2) Historical Intro - no rails in Vic. If I remember correctly every Aussie State used its own gauge until standardisation. Why not alter to all rails have to be rebuilt to standard gauge and place a station in Melbourne so the scenario's more historically accurate. Mind you I cant remember which year standardisation came in and suspect that it was all the other states had to come in line with Vic but then!
  16. Played this quickly on Normal/no extra players. Built a textile mill up North and that was it! Waste of time railing (although I did). Got Gold before end Phase1 so why play on? Got a point for profit every year except first (and if I hadn't railed I'd have got it that year) and a point for being debt free. Initial target therefore needs to be a lot harder (or have less money so you have to borrow to build industry). Also the profit at end of year is different on each of the three sources - Ledger (it's the current year - ie a minus figure), Advise - I think this is correct, and in the Income statement of Company Overview - which certainly ought to be correct. Hope this helps.
  17. I've had a couple of tries at short selling and - like GWizz - never made much money out of it. In theory it should work fine but in fact it doesn't seem to.
  18. All the Forums are more than a bit quiet - several of us have software problems - this site takes forever to load so presumably lots of people have given up and everyone expects Gathering to collapse again!
  19. Got a bit better now - well sometimes!! Gathering is also back although not working too well as won't allow notifications - is this to try to prevent more bugs?
  20. Can only agree with this - particularly with Gathering also up the creek again.
  21. This is my first attempt at a scenario so I hope it will pass muster amongst you experts. It
  22. Hi ddu - there's most of the discussion on this on the Gathering forum which is now back on line. I did really well by starting where there was three cotton farms in close proximity and building a textile mill nearby. It was in East Africa somewhere so you had to spend $1m to get access first. Can't remember much after that except that I mostly built rather than buying farms except late on I bought uranium mines and built a nuclear power plant or two nearby (obviously I was rolling in money then). A Dairy near milk is also a good earner. I didn't rush to extend beyond my original country and never built a railroad line. You need to get in early buying stock in the AIs and when you take them over its a cheap way of getting access rights even if the AI itself is a failure.
  23. Well I finally got this downloaded and looks good and plays o/k despite the complaints on the Gathering site. As this is bugged to death. I can't see what the other complaints about the CtoC scenario itself were but I found two problems. One was that over the hills east of San Diego you can't lay track "over Water" despite there not even being a river there. The other may be because I played on after 20 years just to see how long it would take me to reach gold and when I'd got my $25m revenue (25 years) I still couldn't get into the last area so could never complete the scenario. (Previous attempt I got in easily by taking over a failing AI there but this time it was far too profitable). Since CtoC and patch1.05(?) AI's seem to be capable of much better play!
  24. Every entry seems to have been hal(ked by the NYPD. Anyone know whats going on?
  25. Well using your above notes I had my second try - equally disastrous as I got nothing but I was awful near Silver - 111704 acres against 120k and 493 fertiliser against 500 so another year might have got me there (but then again it might not - building useless lines to green is mighty costly!) A few comments for you to think about. Bonestall needs business - but the business I put there just lost money. It also never wanted aluminium. The towns in the south-west similiarly never had a demand to get greenhouses despite trying to run coinsist trains, Echus/Sacra Dom had no demand for either. Thasris/Uranius had no demand plastic. Trains run uphill just as slowly as on earth - possibly slower because they are always pulling 8 wagons and on grades like this I'd normally put a 4 or 6 maximum. I ran electric but wonder if the extra cost of the lines outweighed the faster/cheaper trains benefit. As you said trains do wear out fast! Anyway I still enjoyed playing it :D
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