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Everything posted by Mozared

  1. Oh thats flaming. then tell me your defination of flaming. "Talking to another person in a way like he's not a god"? Come on. you put the discription "pull the fence post out of your arse and tell us your meaning", somebody says "so STFU" at me, and I am wrong for saying that person is acting stupid, because he's not using his mind (from which i didn't even said that last thing earlier). What i was meaning is that everybody knows the punishments are totally stupid here. In my town somebody has been stabbed to death, and ONE of the murders didn't even got punishment (exept for the police 'watching him'), because they say his intelligence is the one of a child thats 7. like i give a f*ck! people like that have to be punished. that was what I was aiming for; about 99% of everybody around me agrees with this; all together, if somebody then goes in seriously "noo, life sentence is life sentence" YES i call that acting stupid. dot. Mozared
  2. Right, if it goes that way here. cya. Mozared
  3. May I ask who I am flaming? >:( Mozared
  4. When i sign in and i see like none or 1 player at a time on, yes it's a dying game. Warcraft 3, the game DelugeD doesn't seem to like, is active. there are like at least 3000 people online all the way. Emperor is dying, dot. you are the last string emperor is holding on to. "Like youll be able to play that online LOL Come on ros, youll jus tbe looking at the pictures." Why shouldn't you be able to play it online? I didn't got that sentence. It doesn't lag, i'm in open beta with a pc which pretty much desperatly needs some enhancement, and i only got a bit of lag in big city's. Mozared
  5. errrrrr, dude. zero hour isn't stand-alone, so without generals i can't play zero hour either. got that? :P Mozared
  6. May I react I didn't see much wrong with my post?
  7. I got zero hour... lost my generals cd though :- Mozared
  8. You absolutly don't know anything about holland "Life" sentence is approximatly 15 years. Murder - max 15 years, if massa murder Rape - like 10 years (my guess) Stealing/Use of violence - 5 years MAX, normally around and often below 2 years Stealing (lesser things, like trying to steal a bicycle) - up to 1 year I know, i know, it sucks. Mozared
  9. ICW? Mozared
  10. I was meaning that more sarcastic, i'm kinda sure not every dutch people around here knows about it. I know the list is long, but i was meaning that that is way more shocking, but it's totally unknown, and when something less shocking happens to a famous person it's a big disaster, thats just disgusting. Oh and by the way, you said "That would be true if the police would have killed the assasin, which they didn't." which i dont agree. does the killer matter? whatever happens he'll "end up in paradise". The two and one of many Mozared's
  11. I think it should simply stay this way, exept for a few things: -Jews in Gaza piece must move -The people over there mustn't be so damn stupid to "follow prophets", but believe in THEIRSELVES -For every war victim, kill 1 orthodox jew and 1 orthodox islam (forgot right word for it). I don't really mean that last thing litterally:P, but in time it'l solve the problem, for the orthodox people there are the problem makers. If you'd force me to pick sides i'd go for The islam-people (stupid word:P), because they're pretty much right. they've already moved for the jewish which they shouldn't even have done, IMO, and then the jewish start complaining about wanting more about the land:-. now thats screwed. besides, the islam-people own the county now, dot. I mean, if we'd go back when the jewish owned it, and further back in time then it would be f*cked; i mean, if we go look into history to divide lands, then holland should own half america together with spain, portugal and england, the balcan lands should be the byzantium empire, etc. how would the americans react if we with spain, portugal and england go there and say "we owned this land earlier, so now you gotta bug off cause we're coming to claim it"? and what would the balcan folks say if somebody comes and say "right, now all these lands are 1 land and it's called byzantium, and i'm the leader"? right, you can see that won't work. To get back on Arafat: I think you are both right; there are indeed ofcourse people who follow him, and if he says he wants peace then those people will follow him. problem is, 1) that isn't the majority of people 2) they need to make peace themselves, else we'll get civil wars 3) Arafat doesn't want peace, he's proven that. So thats actually the big deal I think. Conclusion: IMO the country is better off without Arafat, though if you could get him to make peace he would be valuable; then again, as soon as a new leader comes he'll get the same position as Arafat in that way. Mozared
  12. I dont think you got it. "Talking between 4 eyes" is as in having a real CONVERSATION, not like a forum what we are doing now. or a phone, a letter, just TALKING. Between 4 eyes is just a methapor, it doesn't mean that it's like you should talk to only 1 person. I hope that cleared up. Mirrored derazoM
  13. Dude... CHILL OUT! you might as well start programming Emperor 2
  14. I know mening = opinion, just floated out. i was writing that story, 1 sentence per 5 minutes because i was doing 3 other things. same for the mother thing:P It's shit to kill "in the name of god" anyway, if your god "tells you to kill" it's a shitgod anyway. "So about 'foreigners' not respecting the Dutch values... I think it should come from both sides. Dutch don't respect any other values either. If you eat not at 6pm then you are not considered as normal... " I don't agree, the eating thing is a very extreme example, we dont eat at 6pm, sometimes 7 pm or sometimes even 8 and people are considering in "normal". Mozared
  15. Wow, i'm used to having every mod i want to play finished already :P I just finished emperor (well, just, 1 month ago), and i am gonna play this when it comes out. finally a mod really worthy to play, it sounds. Mozared
  16. Like a dutch comedian said: "it would be typical if arafat died, he would be the first palestine in 10 years that would die of natural cause" Bit rough, but it's only for fun
  17. Im dutch, let me clear this up for you: When van Gogh left the building, somebody in the traditional maroccan suit (forgot name) walked up to him, starting talking to him, and then suddenly shot him. after shooting a few times van Gogh crawled across the street, the guy persuited him and shot him again. then he indeed stabbed him (he also had a knife). then the suspect ran away, shot a civilian on the way, and ended up in the park. when he tryed to get out he found out he was surrounded by police and shot a few times. a Police agent arriving on a mother got hit, but had a bulletproof thingie on, so he fell, but didn't have serious injuries. Gogh did some VERY rude expressions to the islam - he called muslims "sheepfuckers" and called a political-muslim-group leader in belgian "allah's pimp". All in all he was a rude person, but it was his MEANING, and we in holland got freedom of having your meaning. if you kill somebody because of his meaning and then say "yeah allah told me to do, now i go to paradise" your a sick person, dot. What i'm more shocked about, what happened earlier: A guy walks trough the street. 2 Maroccans on a scooter ride very fast past an old lady. the guy asks for a little respect for elders. next second he's on the ground being beaten up, he died from it. you knew about that? no. jet it is way shockyer then what happened to van Gogh. Why does Gogh get more attention? because he's famous? what bullshit country am i living in? Mozared
  18. Right, whatever you want :P Mozared
  19. Damn you communists :P Mozared
  20. Yeah same for me, but explain "stuff" and explain "blew up the worm" :P Mozared
  21. Co-incidence ;D, i know it wouldn't work on multiplayer for a long time, when i read like 3 posts on this forum i knew what multiplayer was about. I will never be a pro multiplayer; 1) it's going to much like warcraft and all the other stuff, it's all about massing overpowered units and sending them in. 2) i don't have the will and time to play it that much. Anyway, i've found a way for me to use hawk strike in the campaign; usually i've got a group of 5-10 fedaykin in his base early, as soon as he has a unit that'l slaughter the fedaykin if it sees them (think hark AA platform) i just hawk-strike it, even if it's a single unit, so my fedaykin can move on. that usually works. Mozared
  22. It might sound selfish, but i think my way is the best so far. I think it mainly because i didn't even do it very well (i won in first try), but i won more by co-incidence and trying. It took me around 7:30 left to kill the worm. Well I killed it at 7:50 but for some reason i didn't got "victory" till 7:30. My tactic is for atreides, but it'l work for ordos i think. anyway, what i've done: I started out with a projector tank lvl 3, 3 apcs, 2 sonic tanks, lots of elite infantery inside the apcs, and ofcourse an mcv. i deployed my mc a bit in the northeastern cornor, immedialy deployed my projector tank at my defenses at the right ramp (this one is easyer to defend then the left ramp it appeared to me), and i started cloning sonic tanks right away, while building wind trap, barracks, refinery (that order), and deploying my infantery near the egdes off both ramps (position the snipers and deploy the kindjal). send about 3/4 cloned sonic tanks to defend your spice field (which he didn't even attack for me, unless i missed that). also send 2/3 clondes sonic tanks right outside the right gate, just outside of range of the tleilaxu living turrets. these clones baby's can easily take out the enemy waves until you have 10 minutes left. this all went very fast, and i've spent only 3/4 minutes doing this so far. sounds like a not, but if you keep clicking you'll be able to do that easily. At that time the harkonnen started attacking at the right gate. i hold them off by: 1) Massing machinegun towers 2) putting down all the sards i got there from reinforcements. it where like 2 elite and 4 normal. i lost both elite and 1 normal trough 1 buzzsaw, and at the end of the game i had 1 level 3, and 2 level 2 sards left there =P 3) putting down the mass of smuggler quads there once you get time. Every now and then a devastator came in there... cloned sonic tanks own
  23. Thats what i said and also my problem. usually the cpu has clusters of units around, but as soon as Chaos lightning seems finished all those clusters seem to be gone. nuff said. Mozared
  24. Just got the same message, MSN still worked though. now it just quitted. 19:24 here, it worked about 2 minutes ago; 19:22. It's screwed alright. Mozared
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