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Umma Kynes

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Everything posted by Umma Kynes

  1. Umma Kynes

    Diablo 2

    IMHO, my best skill for a Necromancer is a suped-up Poison Nova. But don't skit out of the skeleton and golem masteries, either. BTW- it's not Blood Golem you want, it's Fire Golem. He can damage enemies just by being there. Very cool. ;D
  2. Umma Kynes

    Diablo 2

    Skeleton Mastery, Golem Mastery, Iron Golem, Skeleton Magi, and of course, Iron Madien (no, not the band ;D ). Oh, and also Poison Dagger and Poison Explosion (I conserve my skill points til I get to a new level threshold [when you can do new things)
  3. Umma Kynes


    In the darkness, I crawl Seeking to find light. The gripping feeling of etheriality Is squeezing my senses to a pulp. The pain I feel is oh so great I have lost earthly feeling. I continue to struggle I try as I might. (it's imcomplete right now, I'll update it later)
  4. The victim given power will be blinded with fury and rage.
  5. I just had a briallant idea! American Cyborg, you said black holes can crush time, right? Well, for something to be crushed, it needs to be compressed as well. *ding ding* Just put a spaceship near a black hole. Time would be compressed to the point a mere split second could be any amount of time. Why? Well, the time compression would last until one of two things happened: 1) You are dragged into the black hole. 2) Someone pulls you out of the time compression (aka, another ship). Got it from the first episode of Gene Roddenbury's "Andromeada".;D
  6. Super-frekin'-tight! ;D :D ;D :D Can't wait to get it!
  7. Umma Kynes

    Diablo 2

    I play, just not online. I'm ghetto and can't afford internet (at friends houes right now). :-X :-[ :- :'( BTW, I'm a level 27 Necromancer in Act IV.
  8. You know, when people pick on you in school...? :-
  9. I was watching a special presantion on A&E named "Bullied to Death". The physoligists on the show said bullying is normal and considered a rite of passage, for some people. Then how come Colmbine and s*** like that happens so often? >:( :-X
  10. I'm not even going to read the rest; I got about halfway. Nintendo is better because they belive in this mantra: Game systems should ONLY be used to play games. If you want to watch DVD's, get a player. If you want to listen to music, turn on the radio. If you want a PSP, get a life. ;D
  11. Umma Kynes


    I think mabye the humans wiped out aliens with the lasguns... possible? ;D
  12. Here's a quick tip: Never mix trainers and no-cd programs. Causes an abrupt need for uninstallition.
  13. Honestly, I liked the prequel to Dune series (House Atreides on up), and started reading the Dune series from there. When I orgionally read Dune, twas hard to follow. Going back to the prequel helped me. A lot. Think it was a smart idea to do that? I mean, without Butlerian Jihad on up?
  14. Umma Kynes


    Ahh. Thanks! ;D
  15. I belive in time travel, I have devised a way to do it: Black holes. As we know, black holes have infinite density and the ability to suck things in-- even light. With this knowledge, we'll get instering now- Light; compacted; makes a laser, right? Black holes can crush anything. 2+2=4, people. With light being compressed beyond the physical plane, sub-atomic explosions would occur. These explosions would be crushed, resulting in an even more devestating explosion that the last. This would continue infinitely; thus resulting in unlimited physical power able to propel something beyond the physical plane. Now here's the issue: if it worked, how would the said object stop? ??? :O
  16. Tell me this about God-- If He resides in the kingdom above, how come we see clouds? If Satan resides below, how come we see dirt?
  17. Evolution. What did we come from? And do you have any signifagnat proof? What will we become? And why do you think so? Tottaly out of the box questions, but if people can give legitimite reasons on the topic of time travel, I know magic can happen.
  18. Umma Kynes


    Why is it that: 1. Atreides were colored green and black (and occasionaly called Red)in the book, yet in the Dune 2000 game they were blue? 2. Harkonnen were colored blue in the book, yet in the game they were red? 3. Corrino were colored grey (and yellow, I'm not sure) in the book, yet in the game (if the Emperor was Corrino, of course) he was purple? Answers to these questions would be appericeated. ;D
  19. Uh- about the rocket turrets... I have to agree with the fact that the AI will send out infantry some of the time making the RT's near worthless- but not building them? I tend to cluster my base (bad idea, I know) and RT's help with the tanks and such. Also, I belive a refinery with two Harvesters is just right; therefore I bulid more refineries with an additional Harvester. Of coures, this is counting towards my doom... :-X
  20. When the Harkonnen and Sardaukar flood you, what can you do to withstand the attack (and defend against raids thereafter)? :-
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