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Everything posted by cochonou

  1. Oh, by the way, I happen to remember that the drive didn't work any longer than 10 months was indeed a Samsung :)
  2. You know, CD-ROM drives have usually quite a short lifespan... most experience read errors after 2 years, and can hardly read anything after 3.5 - 4 years. (I've even had a drive die on me afer just 10 months). It is VERY unlikely that the game or any other application has to do with the death of your drive, even if you hadn't run the game, it would probably have broken at the firstlarge CD to HD file copy anyway.
  3. Indeed, FED2K is (and has always been...) the best website dedicated to dune games... Even if most of the people who come here are only interested by Westwood games, I think this website main strength lies in its wide coverage of everything that is related to the Dune universe (and of course, the dedication of its webmasters). Futhermore, FED2K is one of the very few sites that know how to focus on CONTENT before everything else.
  4. Hum... actually I fear the worst, I don't know if an action/adventure game in the Dune setting would be really interesting... A first person shooter in the desert ? It's quite a shame they didn't use the same concept they used with the first Dune game, which was a real masterpiece (and one of the best games in computer history IMO)
  5. Well, I don't really know about the phone charges in your country, but here, "free" internet with a local number is actually one of the most expensive options
  6. It also seems the battle will not only take place on Dune, but on Caladan, Giedi Prime and whatever is called the Ordos planet. Even if I had first thought that the battle scenes on ice were taking place in th epolar regions of dune, they are more likely to actually take place on the Ordos planet, while the scenes with mus would be on Caladan and the scenes with red ground on Giedi Prime.
  7. Edric, you can like both the Dune novels and the Westwood Dune games...
  8. No matter how great the books are, it's not a bad thing if they don't stick to the novels and just use them as a "background theme". To make this game successfull, they have to include unique and original units, and they can't really do that if they remain true to the novels...
  9. What would be interesting to know is the computer they used to record the movie. Ground control is a very good game, but you only get to play with a rather limited number of units... and still, the game crawls on most computers when the combat is engaged.
  10. Thanks a lot Gobalopper... You know, with such a great content on yout site, it is almost impossible to forget it. :)
  11. The novel House Harkonnen has just come out, and it won't be translated into my native language before a long time. I could read the novel in English, however I'm reluctant to do so just to find that the book turns out to be just uninteresting. I've had mixed feelings about House Atreides... by itself, the book wasn't bad, however it didn't really stand the comparaison to the original dune books, and I just couldn't find in the book what made me love so much novels like the Emperor God of Dune. It was like a Dune fix without the flavour. So, any thoughts about it ?
  12. If you REALLY want it, I might have the original Dune disks laying somewhere... However, the game has a copy protecion, when it starts it asks questions like "which page of the manual is this picture printed on", etc... I could also scan the manual, but I think there are several cracks available on the net. And BTW, It's is the French version ;)
  13. Indeed, the just released movie is going to bring a lot of new attention to the dune games, and even dune universe in general. It's probably going to be a "new age" of popularity for FED2K, do it would be the right time to adopt a new layout. However, the current layout is very clean and functionnal, something that often lacks in the graphical/java/flash intensive layouts of several other sites. If a new layout were to be adopted, I hope it would remain as clean as the current one.
  14. Get it from www.red2.org instead.
  15. Which Leto are you talking about ? The father of Paul Atreides, or his son, the God-Emperor ?
  16. Shaddam, you should try to play the original Dune, IMO it's one of the best games ever made. If you want more info about it, check mobygames.com
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