Ahah. I might want to join, however, not for the money. I'd just want to join a tourney, but i think i'll wait until the next one. i need to get my skills up! Ima rawarlie, rawlie, masco, coolguy1: dunno if any of you even remember this kid xD
huh...i thought i was the only child that watched (or played). But when i hear this stuff i just laugh. If someone says something very bad (ex.i want to !@#$ your !@#$ and make a !@#$% trycycle ride with my son) then you should tell them to stop or they will be kicked out of the game until next match or something like that.
i dont think dropping your own harveys on a battle field is wrong, but taking the oppoment's harveys is wrong. You can not put a billion (rough estimate) elite sardukar next to ur spice, ur refinary, and the pathway between there.
For me (i have vista and it SUCKS) the numbers do reset when I click "set" but I just close it after. Then it works...but i think you have to change the 'hosts' file.
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