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Everything posted by katnip03

  1. I would seriously be playing it now only thing is....my CD and computer are on their way to Australia!! Cause I am moving back home....once I am there, I will be back online. Haven't played in a while....Also having an XP issue....but that can be fixed. Peace, Katnip :)
  2. omg...not much scares me but when I am sitting in a house by myself on the eve of halloween that one surely had my heart racing!!
  3. I am against experiments on anything living, be it human, animal or plant. Anything. We are really messing with stuff that we shouldn't be messing with.
  4. They are smart. And without them, where would we even be today?
  5. freaky stuff. I don't know much about all of this but if it happens we are in a world of hurt. Not to mention everything else we don't know...it is just getting too freaky.
  6. I agree that nothing is proven. But some of us like to have something or someone to look up to, or to feel like they are there for us, for example God. And being raised christian, my opinion is that there has to be a God. If there isn't, well I was wrong. I am not here to prove anything, but that is just my opinion.
  7. God I finally got through that game and tried to do it again and I can't lol
  8. No, I have also been to college. It is just that no matter what anyone says, you always have a better answer.
  9. wtf is nod? I have no idea
  10. The other day when I speared my thumb with a utensil that went in nearly an inch....right through. God that hurt. But it isn't the most painful...tearing a hamstring is pretty bad too. Ouch.
  11. Nobody knows if it is or isn't, and noone ever will know. It is just one of those mysterious things.
  12. [quote author=Acriku
  13. well then that makes you much better than me, doesn't it?
  14. and saying how much he enjoyed it..... :P
  15. lol. well we share DNA with them, so you never know what they could end up doing. :)
  16. I just believe that it couldn't have all just 'started' without something or someone starting it. Not that I think God is anything like us humans, I think God is more like a 'being' and well, who really knows but I just find it hard to believe that all of the planets and galaxies and all of everything could just start from nothing.
  17. I would simmsy but since you IM'd me and told me to eat pussy or whatever those kind words were it has not put me in the mood to play online at all, since people like you who don't even know me, feel you need to IM me cusswords, just to be funny?
  18. If I share DNA with a banana....nevermind. I think God caused evolution. Something had to start everything.
  19. please.....be honest. there is nothing worse than people who try too hard to impress. if it isn't meant to be, then it isn't meant to be.
  20. some people will say anything to start a flame war
  21. And humans don't, Acriku?
  22. Some women really irritate me with the way they use babies and pregnancy to get what they want.
  23. animals only kill to feed themselves. the point is, they DON'T have the resources. I don't believe humans should have the resources either, since we are so irresponsible with what we do have. animals just do what they need to do to survive. How would you know that they would kill 3000 of their own?
  24. Sick as it sounds, he is enjoying every bit of media and police attention, and it is giving him an adrenaline rush just to kill a random stranger.
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