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Everything posted by topos84

  1. Meanwhile, dune-hacking is flowering with all its blossom: That's the 1st version of the hack by Lipetsk, the whole new campaign playing for sardukars. There is also the 2nd version of the hack, with bunch of minor improvements, but it's not recorded for youtube yet and it's in Russian (but there will be an English version as well). The 2nd version of the hack: So, stay tuned, folks!
  2. Saturn, my advise to you: go to school more often.
  3. I wouldn't recommend Supreme Commander 2. It's much worse then the first one. The AI of your enemys is just poor. Can't say anything bad about multiplayer though.
  4. Ground Control is not a FPS/RTS. It's RTT (Real-time tactics). I think the new Dune game in this genre would be very nice to play (I've always thought about Dune in this way when I was playing Ground Control).
  5. Also there are some 'Live CD's' in the web (.iso's) which can be written to a flash disk for booting your PC from a flash drive (you'll need to change BIOS boot settings for this), so your DVD drive will not required for this.
  6. I myself tested them. The AUD player and the WinAmp plugin works fine, except the seeker doesn't work at all. The converter works just fine; the result seems to me to have the same quality as in the original AUD file.
  7. Here you can download the WAV2AUD and AUD2WAV converter: http://rapidshare.com/files/338487412/audwav.zip.html Here - AUD plugin for WinAmp: http://rapidshare.com/files/338488318/audplay.zip.html Here - the program for playback AUD files: http://rapidshare.com/files/338489202/auplay10_32.zip.html I believe, all music in AUD format in old Westwood games has crappy sound only because of 8-bit compression. If it had 16 bits it would have CD quality (or almost CD quality in case of 22 KHz sample rate).
  8. Which is the same in Sega version: $2B = '+'
  9. In the rom: 0A05 = reinforsments(ID) , (house).w , (unitype).w , (base/home).w , (timer in min).b , (2B).b ; 2B if repeat For example, 0A05 0002 0006 0006 022B = landing#ID5 , house atreides , rocketlauncher , home, every 2min 0A05 0002 0006 0006 0200 = same thing, but only one time
  10. Actually, I know nothing about mission format, nither in Sega version, nor in PC version. But I can ask one of my friends - Ti_ (he is great rom-hacker and, I hope, will help Segaman (the author of Dune Map Editor) soon) about air-dropped reinforcements, if you give the link to download one of files SCEN#???.INI (maybe Ti_ will find it out by comparing info from the rom-file and from SCEN#???.INI file).
  11. That's right. But somehow the information of all map cells of each mission was ripped from the rom-file. I think there can be sort of table of pointers for each mission, each of them points to certain graphic cell, stored in the rom, and this table can be loaded to RAM at the beginning of mission. That's why the map of each mission could be ripped from the rom with this editor, I suppose.
  12. Well, in Sega games there are no such things as 'files'. There are just roms. The rom is an image of game cartrige, which is like HDD drive but without file system. But you can find in a rom infomation of certain types: music, sound semples, graphics. Other information in rom-file is very difficult to recognize, because it is mostly commands to CPU to do some manipulations with other information in rom-file. I think, there are the segments of code in the rom-file, consist of commands to CPU to generate the terrain map of each mission, but I really don't think, that there are segments of the code, consist of whole terrain maps for each mission (Sega have only 64KB of RAM so it seems to be the problem to put the whole map into RAM before the mission starts and keep it there). But I'm not sure. I'll ask my friend about it.
  13. For now it's impossible to change the global stats of units and buildings with the editor, because the editor doesn't edit the rom-file, it does edit a pieces of rom-file, those pieces, which it makes by splitting the rom-file into 'object-files' (mission-files) and 'level-files' (map-files), then it edits these pieces (you can even edit only map-file or only mission-file with the editor), saves the changes into these pieces and builds a new rom-file from these pieces. Maybe later, when the rom-file will be more deciphered (decrypted), there will be such modifying of global stats of units and buildings.
  14. You mean there should be an opportunity to change the default HP of all kinds of units and buildings of certain mission in the editor? I don't think it's possible, but I'll ask my friend about this stuff.
  15. It is possible now. But you can edit only those units' (buildings') stats, which will be in the mission from the beginning (those which you put somewhere while you were editing this mission), not those which will be built by you in that mission.
  16. So, as I thought, there are no good tunes in Amiga version, which weren't in PC & Sega versions. It's pity. :( It possible to find MIDI (or MOD or other editable format) tracks of music from other Dune games?
  17. I was confused too, when I saw that. But I couldn't find anything else with keywords 'amiga music dune 2'. Now I see what the whole site is dedicated to. I don't know how I couldn't get it myself, maybe because of my weak English. :(
  18. From here: http://www.anttilehtonen.net/amigamusic/view-Ripped%20from-DESC-page-9.
  19. I found only 3 tunes from Amiga version ('Aliens', 'Dynamix' and 'Skid row') yesterday. They seem awful to me. I do believe that Klepaki didn't create them. Amiga_tunes_Dune_II.zip
  20. You are totally right. Sabuteurs owned by the Mercenaries in the Sega version, though he has his colour on the minimap (light-purple). BTW, worms and Fremens are in the same house in the Sega version, that's why worms don't eat fremens (even their tanks and harvesters if you do those in the editor).
  21. Tiny pics: Outworld's secret invader: There is no knowledge that is not power: Bicentennial man: No comments:
  22. I think the same way. Also the limitations of Sega music hardware could made him to change something in his tunes, but frankly I don't think that was the reason he did this. I bileave he had several versions of these tunes he really liked and when the opportunity appeared he used these tunes in the Sega version of Dune 2. (Boy, I gotta listen Amiga version's tunes. I'm starting searching for them right now.)
  23. Well, not exactly. You can't play for Sardukars or Fremens without the cheat code (the game genie code), and even with it you can't play properly (especially for Fremens). For Mercenary you can't play at all, 'course there's no game genie code for that. But you can play against these houses, even against all of them in a same mission (actually you can play against all the houses except yours in a same mission, but there are structure limit and unit limit, so you can't make a normal mission in this case). And, as I said before, there some bugs when you play against Fremens or Mercenary. In case of Fremens they are barely noticeable: little round radars on each structure can have red colour at first, but then it can change to blue color and between these to colour phases there can be a middle phase of colour, which is pretty funny, isn't it? :) In case of Mercenary there's a red colour of these radars, but that's not the problem. The problem is this house have no colour of its units and structures on the minimap! There are just holes in it (you can say they have the color of a transparency). That seems pretty weird when you play against Mercenary. I hope these bugs will be eliminated in a future.
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