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Everything posted by Baron_Harkonnen

  1. True, true. Ordos Deviator that can deviate infantry:)
  2. [cloor=Red] Deviator or Sonic tank. And Devs have to cost , or it can be instead of Death Hand :)
  3. Devastator that can fold space:)
  4. NIAD = Navigator In A Devastator :)
  5. Mangoose +I think that House Harkonnen are the best. They have strongest units. The Best unit.....Hmm I'll say two sest units of the house:) Ordos: Las tank + Deviator ATR:Mangoose + Kinjal inf. Harkonnen:Assault Tank + Inkvine( or Devastator) Hark Devastator is good Anti vechiles or aircraft Inkvine for infantry.
  6. But it should be made from other than the first Frank Herbert's book.
  7. True, Alex. I don't say I can program a mod, but if you can(I know this) then just FINISH your job. Expansiun pack is not a change. Look at the Diablo2 ant Diablo2:Lord of Destruction. That's the expansion pack. P.S. Alex, I have completed Emperor with Atreides, can you lend me Ordos CD so I'll be able to play with ORD. I'll give you back te CD a the same day, I'll just copy it. (Sory P.S. was off topic):(
  8. True...True... And don't forget Sardaukars:)
  9. I can't play KH. I've got an update v1.09, but Emperor Loads 3/4 then closes atomatically. I have Windows XP. Where's the problem?
  10. Yeah, I don't like starwars very much too. :) DUNE is old movie and don't expect effects like "The Matrix" or starwars.
  11. I have seen this movie. I want to know what do others think about DUNE. I think that movie is great. (But it would be better if the end was other).
  12. I hate those stupid leeches
  13. NIABs is good for "they suspect nothing" attack
  14. Baron_Harkonnen


    I don't know really.
  15. I have said that ordos were weak. BUT ATREIDES ARE 99x weaker.
  16. Send them a CL too. There will be Chaos of the death in Caladan:)
  17. OK, ten DH's lounched. Caladan adt Atreides will be destroyed.:)
  18. So Alex Ordos, I think we can arrange for that illegal spice depositions. You have 50% and I have 50%. The CHOAM know nothing:)
  19. This trick doesn't work on Windows NT/2000/XP. It only works on 9*/Me. You can use not only AOL to change your IP everytime. It chnges on any Dial-up ISP.
  20. I have windows XP. Emperror is working good as it worked on my windows 2000. My 3D card is GeForce 2. I had to update video drivers for normal graphics.
  21. I like Harkonnen. I like Ordos too. But Atreides are too good to fight for Dune. I think that they cries when they have to kill an enemie.
  22. House Harkonnen could have a anti Aircraft unit, like Atreides Airdrone.
  23. The fremen is good, because they are invisible when moving. But sardukar are better, bacause rhey are stronger.
  24. The executrix are fools.
  25. If you want to destroy Ordos's homeworld, you should build gunships, find the "Great Hall" and drop Death Hand on it. The Executrix will be dead and Ordos will give up.
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