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Everything posted by xvayne

  1. xvayne


    sry but i only installed emperor to play it every now and then. i run a clan that plays sof2, cod uo in leagues, and is at the top of them now, requires alot of scrimming, practice, running over strats, getting people sorted with leagues, running a server, checking for hackers, reporting hackers to pb.
  2. xvayne


    yeah, for cod i run {SPD} clan. we are 1 for ogl ctf, and 2 for domination. got ts, or site www.smoothpimps.com if you play cod alot, and are looking for a clan, and are good, hit me up. my xfire name is xvayne. msn is xvayne@msn.com. havent played emperor much, got rome total war, and its sweet, been playiung that and cod lately.
  3. xvayne


    played my first games, and got rolled bad, lol. was good fun though
  4. xvayne


    cool, i try to get it installed for the week end. im eastern time usa. its too bad this game isnt popular as others, its by far the most fun rts i have played. i been playing tribe vengence, cod uo, sof2, dawn of war(havent got into it too much yet). generals was a let down, imo.
  5. xvayne


    Does any still play this game, saw it in my draw, and was thinking of putting it back on. Hi to every one who rememebers me, and hy tot he rest.
  6. Hye im on genrals right now under the name xvayne. 53-3 right now with gla, and its alot of fun. Only problem with generals right now is the dcing, if some one dcs you the game just washes,a nd you both get a dc on your record, which is lame. Also, look at those 100-0 guys, go to their persona, and see how many dcs they have, each dc could be a bail on their part.
  7. when the ends there will be 2 things left, cockroaches and emperor :)
  8. it doesnt use old ww accounts, just make new one, and check the generals board, there is acouple threads for a solution.
  9. if you cant login in, its because if you have a games spy account, with a pw, it needs to be same as your generals one. I like the game, it isnt like ra2, the graphics are sweet, on my pc any ways, their is alot of deapth in the sides, and alot of tatics to be found. Go to the generals forums, there is more info there on how to solve your connection probs, and make sure your fire wall is off. And elite empty your mailbox mofo :)
  10. Nothing beats a flame war, emperor style :)
  11. Hmm, i wonder why thoxen ip address during the hack time was the same as cables, hmmm.
  12. Well i played for over a yr, and i would say ordos is the strongest house. I have played all the houses, and found ordos to be the best. I dont think gob is talking with subs, but even if he was ordos are by far the greatest. Second would be hark, and atr i would say be last. Thast just me though :)
  13. the list was taken form the 12pm westwood time. This is when ww closed the ladders, not once the new one started. All you see after that time doesnt count, and never did count before when ww was here.
  14. sry, roto left your name out. The list was 10 mins early simply because i had to go at 3pm. And i check then, and no had played. Sry again roto, just delete your name by mistake ;)
  15. Well they played, so the champs are the champs.
  16. Ok, heres the list, the only ones being left out where the ips, if any ha any other evidence that proves some one of cheating this month post it here for the community to decide on. Ordos 1 Speaker D3m0nseer 2 Master Thief Mentat Ezzerion 3 Mentat R3ck 4 Mentat Oper90 5 Mentat Deluged 6 Mentat Die4honr 7 Mentat V1olat0r 8 General Jroz 9 General Assasyn 10 General Splatmann Atr 1 Duke Atrst0rm 2 Fedaykin Rezoramon 442 3 Mentat Ipzorj 4 Mentat Darkkavu7 5 Mentat Mukiz 6 Mentat Jaira 7 Mentat D0cpa1n 8 General Jbonde007 9 General Mikroabso 10 General Rtzutikib Hark 1 Baron Sh3lsh0ck 2 General B3li4l 3 Mentat Xpower666 4 Mentat Xxhomer 5 Mentat H4rkonn3n 6 Mentat Brennq 7 Mentat Xcept666 8 Mentat Harkmark2 9 Overseer Frosco 10 Overseer Ipmarcus Again if there is any one on here that has cheated THIS MONTH show you case here, and the forum will decide. Please dont spam, or flame, just be adults about it.
  17. Too bad people dont have this kind of motivation for qm :)
  18. Yeah they did support ra2 for a long time, but thats only because ra2 was still being bought the whole time.
  19. It is ww way, just dump the game when something new is released. Emp was dumped for yuris, yuris dumped for renegade, renegade for e&b. I think e&b will last the longest, simply because you have to pay to play, and ww will want to make as much money as they can off of it. Generals will be dumped too, for prob ra3, or something. But ww still makes the best rts games, just havent realized how to keep there fans.
  20. I only come around these boards every now and then, and to be honest dont really play emp any more. Got tired of being on, and not being able to play, if you know what i mean. Endo is still alive, and it will continue thought out other ww games. I just dont see any point in playing right now, but i think elite is still playing.
  21. I have busted ipip every time he as cheated, and i see no point in what your saying nav. This isnt the first time i have removed ipip, so what are you saying, wait forget it, i dont care, dont spam this topic with your nonsense. If you have something against ip take it up with them, i just dont want to hear it.
  22. Well, just look and see the same ip ipiphoura [independent players] Result: Wash Game Points: 338 Record: 15/2/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 169/82/52 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 12/17/17 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 96/31/12 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 9/15/12 Saw Completion: No IP: 103.118.1X.XXX joeducon Result: Won Points: 211 Record: 8/0/0 Side: Atreides Units Killed/Bought/Left: 181/162/58 Buildings Killed/Bought/Left: 14/25/12 Infantry Killed/Bought/Left: 104/120/37 Planes Killed/Bought/Left: 5/8/7 Saw Completion: Yes IP: 103.118.1X.XXX
  23. Yeah alittle friendly trash talking, so the mods dont get the wrong idea. Sure, ill play you on your sets, and we can play my sets too, see how that goes :)
  24. Sounds like fun, just let me know what time you will be on, and i try to be there. Elite and I have been playingfor along time, and for you owning two harks on knife, 10k, i dont think you could beat me when i am playing hark, and i am pretty bad. There are subs too you know, i if i remember right dont you play 10k no pre, and go for a fac quick, and rush there base, or was it a chem rush, either way we will have too see.
  25. Omg, you are grabbing at straws. Lets see, the inf that kills only inf, like a chem, can kill a build, and light vechiles. That inf that can kill armor, but not inf, what are you talking about aa, they kill planes too, and builings, and feds, they kill everything, and sard elite, same. Those armor that can kill inf, but not tanks, hmm, you mean minos, lol, or maybe buzz, they cant kill any armor now can they, or maybe dusties, lol. I dont know how you played this game, but maybe you should relook how you did. If you cant see how this isnt rock paper scissor, well then your just ignorant.
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