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Everything posted by styx

  1. FAntastic news!!! esp the Linux stuff, will point this towards some linux defs who might be able to do some of the porting
  2. OH come on, lets give them the benefit of the doubt. Yes compared to the original 6 all the other books released under the "DUNE" title have been nothing in comparrison The biggest three things I have notice is 1)the lack of character depth 2) the lack of suttleness abt their writing (ie thinking we need to have everything explained like 5yo) 3) the lack of in-depth plot-lines (goes hand in hand with #2 and the lack of plots within plots...) There is a chance that they will write two (or maybe more if they wring this one good enough) really bad books. BUT what would you rather have no books or two book's with the prospect of once read you can go over the plots in yr mind. The legends were bad (the death of the cymeks and that little girl with the plague were the two biggers "I WANT TO KILL THEM" parts of the book) but after a week and the 3 fell into place it set the stage for the Dune universe and I just looked over the very bad writing skills. There is always the possibility that they finish hte DUNE series in style and the books are very good. They have prolly read over some fan sites (even this forum) and read the critism that they have and how the Herbert legacy is being destroyed. You never know they might actually be able to write in a style that would make ould F.Herbert proud but then again...
  3. BUT wasn't it in one of the presqual that a reverend mother was captured on IX and turned inot a tank for the production of the psudo-spice and it turned out that the reverend mothers were alot better then IX women or Tleilaxu women, Thus any female can be turned inot a tank
  4. done my donation. money is good for the medium to long term. But what is really needed now and fast is man power to clear all the dead bodies (to stop desease spread, 100,000 is alot) and also in trying to organise shelter and ditribution The US is being critised for only donating $35million, with the UK now donating $98million BUT the US has redirected USS Abraham Lincoln and troops to help with such a task
  5. But to be fiar the Emperor only knew what Fenring told him
  6. Even in this time of need, religion still manages to get in the way http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4130599.stm
  7. There are billions of planets and thousands of habitable planents (cant remember the official title of the emporer) But it can be safe to assume that when humans go and colonise a planet if the gravity was too high for comfort (ie a bigger planetry body than earth) they wouldn't settle. If the gravity was too low for comfort (ie a smaller planetry body than earth) they wouldn't settle. That saying I cant rembmer what SciFi book it was from but it was stated that someone born on the moon couldn't go to earth because of the gravity change was too great for their body to handle
  8. Because he is a very bad man. It all comes down to the spice wars where he attacked quite a few systems for stock piling spice. Equally there are all the Laansart that know about his substitute spice and the killing of two guild highliners and also attepting to destroy all of Dune.
  9. styx


    I dunno, In GEoD The IX send that bird to tempt LetoII (but well he knew he would be in CoD andyway...) They had created no-space concept (second time it had been) Then the the final two books (that are more BG related books) you hear how they mass-produce no-space stuff as well as a non-intelegent computer to navigate space as well as teh Telaxu psudo-spice. They also do the interigation devices. Their ability increase alot after teh children of teh scattering came back with new technology
  10. I think you PM me abt this. I was reluctant to say since it spoils things. You should be ablt to get it or order it over the net Basically everything between House Harkonnen and Dune is what is in House Corrino (or Spice Wars) plus some extra stuff
  11. Hi, I have searched and have seen no post on this How abt listing all the inconsistancies between all the books. I am re-reading Dune (for the nth time) and I have spotted some more...
  12. styx

    ask Frank Herbert

    Do you have some deep phobia of worms?
  13. that is starting to make sense. However, Richese had their fief removed and the Harkonnens were instated, It doesnt say in "House Harkonnen" how long they had been there tho
  14. so how come the Emperor (or should I say teh CHOAM) let the Harkonnen rule Arrakis for 15more years? with no punishment
  15. I have just finishing "house Corrino" for the 2nd time and have started reading Dune again (no good books around so back to the start of Dune). At the end of "House Corrino" Paul Atreidies has been born and House Harkonnen has been found guilty of spice hording on Arrakis (and thus has lost the fief on Arrakis) At the start of "Dune" Paul undertakes the test for Human:Animal and passes - he is ~15yo and House Atreidies is about to take up the feif on Arrakis. Who had the fief on Arrakis for the 15years between "House Corrino" and "Dune" Or is this anopther one of those nice oversights on the prequals. If it is I find it quite ironic that in the prequal Andersonn:Herbert make a point in the timeline to point out an error in F.Herberts writing (to do with Shaddams rule) But they then go and make loads of mistakes Best one (I think) is at the start of Dune (the 1st book of all books) it is mentioned the Paul is born on Caladan But in "house Corrino" the book that is so-called just before "Dune" Paul is born on Kaitan. There are lots of other inconsistancies in the prequals but that one is by far the worst. --BACK ON TOPIC-- so who ruled Arrakis?
  16. I dissagree with you on that one. In the Legends of dune (when foldspace was developed) they were piloted by humans to a desination (thus re-assurting the fact that it is the engines that fold space and not some person/thing). it was 1 in 10 (10%) loss rate. To improve the odds Norma developed a fast calculator to adjust the craft in a nano second (which really isnt that fast and is one of the many little notes i didnt like abt the legends). It was not a thinking machine as such since she argued its installation but the league didnt want it. These calculation machines were only briefly used until they were stopped. the remaining one was installed in Vorians foldspace ship for the last battle. All other ships had to jump on chance. And as the league went round all the syncronised planets irradiating them they lost ships every jump. It wasnt until Norma saturated herself in spice gas and was able to see into foldspace and she demonstrated this ability did they somehow "find" volenteers to also bee transformed into navigators
  17. Yup the engines fold space. However, there is the chance you accidently fold space and emerge at your destination in the centre of a star (very bad) 1 in 10 foldspace craft were lost before navigators were used. Navigators are overdosed on Melange and thus have precience. It is this ability to see "stuff" they can see a safe place to bring a highliner out of foldspace
  18. whats the point? It doesn't matter who you vote for, you end up with the governement. Agreed with the local election. It si teh local MP that will fight for local interest. But when you vote for a party in the UK, they are all the same, slightly different manefest BUT they behave exactly the same. How many British here for a moment think that IF the Tories or the Lib Dems held the majority seat in the House of Commons that we would not have gone to war?. Wrong we still would have gone to war
  19. Ergo. you should have worded it better. But again you are stating it!!!! Read through what you have written (a SECOND TIME) it can only be interpreted one way. Now I might be British and an Engineer so I read things as-is to do my job but that say you find gays disgusting. you find it disgusting that the baron is gay. Thus you would not find it disgusting if he wasn't. Thus what is determining the disgust at the character "Baron Harkonnen" is his sexuality Anyway back on topic.I Yes the baron was gay (as in he sleped with males). BUT he never had a relationship. It was more a power thing. Most of the time it was rape. Rape is not about sex it is about power. And the Baron was all about power and intimidation
  20. Infinity is defined as all numbers outside your number-set that you are operating in. This if you set is [1 2 3 4 5] then technically (as far as mathematicians are concerned) ...,-10,-9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1 0,6,7,8,9,10,... and all non integers are classes as INFINITY since they exist outside the present number-set that is being manipulated. As to inf*inf it is equal to inf sicne as stated infinity is a terminology used to collect all numbers outside your present set. You are right that at the speed of light your mass becomes infinitly large and time stops. However, a warp engine warps space around it thus changing the apparent value of "c". As I stated the warp scale was setup on a log base scale, more precicely a exponetial curve. Basically it is impossible to get to warp10, you can get closer and closer to it but never to it. Since the speed of engines at teh end of ST-TNG were getting faster and faster becomin aquard going "warp 9.999999" they re-scaled it so warp 10 is equal to warp15 (but a bit more digging it is now warp100). Basically you can never get to warp 100 (which is still the same as warp10, you just have alot finer scale to control)
  21. From what I remember from ST the Warp scale is log based. Warp 1 is speed of light and Warp 10 is Inf speed of light. They ended up rescaling the warp scale (in the last ST-TNG since it was getting silly going Warp 9.9999) so they rescaled warp10 to warp 15. As to fastest travel. Foldspace easily wins, it is a bit like the jumps from "battlestar Galactica" What I never understood was what foom of engines existed pre-foldspace? How could they move between league worlds in month's? They would have to have faster than light drives?
  22. Maybe not as such, BUT he did have notes that he refered to in the writing of the 6DUNE books. It is these notes that the prequals refered to.
  23. please explain why you think "gays" are discusting? Also what is wrong with putting a gay in a book? as well in TV programs? If anything FH was ahead of his time by creating not only a gay charater but one in a powerful position. Also the fact that he was gay provided the storyline for why he objected the BG wanting to stud him. Look a Leto Atraidies. The sisterhood needed him and they just provided a female knowing that he would eventually have sex with her. The Baron however, if he was hetro or even Bi, teh sisterhood could also just provide him with a female to have sex with. However, since he was gay there was the whole blackmail storyline in the prequals so that the sisterhood would be able to get their child by the Baron
  24. styx


    and make it sound like a scouse is saying it? "Calm down Calm down Ill get ye yer Melaaange"
  25. styx


    well fremen comes from "We Are Free Men" as found in the legends so it should be pronounced "fre-men"
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