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The Maha Gobbie
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Everything posted by Gobalopper

  1. Along with this video where they go into a bit more depth on the game:
  2. Another trailer came out today:
  3. Hey @Dardanelles, now that you are a member you should be able to upload the files to your next post.
  4. 3-card mix of Cryo's Dune soundtrack View File 3-card mix of Cryo's Dune soundtrack by the Sound Card database in FLAC format, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Q_UO6Hp7U&t=60s. Submitter Gobalopper Submitted 01/27/2024 Category Audio  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    3-card mix of Cryo's Dune soundtrack by the Sound Card database in FLAC format, see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-Q_UO6Hp7U&t=60s. Original recordings from AdLib, MT-32/LAPC-I, and AdLib Gold sound devices.
  6. PC Speaker Recording (all tracks) View File PC speaker recordings of all tracks of Dune II. Submitter Gobalopper Submitted 01/27/2024 Category Audio  
  7. There is a beta sign-up survey you can fill out if you are interested in participating: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/DuneAwakeningBeta
  8. Reminds me of the slow release of game details we had while the game was under development 20+ years ago. 😂
  9. The upload didn't work. Try attaching the images directly instead of a rar file.
  10. I've taken all the individual files and uploaded it as a single file attached to your first post.
  11. You should be able to upload now, you need to have your first post approved before you can do it.
  12. Another trailer at the game awards tonight:
  13. I can't understand it but impressive work!
  14. Announcement trailer for the other Dune game coming from Funcom: Not much other than an announcement and that you can sign up for the beta.
  15. Looks like it was successfully backed on Kickstarter: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/elland/elland-the-crystal-warsan-unreleased-gba-game I kind of doubt they have the original source code so were probably limited in what they could do with the game. Aside from the Dune name part.
  16. I believe the software has some sort of API but I don't have any plans of enabling it. You might be more interested in work @Cm_blast has done to organize the mods, I believe he has a single download of all the ones he has collected over the years. We don't really have an updated mod list in the downloads section only what has been attached to posts.
  17. Mixed review of early access from Polygon: https://www.polygon.com/platform/amp/23040700/dune-video-game-spice-wars-4x-strategy Anyone seen others?
  18. To go back to my earlier post on units here is the complete list of what they've released for each of the four:
  19. They've announced the Fremen as a playable side (not really a surprise) and the early access release date (April 26th). https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/1605220/view/3226274327488059663
  20. Have you read the final novella (The Sins of Our Fathers)? Or the other novellas?
  21. I wasn't paying attention to the entire Twitch stream but I did hear them say something about there not being many vehicles, at least not in the initial game release. I wonder if the variation between the different factions will come more from building or diplomacy than with units.
  22. Twitch stream that was held earlier today answers a few questions and shows gameplay: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/1300982970
  23. First gameplay trailer is out:
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