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Everything posted by kalem333

  2. Corrections - Modifications by KALEM333 (The Big Brother)
  3. Let kalems to drop over your head
  4. To Cyborg; Harvester drop is to use civil harvesters in an army fight, in order to have the enemy units to shoot those resistant harvesters, while your army kills the enemy units bussy with your harvesters. It is usefull when the both armies in fight are balanced, and it makes some benefit for your army. However, at the same time, it has a cost of economy. Some harvesters may be lost or at least, they stop to harvest for the time you put them in to fight.
  5. i crashed (by throwing away) my laptop's hardisk 3 times just because i lost some games very worse (add the alchol factor, also). At the 4th, i crashed almost every hardware at my laptop. At the moment; i use my laptop with a desktop screen and many functions of laptop are useless. C Alchemi? Are you still hurt? LOL.
  6. you all have pride, but we dont. we ara sons of bitches.
  7. i wonder what would have you feel, if you were beaten as much as done. kill yourself ?
  8. Emperor Battle For Dune has no problem with Windows XP SP2 Build 2600, at least at my computer.
  9. Windows XP Service Pack 2 Build 2600
  10. Did I claim that I do the best harvester drops? Do you think you correctly understand the idea tried to be written here?
  11. That is it Gun. When pepole are beated me, their only excuse is harvester drops and it causes me to hate them.
  12. is it illegal? is it a cheatr? no other qoestions...
  13. I said thier face. This is an extra.
  14. Do not come to play with me, if you dont like harvesters drops. I hate you whenever you loose beacause of hangar + devastotor, and cry for harvesters drops. Some people think us as morons. This is a classical thema. But i want to write some nicks who insulted me for this reason: Hermetic, Elsipues, Desertway, Sd00711, are the ones whom i remember. I beg them, not to play with me. This game can be played for a long time without our conflicts. I dont need you, as you dont need me. Just be away from me.
  15. to JEFF; I had at least 3 factories, as i remember. Primary factory stopped to build while everything other were ok.
  16. LOL. I never loose myself with alchol. Come to play instead of psting messages to the forum.
  17. It is hard for me to remember every "last night" game. However, that happened to me. My factory stopped to produce buzzes. That was not a path problem. It does not seem to me a serius problem to be posted here. It is GUN's naive sensitivity.
  18. I know that i dont play this game well, but, the think that attracks me at emperor is its science-fiction frame. Such context of game makes me play this game every night.
  19. fuck, postage is too expensive for me. i will try to make the iso file ready for use at online
  20. I use a key generated serial with no problem. Think od key generators some more.
  21. females are much more valuable than emperor unless they are fat
  22. fuck emperor, try to get your wife again. we will have too much time to play.
  23. I received some messages from some of my friends, asking me for locking this topic. Their demands are commands for me. So........... thanks for your opinions and support
  24. i know you are somehow bastard, but that cant be an excuse to retire...
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