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  1. Best mod in my opinion : 1) IN THE DESTROYER'S GRIP by Apollyon. :D
  2. Hi ,yes you are right no elite online players play mods really. There are also very few online players currently. I am trying to make a good mod so that online players will play it. I had success with The Hour of Assasins 3. Alot of online players did download it. They did play it (3years ago 2012). The players did not like the new units except maybe the imperial tank. The one thing players did like was the a1 computer. I changed the difficulty name from HARD to BRUTAL. HardBuildTime was 20% HardBuildCost was 20% The A1 was hard to beat like an elite online player. Somebody even called it Atoms angry A1. Even though i spent hours trying to get a balaced mod those changes to A1 took 1 minute. Recently i made Hour of Assasins 4 (may2015) but nobody is playing it.
  3. mod removed ,outdated
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  4. hi , there are infantry mods; INFANTRY MOD by alphabeta4000 INFANTRY ONLY BY ^SnIpeR^ INFANTRY WARS BY DukeLeto Maybe one of these mods are what u looking for cheers
  5. Pressing N and D is not cheating. Auto clicking everybody has that makes the game better(i use autom8). So how do u get free radar. If that cheat exists then everybody should have it.
  6. Hi ,yes i will be interested in testing ur mod. U need tunngle 2 play this game. no coop campaign. Sunday is best day 2 find players playing emperor on tunngle. C u on the sands soon.
  7. CONGRATULATIONS to Atrd3mOn for conquering the EMP CHALLENGE VERSION 3. The EMP CHALLENGE version 3 is now over. Prize has been sent and Atrd3mOn has acknowledged that he received his prize. :D Iam busy working on EMP CHALLENGE version 4. Any ideas will be appreciated. I think version 4 will be released shortly. ;)
  8. I dedicate this mod to my dog. His name was MAX. He died on monday 19 november 2012. ======================================================================================================================== EMP CHALLENGE VERSION 3. ALL players welcome. Total Prize is 150$ (Western Union money transfer). NOOB TOURNAMENT=50$ ELITE TOURNAMENT=100$ The CHALLENGE is based on a mod The Hour of Assasins version 3. STEP 1 = Defeat all human opposition . STEP 2 = Defeat IMPERIAL CHALLENGE STEP 3 = Defeat GUILD CHALLENGE If you defeat the GUILD then the prize is yours Player will host game add computer then atom will join to witness CHALLENGE. If any questions ask ATOM The challenge starts now. Times can vary and the rules to the CHALLENGE. Public interest can determine how often challenges take place there is no limit at this stage. IMPERIAL CHALLENGE --------------------------------------------- A1 is random house (harkonnen,ordos,atreides) A1 is random A1 is random GUILD CHALLENGE ----------------------------------------------- A1 is random house (harkonnen,ordos,atreides) A1 is guild A1 is no-subhouse Player may choose any house and subhouse he\she likes NOOB TOURNAMENT settings are ; ------------------------------------------------- map fisher plain mode attacker money 30k units 10 superweapons on living world on pre-built on crate on fog of war on ELITE TOURNAMENT settings are ; ---------------------------------------------- map fisher plain mode attacker money 10k units 0 superweapons off living world off pre-built off crate off fog of war off The Hour of Assasins v3.zip Player will host game add computer then atom will join to witness CHALLENGE. Times can vary and the rules can change. Atom will pay winner if there is one. Hopefully within one week. CHALLENGE will end 15 december. GOOD LUCK to all competitors
  9. Yes people still play this game ,there was 10 people on tunngle yesterday 8 september 2012 :)
  10. To be honest i never played the campaign missions but if the A1 has an army already while you have to build a base then the player has no chance.i must admit i did not have the campaign missions in mind when i made this mod.Kines this is something you could do for players;a mod compatiable with campaign missions. Ok lets move on,you said you dont understand the parameters are the same so how does easy differ from hard? First lets look at the parameters easybuildcost = 10 (hard difficulty,brutal) hardbuildcost = 10 (easy difficulty,trickey) easybuildtime = 20 (hard difficulty,brutal) hardbuildtime = 20 (easy difficulty,trickey) The settings are the same therefore we can assume that easy(trickey) and hard(brutal) is the same however if i play against the a1 computer on easy(trickey) its like playing a very good online player, if i play against the a1 computer on hard(brutal) its like playing an elite online player. So hard is harder than easy but i dont know where the differance lies i guess it is in the a1 file somewhere. Conclusion iam clueless. Flametank was medium armour, in the mod its got hard armour. Elite sardukar had armour of 1800 more than a light vehicle lol, in mod its got health of 900. Gunship+orni price was 1000 now its 2000 mayb overpriced now. Fremen;i dont remember changing wormrider ,i must have been experimenting mistake on my part that. Kines Kindjal thanks 4 pointing out errors. As we speak iam rectifying most of these errors.
  11. Kindjal iam glad you found the mod challenging 4 a while. Once u find a flaw then the A1 is beatable but i think only u and centner are capable of beating the A1 on BRUTAL(hard) using normal online setts ,10k etc. i know newlords can beat computer on trickey(not as hard). This mod is not a serious mod like other mods eg Shai-Hulud or ITDG(In The Destroyers Grip).But this could be the start of something big. If u wanna c a mod with alot of new stuff i recommend ITDG(IN THE DESTROYERS GRIP)by Apollyon. Funny i thought i reported all the changes but i made an error i used old version rules like 1.06 and not 1.09 so yes another mistake ,one to many i feel,iam refering here to the ATADP which had a speed of 20 before it was reduced to 12. The TLCONTAMINATOR the most useless unit in emperor ,ok so what i gave it canselfrepair of 10 lol ,you recommend 3 but what differance does it make nobody make it anyway not even with canselfrepair of 10. Ok lets talk about new units yes that would be nice a couple of new units but in emperor about half of the units dont get used.Let me give some examples in team hark u never hardly c a flame tank, missle tank,assault tank,adp platform,flameman.So i make some changes here and there to tempt players to use some other units.Lets talk about the flame tank interesting unit which never gets used because its to weak rather use a buzz saw.If u look at the rules a flame tank has medium armor now for a unit that must go close up to its enemy does not make sense to me so i gave the flame tank hard armor but i can tell u now all the people that played my mod did not make 1 flametank. So yes new units is nice but my mod does try get players to use units that are not normaly used. Next question why is easybuildcost = 10 (computer pays 10% only,this means computer pays 10 times less then us human players)easy difficulty normalbuildcost = 100 (normal rate for humans) hardbuildcost = 10 (computer pays 10% only)hard difficulty easybuildtime = 20 (computer builds 5 times faster than human players) normalbuildcost = 100 (normal rate for humans) hardbuildtime = 20 (computer builds 5 times faster than human players)hard difficulty on my mod i call it brutal Where did i get these stats i got it from guild wars mod by apollyon. Last question you said you doubt it is possible to pass a campaign on hard difficulty ,i think its possible but you got to be real elite player i think centner or kindjal can do it if they wanted to ,if you cant why not try out trickey difficulty. Alot of good questions asked i tried to cover most of em. ;)
  12. Hi Kines ,iam glad ur taking interest in modding. i think the balance in my mod is good after all it is 95% similiar to normal online settings. Funny enough what made this mod a success is the tough A1 and not the changes i made to certain units or new units i introduced. i thought the A1 was overpowered but elite players like kindjal and centner found the A1 challenging like playing another tough elite player.
  13. Hi guys iam back from holiday. ;) Holiday was great. :D
  14. Lol that tornado is freaking strong. i must admit this EMP CHALLENGE was more 4 noob players . So now i have decided to make the EMP CHALLENGE consist of at least 2 different challenges. GUILD GLOBAL CHALLENGE this is mainly for NOOBS. IMPERIAL CHALLENGE this is mainly for ELITE players; EMP CHALLENGE; IMPERIAL CHALLENGE ELITE players welcome. Prize is 100$ (Western Union money transfer). The CHALLENGE is based on a mod The Hour of Assasins version 2. To win the prize money u gotta defeat the A1 on level Brutal ,GOOD LUCK. If more than 1 player beats A1 Brutal then the person who has the least deaths will be declared the winner. i will host the final game. A1 is random house (harkonnen,ordos,atreides) A1 is fremen A1 is sardukar Player may choose any house and subhouse heshe likes The settings are ; ---------------------- map knife Fight mode attacker money 10k units 0 superweapons off living world off pre-built off crate off fog of war off If any questions ask ATOM The challenge starts 24 june 6pm GMT. The challenge will be every SUNday until 16 december On 28 may i go on holiday i will be back 20 of june. A winner will be declared on 17 of december if there is one. Then you have 3 weeks to find your nearest western union branch. i will come back and pay winner. i will also update on a weekly basis to keep you informed of who leads the EMP CHALLENGE. On 28 may i go on holiday i will be back 20 of june. If any players have ideas for this challenge post here or let me know in tunngle IMPERIAL CHALLENGE is for ELITE PLAYERS so keep that in mind. i decided to create this challenge because some elite players showed some interest in the GUILD GLOBAL CHALLENGE. I would also like to thank all the players who took part in the last EMP CHALLENGE. Centner,Kindjal,Newlords and other players. Nobody could defeat the MIGHTY A1 computer.
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