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Everything posted by cccp7x
I have to go with the more advanced people before hand. Something along the lines of the Ixians after the Scattering, a very advanced people.
I'll be able to get it and it should only take me an hour using my cable. Any chance to play this game will be worth it...
...what the name of the Tleilaxu meat product is?
The Atreides are not playable in this game as a player creates their own House.
In Dune Generations you create your own House.
So, what happened to the questions? To lazy to login
That is correct...
Fine, ignore my first point...It didn't come out the way I wanted it to...
The climax of a novel is where the action reached its highest point. In Dune that action climaxed during the attack on Arrakeen. Everything else was resolving that action. Sure, you could argue that there were minor climax points during the conclusion of the book but they all happened during the resolving action.
The climax of the novels is the point were the novel could go either way. Did any of you doubt the fact that Paul would truimph over Feyd?
Obviously the best Dune Chronicle is Dune...by the way the Atreides uniforms are red...I think...can't seem to remember...too much Spice beer at the New Year's Party...
Obviously the climax of the plot was during the Fremen assault on Arrakeen.
Pagh...as I've said before none of you insolent creatures can compete with the Buffalo snow belt...
When pronouncing Dune words one must always remember that they are pronounced phonetically. Therefore Bi-la Kaifa would be pronounced "by-la kai-fa"
Obviously, the lions could have been taken off planet and bred elsewhere. Just because an animal disappears in one place doesn't mean he vanishes everywhere else.
The Swordmasters of Ginaz and the House Atreides shared similar viewpoints on many issues, honor, etc. Plus, Leto only came into contact with the Ginaz after Duncan Idaho was sent to train with them. One-time allies can also be interpreted to mean at one time they were allies of Duke Leto Atreides. During the War of Assassins with Grumman the Ginaz were supported by the Atreides but they were defeated nonetheless.
Anybody who is interested in joining the Consortium can contact me at theconsortium@hotmail.com. Just include in the e-mail whether you wanted to play as a soldier, mercenary, or trader House. From there I will accept you and/or forward your information to the people who would need to see it. -Premier Soonir Haueisen, Founder of the Consortium
You are welcome...
Dune is not based exclusivly on the religion of Christianity/Catholicism, but it is based on the founding or major prinicples/beliefs of all the Earth religions. This composite of Old Terra is seen throughout the Dune Chronicles.
Thanks to my sources I managed to track down an updated release date for Dune Generations...05/03/2002 -Premier Soonir Haueisen, Siridar of the planet Bastion, Plenipotentiary of the Consortium
Actually the Litany Against Fear goes a little something like this: I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I shall turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.
I posted this in the offical Dune Generations forum... Many of you, the noble Houses of the Landsraad, have expressed great interest in creating an alliance with others Houses. This may be to increase the wealth and prestige of your House, to strengthen or provide defense against the possibility of attack, or perhaps some other reason. To this we offer an alliance. We call ourselves the Consortium. The Consortium is a loose confederation of Houses of the Landsraad, which offer mutual defense and the profits that trade will bring. We seek to better each of the Houses which have pledged support to the Consortium, and in turn receive benefits, some of which may not be attainable by an unaligned House. As it stands the Consortium is one of the larger alliances in the Landsraad. A considerable number of Houses have already joined together to create this body of great wisdom. The Consortium does not prohibit its allies to engage in activities with other Factions. However, military jaunts would be unadvisable without first conversing with fellow Houses of the combine. The Consortium does not take its position in the Imperium and its prestigious position in the Landsraad lightly, and will not find aversion to all activities which serve the interests of the Padishah Emperor and thus, the allies of the Consortium. We will not engage in foolish vendettas against Houses unless the aforementioned Houses issue either right of Kanly or make military threats or take actions with threaten the well being of a House of the Consortium. Once such unwise actions have been taken the might of the Consortium shall be brought to full bear against those who seek to wrong us. The Consortium shall also follow the Terms of the Great Convention including the Dictum Familia, Kanly, and the prohibition of the use of atomics against human targets. The forms must be obeyed. Send all diplomatic transmissions to the Plenipotentiary of the Consortium, the Premier Soonir Haueisen. The Prime Minister of House Haueisen can be reached at theconsortium@hotmail.com or by sending private messages. All memoranda will be forwarded to the Premier Haueisen, and all applicants must face review by tribunal and a subsequent majority vote to be granted acceptence into the syndicate of the Consortium. -Premier Soonir Haueisen, Siridar of the planet Bastion, Plenipotentiary of the Consortium By the way...the clan listing page of this site doesn't appear to be working...
HAHAHAHAHA...oh wait there's some more...HAHAHAHA...what a joke. Well if you haven't guessed it, I'm from Buffalo. We really don't get that much snow...
...Some of you who frequent the Dune Generations forum may know me as the always posting Premier Soonir Haueisen, founder of the Consortium. The Consortium is one of the larger guilds in the Generations Universe at present and we are looking for additional members to supplement our ranks. If you're interested please direct your attention at the Consortium thread on the Dune Generations General English Forum. It should be near the top. Regards...Premier
You may or may not have noticed but in the books preceeding Dune there is a much lesser emphasis on "Religion" then in the original Frank Herbert novels, while "Technology" is given greater importance. I was postulating as to whether this was a conscious decision by the authors i.e. Pre-Jihad...decadence of the Imperium...rapidly enroaching chaos...and then the messiah Paul Mad'dib Atreides...bringing stabilty in the form of his Fremen legions and bringing religion to the forefront...or whether it was just a result of the authors wishing to focus on the technology of Dune...