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Gunwounds v2.0

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    USA East
  1. aw youko you didnt have to butter me up by calling me legendary..... i would have come back to kick your azz without the unnecessary flattery. p.s. - why do Brazilians have to write 50 posts with gigantic run-on paragraphs that make me question my sobriety..... to express something that can be summed up in one sentence? -Gunwounds
  2. i know its been around for a bit.... but man i really love the video and song, beautifully done... thought i would share with those who havent heard it.
  3. missile tanks are a nice in a hark mix if sprinkled in sparingly. Add 1-2 missile tanks to a hark force camping spice and the harvesters will vaporize 10 times faster. Another good use of the missile tank is to defend your spice from enemy advanced carryalls attempting to steal and airlift your harvesters from your spicefield. The missile tank is the cheapest method of instantly stopping the carryall before it actually lands and steals a harv. A devastator can defend against that as well.... but costs 750 credits more. 4 Elite sardukars can stop a carryall in mid-flight instantly but their combined worth is 500 credits more. AA troopers cannot stop harvesters from being stolen by carryalls. Maybe once in a blue moon if the adv carryall gets tangled by something and the troopers gets a lucky shot. But in this case a missile truck is definitely the way to go. Missile trucks are great at killing minos and kobras. A missile truck can sneak in and kill a mino and sneak out while only sustaining half armor damage. The trick is to make sure you clear a path with your buzz so that the missile truck has a clear shot. So in summary: 1.) Missile trucks are good for killing low #'s of minos and kobras 2.) great for base defense vs devastator drops 3.) great to mix in 1-2 for extra harv/carryall killing power 4.) best way to stop adv carryall harvester stealing 5.) when enemy is hiding in base you can siege their turrets with missile tanks CONS: very important.... missile tanks in large groups will WASTE their ammo. Do not drive 6 missile tanks together in a pack to 1 mino and fire. All 6 missile tanks will fire all their missiles into the ONE mino. Thereby wasting 5 loads of missiles. That is probably the main reason missile tanks are to be used sparingly... due to their high degree of overkill. If they were designed like sardukar units which actually spread their fire out evenly....then missile tanks would probably be the most badass unit. Can you imagine 50 missile tanks spreading out all their missiles? Crap just flying in all directions! ! ! Guns
  4. The hawkstrike uses involuntary quantum hormone therapy, which elevates estrogen levels in the affected enemy troops causing hypogonadism and menstration. The affected units immediately run to the nearest black exit zone to buy tampons and douche, and to shop at the GAP until their credit cards max out. Use this power wisely.
  5. Best way to save emp? ...... easy...... USE THE FRIGGIN EMPBOT! It makes you appear as if you are online and yet it uses basically ZERO resources from your CPU. So surf the web.... work on a report.... whatever... but keep empbot logged in , so that ppl will know you're interested in playing. EMPBOT is the key to saving emperor. Becuz its useless to stay logged in on the server due to it bumping you off or freezing after 20 minutes. Repeat after me.... EMPBOT is the key to saving emperor. now say it like you mean it. E---M---P---B----O---T is the key to saving emperor. Link to empbot ---> http://betta.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/empbot.exe instructions --> http://betta.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/empbot.doc so lets see more ppl using it !!!!!!!!
  6. come online its 10:30 pm !!
  7. you sound like you would learn very fast with a bit of mentoring .... what is your time zone? I am EST Guns
  8. i used auto-login all those years....
  9. goodevil1 , voodoodaddy is right. you have alot of misconceptions... many of which are speed related and unit ability related. I can sense from your words that you dont exactly understand the power and stats of certain units and their abilities to stop a rush. And i can see that you certainly are unaware of the criticality of having 2 refs early to keep constant flow of cash to primary defense, while planning the 3rd and 4th refinery for advanced production. You shouldnt even be making hangar related items until after your 3rd refinery has been placed. And to keep from being out-produced in the late game you need a 4th refinery or you need to pump out a few harvs from your factory (which similates building a refinery). I can definitely see that you are unaware of your inbalance of buildings/units to cash ratio. Plain and simple you are building a tier 1 base off of 1 refinery, and its slowing you down big time. You need to have a tier 3 base on 3-4 refineries, going at max production. Instead of having 1 refinery feeding 1 barracks, 1 factory, 1 hangar, 1 sardukar barracks, and 1 fedaykin hut. You should have 3-4 refineries feeding 3 barracks, 3 factories, 3 hangars, 3 sardukar barracks, 3 fedaykin huts, and 3 superweapons. And you should have a constant non-stop producing stream of infantry, ground vehicles, aircraft, sardukar, fremen, and superweapons....as well as constant advanced unit orders from your starport. That is the definition of MAX PRODUCTION. If you cannot achieve that you will never win a game against an elite player. Now phase 2 is actually using all the crap you bought to go and kill the other person. That you'll learn from experience and observation. Ingame nick = Guns / Gunwounds
  10. Hey its me guns... forgot my password to my forum name so i made this. Anyways.... i do play online... its just that you never challenge me. After i beat you a few times you quit and log off. Or you take so long to join that i go afk. Anyways if any one is up for a game use empbot. Empbot is very useful and lets you know when there is a game. Look in the stickied threads to see where to download it.
  11. Come online now !!!!!!!!
  12. Phony phrases: "The Way Forward" "Stay the course" "Cut & Run" "Stay & Die" "A better America" "A true American" "Unpatriotic" "Making Progress" "Backwards Policies" "Big Brother" "The common man" "grassroots candidate" "Dream of a better tomorrow" "I'm proud to be black" "I'm proud to be a woman" "This tax policy will help the poor and cannot be evaded by the rich" "I will balance the budget" "Together we can make this work/happen" "we support the troops" Halo
  13. Yes, I'm glad we've come to the agreement that you cannot use science to counter-argue a religion. My point all along is that the Bible is only erroneous if God is assumed to not exist. But since that debate is inconclusive, it appears we're stuck. You cannot scrutinize the Bible without first disproving God (which is what allows for all of the extraordinary events). If God is assumed to exist then nothing in the Bible can be seriously scrutinized by science as science cannot calculate or quantify a Deity ... or even more importantly, the deeds of a Deity. There is no physical science that can forsee what is possible with a Deity's power and there is no psychological or sociological science that can predict how a Deity's thought process will go. Are we at the mercy of having to believe the statements of ancient prophets and leaders in an ancient text? Unfortunately "yes", as this causes uncertainty, but Fortunately "yes" as this uncertainty gives freedom to our belief system. The fact that you can sit there and honestly believe in your mind that God does not exist means that we are truly free from the mind control that a Deity most certainly could have implemented if He had chosen to. Furthermore it all goes back to philosophy, I think treating others with love and respect is the most important thing, and while you certainly dont have to be a believer in God to do that or to achieve "Good", I agree with Caid that Religion and Morality can serve as advanced "tools" to help one acheive the "Good", which is why many choose to stay religious despite having an educated intellect that understands atheism. Also, many see no problem holding two contradictory ideas in their minds at the same time, and i believe F. Scott Fitzgerald stated that that was the true test of a first rate mind. There is nothing wrong with someone being educated and understanding the geological/astronomical records of the Earth, and yet understand that if a Deity were to exist that the record could be changed at Its will and have no problem with that. Also as stated before, if God would go through the trouble of hiding Moses' body to prevent mindless worship of a prophet's corpse, i see no reason why God wouldnt remove evidence of an event that would also infringe on one's belief system freedom. Halo
  14. True, perhaps there are many different ways God could have held the Sun in the sky supernaturally without it effecting other civilizations, or perhaps he did hold the orbit and there was 24 hours of darkness in other lands. Either way it makes no difference as both would have been supernatural by today's lingo. I dont see describing it as "holding earth's orbit" as mixing concepts... i see it as using what i know about the universe to imagine what God might have done. For instance where the Bible claims that God turned a sundial backwards momentarily, i could imagine the Earth's orbit going in reverse, or perhaps simply He manipulated the shadow right there on the sundial, but whatever i decide on in my own mind how can you criticize me for that?. I agree that God's Will is independent of Science and that Science doesnt need God's Will to explain things, however if something was done in God's Will yet is explainable by science, i dont see that as a mixing of concepts. For if God wills you to die, your death could have an obvious scientific explaination. If the sky opened up and God's voiced boomed and said " I will you to die" and then the coroner walks over and examines you and says "yep he died of cardiac arrest" ....well then your death has divine and scientific explainations now doesnt it? Halo
  15. The Bible also refers to God burying Moses. So Moses the servant of the LORD died there in the land of Moab, according to the word of the LORD. 34:6 And he buried him in a valley in the land of Moab, over against Bethpeor: but no man knoweth of his sepulchre unto this day. God did this for a reason, which I'm sure you're familiar with. He hid physical evidence of Moses. Yet text which details Moses' life is in millions of people's homes. So basically God removes obvious physical evidence of Bible History yet leaves the text, (much better than the mere instinct you chalk it up to), just enough information to leave it to faith and a person's heart. I fail to see how a flood would be any different. Halo
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