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Everything posted by Tehpevis

  1. Tehpevis

    Swine Flu

    Not necessarily, they certainly do care about spreading bullshit and rubbish. Thing is, said bullshit/rubbish is more profitable, and so they care about it by utilizing it to its fullest extent.
  2. *returns to thread* Wow, this became an Evolution debate. Very well thought out when compared to my traditional forum standards (NationStates), where the flames/trolls present in Youtube pale in comparison. Not very surprising.
  3. Really, I suppose this image is what got me thinking about it: Gaara of the Desert, from the Naruto Manga/Anime. All that's missing is a bit more blue in the eyes and a stillsuit.
  4. THANK YOU for suggesting this. Listening to it right now, in fact.
  5. Tehpevis

    Dune Anime?

    OK, not sure if this should be in Duniverse or General, but I pose you the question: How do you think an Anime/Manga based off of Dune would be? Successful? Would you like it? Your thoughts.
  6. I knew I was forgetting The Windmill Guy for some reason...
  7. lol, in the films, obviously. Rambo's up there on the same level as MacGyver, Chuck Norris, and Theodore Geisel. Try that in real life, though, really. Take, say, Rambo, or Tanya Adams, put into a battle situation against a couple thousand basic or substandard infantryman.
  8. Rambo is overrated. Try throwing a generic supersoldier of Rambo's sort into the fray against a thousand poorly trained conscripts, guess who wins.
  9. The theme music to Requiem for a Dream. Something for the 'mood' of my 'shit training' I've been doing for the past 30 minutes or so and am currently breaking form.
  10. Santa Fe, NM. I may just be saying this because I used to live there.
  11. Tehpevis

    Swine Flu

    Maybe it was research into the Flu virus' existing and potential strands. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't H1N1 a recent mutation?
  12. It just occured to me that I'd probably see the same thing in a piece of Stalinist propaganda.
  13. The Old Testament of the Bible, mostly. A god that kills off the World's entire human population (save one family) for putting their Free Will to work is obviously very genocidal, irritable, maybe even a bit senile.
  14. As of now, that's a damn good question.
  15. You strike me as one who enjoys the simpler things in life (the Sunshine, Fly-Bee-Dragonfly-WTF is that thing, etc.), I applaud that.
  16. Wait...
  17. Try increasing your sample size. One odd event is not enough. That time could have involved a coincidental gust of wind parting a bit of cloud, or a miracle, I'm open to either (although closer to believing the former).
  18. ...kk. Might I ask exactly what your system of enlightenment/success is? You strike me as one of those who believe in "The Secret".
  19. I don't look forward to nor fear death. I certainly fear the pain that comes right before death (depending on how I die), but not Death itself. On an afterlife, however... Thing is, from my point of view, an eternity of Torture is undesirable for obvious reasons, and an eternity of peace and happiness gets boring after awhile. Assuming the Catholics are right, then that means I, along with most of the world's populace, will likely be sent to Purgatory to a near-eternity of Boredom and waiting in a figurative line. Why do I get the impression that you have the mind of a Jehovah's Witness missionary?
  20. I'm in America, for the record. The answer isn't to sit by and hope to get yourself out of the mud by thinking about it, it's to directly challenge and oppose the system.
  21. I don't stand for God; even if He, She, or It exists, I imagine the supreme being to be a very unpleasant, perhaps even stalin-esque character, assuming that the Bible is a reliable source on the nature of god. Rather, I stand for myself, my beliefs, and the well-being of my family, friends, loved ones, etc. I have plenty of reason to keep living without suicidal tendencies, even having rejected the notion of the traditional God.
  22. The System has hardwired us to be negative? The System must be quite the badass at reverse psychology, in that case. Ever seen a high school these days? We're taught to be Optimists-no-matter-what-the-cost and given a daily motivational speech. I can, however, see that this is perfectly capable of taking a student and (unintentionally) giving him the mentality of "Hey, this is complete bullshit", which does happen to quite a few people. Happened to me, but I didn't go Pessimist, I went Cynical towards direct authority.
  23. Being "Realistic" doesn't equate with pessimism. A Pessimist focuses on the worst-case scenario; an Optimist on the best case. A Realist focuses on the present as they see it, and takes it in as good or bad depending on the situation.
  24. For the record, I just noticed my av's confusing similarity to Acriku's. Oh, well, I'll find another in time. I've time and again referred to myself as "Apathetic Agnostic: Don't Know, Don't Care". Reason being, the only physical evidence we have as to the existence of a supreme being is the universe itself, which is too broad and all-encompassing to be used as viable evidence. Tie that to my belief that Faith is to subordinate yourself for an unspecific and pointless purpose, mostly concerning bullshit, and I won't accept an argument stating that the Bible, Qur'An, Torah, OC Bible (for teh lulz), etc. are acceptable as evidence.
  25. Tehpevis

    Swine Flu

    I remember seeing an Avian Flu horror movie preview somewhere... I just have to find it again. Maybe someone posted the link on this site, or was it NS? I don't remember.
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