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Everything posted by i0nflex

  1. this guy never showed up waited a half hour no show Match 8: i0nflex - ionflex - 26th of Jan. - 9:00am GMT acidpoptart - AcidPopTart - 26th of Jan. - 11:00am GMT
  2. count me in nickname: ionflex location: california PST
  3. I got the Beta and u better have your cpu to there specs just the main menu pushes your machine a lot. They may not release the game on FEB 11 they still have a couple of issues to work out and may release it later in feb. Its a good game with a lot of little things u can do to win. Heres a tip if your the usa build aurora bombers and humvee rush and go for supply drops as soon as u get a strategy center and make sure u UPGRADE and use your promotions when u get them. AMD Athlon XP 2200 Windows XP Home Edition DirectX 9.0 512MB DDR PC2700 RAM 100GB Hard drive ASUS GeForce 4 Ti4600 128MB Video Card Sound Blaster Audigy Platinum 2
  4. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  5. Well bilbo is bilbo and he is the Biggest Ducker of Australia LMAO ;D (yes the ducker is my friend) If u guys see him tell him I said wsup DUCKER since i am too busy playing C&C Generals beta and hobbtz will never come back cause hobbtz got hacked (i wonder who did that ;)) And if u guys think u can beat him play him and let him talk shit to you dont be a puss, even if its on his setts. YES u probably can kick his ass on qm setts but thats the setts YOU play right. So if you puss out on 30k setts and he doesnt want to play you on Qm setts whats the difference between you and him your both DUCKERS. bilbo is one of the better players of emp along with the rest of them (you know who was good and who was not) every emp player is beatable, so if u do beat one of the better players of emp u should go buy your self a donut!!! so what i suggest with bilbo or any person u cant agree on setts is to improvise and play in the middle (15k) and actually play some games on the server instead of being DUCKERS yes bilbo will call u a puss and talk hella shit to you, but dont let him punk you, talk shit back to him and stop being a vagina!!! and take it into the game. he probably wont talk shit to you after u play him and he may even may be nice to you after u play him. unless u suck then u deserve it. ;D well thats my two cents and probably my longest post ever. my goal of this post is to actually get games going on emp. ionflex
  6. well bilbo is not from australia hes from the USA :P or else he be calling u a wanker or some shit like that. lol LMAO Bilbo u one funny ducker ;D
  7. u cheatin ass mofo ;D (dedicated to nav LMAO ding dong the crack is gone) ;D
  8. he only cheats when i play him :P ;D
  9. next time when i play AVATAR: kick his ass and poop on him. ;D lol
  10. LOL ;D
  11. yes elite i signed up ;D
  12. WC3 sucks waste of money best players that i haved played in emp are zaeblovse,xvayne,cerb,acelethal,thoxen,elite47,maxpower,emprworm, avatar,bilbo,desertway, and i cant think of anymore people these are the people that i haved played and that I consider to be some of emps better players. i0nflex
  13. wsup comming back next month c ya guys on the sand
  14. cool site vilgent i0nflex
  15. hey i was wondering whats all of ur guys names on warcraft3 so i can look for u guys im still i0nflex on warcraft3 hope to see u guys there p.s (emperor still rocks)
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