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Everything posted by xbow

  1. yesterday hockey match USA vs. CZECH REPUBLIC was interesting isnt it? :-))))))
  2. extra sardaukars...coooool :) i must reveal it:-)
  3. of crs...that i do sometimes...i build another base next to of enemy base...barracks and factory and some gunturrets...so my units can reach and attack enemy base in shorter time, because they dont have to go so far from my base.
  4. so if i have 3 barracks im producing infantry faster? thats cool but sometimes space on a rock where i have base is limited....sometimes i have problem to build all structures on it:-)))
  5. thx you very much skorpija...ill try to do it....now i hope it will be ok... ;-)
  6. thx a lot skorpi....realy i dont know what the **** is matter with that...
  7. 2skorpija: i have a problem, so i want to ask you if you cant help me...try to open my emperor web ( its still under construction ) www.dunaweb.wz.cz/news.html ;then try to resize window-width to maybe 200-300 pixels...as you can see, the text is hovering above the menu on the left...i cant understand it because text and menu are in two separated table-cells...i realy dont know what to do with that, try to open source code and see it...so if you know how to repair it, reply on the forum "urgency help pleas" on fed2k discussion or send me im...thanks a lot...XboW_WTF ( i write it here too because i want to be sure that you will read it :-))) im fooooool :-D )
  8. so people, i have started work on our czech emperor webite again...we will have new design, but texts and contains will be the same...now i have enought time for it.... :) :) :) if you have any tips and tactics send it to sadian or to me...
  9. 2harkonnen soldier: yes, youre the same case like me, i like metal and heavy metal too...btw two days ago i was at ramms+ein concert in ostrava city...cooooooollll:-))) <I,,I
  10. yes...i didnt meant emperor like rpg...but new graphics, alot of new units, and new abilities like entering civilian structures...etc. but youre right emperor is good how it is...rt strategy
  11. yes...what ebout emperor 2 like commandos. You have a small group of assasins and you have to infiltrate the ememy base and complete some task there. But more i want emperor like that first but in new very very good graphcs...sshit...my teacher is looking on me...i must end:-))) lol
  12. all harkonnen music is my favorite...machine, tribute to evil, house harkonnen and victory is innevitable....harkonnen music is cool music...may be i like metal and hevymetal, black metal..all metal...so i like harkonnen music too ;D ;D ;D
  13. Hi skorpia thanx a lot for your offer for help...ill contact you if some problems will appear ( i hope no problems but nothing is sure:-) im working on our web but i havent net connection at home now (unfortunately :-( ) so im working on graphics and texts with sadian....so good bye everybody :) :) :) :) :) :)
  14. yes..but that defence must be very strong becouse i had devastators and gunturrets on the entering areas and when the ordos, atreides, tleilaxu and others launched joint attack on me i hadnt chance to defend my base... and i think that Rocket infantry enoughts against NIAB tanks...
  15. yes i thought about it, but i dont cant decide if it wont be useless...but yes youre right...well have forum... and we already have gbook, chat and others cool thinks...but forum will be coolest 8)and btw: have you seen that web? whats your opinion? 2everybody: we wants your opinions and tips...? thx :)
  16. oooooooohh...yes i know this mission >:(....horrible...dont you anybody know how to win it? :- i was playing it for house harkonnen and i thought its impossible to win that map :'(....so dont you know...?
  17. girls you say? how delicious:-)) well we hope that our new web ( i think one of few actual webs about emperor in czech republic ) will be favorite and it will atract a lot of players ( and in better case girls :-) to play emperor online with you all...but first we must work and work to complete it......but as i said...design is already done so you can see it on www.dunaweb.wz.cz ( do anybody speak czech on this forum...? :-)
  18. Yes...playing emperor but there will be everything about it ( units, info, houses, downloads etc...) but most important think we need now is to complete online guide how to create account at XwiS and how to connect and play with people here. And if you want to see it ( not read it because its in czech :-) ) try www.dunaweb.wz.cz ...but its only "beta", its still under construction...
  19. Yes...we want to make Online guide how to create XwiS account and how to start playing emperor:bfd online. Of course there will be usual thinks like units, houses etc...i and sadian are working on it day by day...and i hope my design will be good....
  20. 2dunenewt: oh, its bad...but i hope and i think that ur dunenewt mod will be good.... 2kalony...were all living on the caladan:-) i dont know i think its cool, may be im fool:-) yes i am...:-)
  21. good:-) and what about civilian structures? Will we can to enter or sieze it?
  22. there are no replies here for long time...so im "refreshing" it ;D and btw, what about dunenewt? whats new...?
  23. well......but infantry needs tank backup in later game because enemy can simply cut them down...if i use any infantry for attack, its sardaukars, mortar inf. or Rocketlauncher infantry. But im not so good player like people here, i have never played EBFD online, so maybe im wrong.. ??? so im going to start emperor and try it ;D
  24. 2kalony...well...for defense yes....but kindjals are useless for attack. yes flamethrower infantry is good to have in base against enemys infiltrating units...my opinion is that atreides infantry is weakest from all in emperor ( snipers are good but thats all )...harkonnen...they have flamethrower inf-well armored and strong against inf. they have troopers- classic RL infantry. Ordos have AA infantry, they have mortar infantry and chemical troopers too ( weakest flameth. inf in fact ). but atreides have only soldiers with machine-guns and kindjals and snipers. I never play atreides... :-X ;)
  25. 2Kalony...of course that fremens and sardaukars are useful ( i love sardaukars:-) but basic infantry ( not Rocket infantry ) is useless.....its good in start of game to secure base and make some minors attack to keep enemy hot:-)
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