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Everything posted by Copec

  1. How about Tetris with Concrete slabs? :D
  2. http://cncden.com/index.php?action=fullnews&showcomments=1&id=223 PC Gamer: "Imagine, if you will, an RTS franchise - a hugely popular one that's been out of the lime-light for a while. No, not that one, the other one. Yes, that's it. Now imagine picking up the June issue of PCG and seeing that we've got a world exclusive scoop on the new game in the series. Wouldn't that be glorious?" C&C, Starcraft or Dune?
  3. Does anyone know if there is a uncut patch to make the game like the original version?(remove cyborgs)
  4. I think the balance is a great idea but what is about driving over troopers and infantry? I don't need infantry if i can take a tank to drive over some troopers. but perhaps it would add mountains more strategic worth. ;)
  5. 80 % less damage? Don't you mean at least 80 % damage? ;)
  6. there is no german intro narrator :( and the bavarian narrator ingame is awful!(only one voice in the whole game!)
  7. Copec


    It means unexepted End of the file in german. Same here!
  8. I found something exciting (IMHO) http://mods.moddb.com/5324/ I hope this mod will be finished...
  9. Copec

    New Releases

    I already got the game and it rocks! But you have to spend a lot of time to learn everything.
  10. I want to change the resolution but when I click on options the menu scrolls away and teh screen freezes but music is still playing and even Crtl-Alt-Del, Alt+F4 don't help. Got the German version with 1.9 under Win XP. the RPoblem occurs with and without compatibility mode. any ideas?
  11. One word: AWESOME! ;D
  12. How about this pieces? [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  13. i made a very simple try of giedie prime [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
  14. no Super dune for me :(
  15. Release Date is set at the 15th June
  16. My Nick is Bmaster13 Germany GMT+1
  17. Another Idea: We all know that the sardaukar are fighting not hiden(no tanks), but who has said that they don
  18. Why it isn
  19. Here are some Ideas for Vernius: Mode Tank This Tank has a Pursuit Mode who gives him only a lasergun and high speed and a combat mode who slows down the tank but gives its a very powerfull attack.(Selct the modes like mortar) Steahlth Shuttle This Airborne Unit is invisible and attaks with bombs they are very powerfull but the unit is very expensive and slow and needs only one Shot from a small missle to take serious damage. Suboid Warrior The normal infantry of House Vernius only armed with grenades. Quick and weak. Scientist in Practical Mission :) a long Range ABC-Soldier... late game unit Veteran hoverunit The pices of a veteran is used to control this scout unit (i mean something like the dragoons in Starcraft, sorry for my english) weak ground attack strong AA-Missels Vernius Guard a Sardukar like unit with shields Sandcrawler this unit calls Worms like a fremen with one change: the worm can shootthanks to the sandcrawler stucking in the worm upside sorry for my english
  20. What do you mean?, it stays completely black for me if I think I know what your talking about. Er..let my try to explain:There are spins, cordels they are blue/gold(Atreides) red/gold(Harkonnen) green/gold(ordos). In the game the cordels change the colors to red/gold if nothing is selected by every house... thanks, do you insert the graphics in your next version (the windtraps have to be corrected ;) )
  21. Copec

    dune on 486

    perhaps you have turned on the CD-sound...
  22. [attachment archived by Gobalopper]
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