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Everything posted by Infantryman17

  1. Deviance 4 life baby 8)
  2. dude, it sure sucks to live in the USA ;)
  3. My msn is: Greenday_1617@hotmail.com
  4. Is it possible to edit an .INI file or something so that i can play emperor on a 1280x1024 screen resolution instead of 11280x960?? Thnx, David
  5. When i play as ordos i'm fairly good in hit and run (damn i love those laser tanks) but when the enemy deploys Fedaykin every armor gets shot to bits :S how do you counter that?? Inf gets shot to bits to and sinds Ordos doesnt have any air support..
  6. hey y'all When i install the game and play it (compatibility mode) it starts up but when
  7. I play emperor and it can be a very short game.. i also have the feeling that some units kill and die very quickly than in dune 2000
  8. I had the same question and U can't .. unfortunately
  9. Sounds kewl
  10. I tried every possible option with screen resolution, safe mode, compatibility, refresh rate, 16-32 bit so what is your solution?
  11. So what... i should install this crappy sp1 pack and risking a CPU fuckup... thank U microsoft >:(
  12. both because when there are many units on screen at once you will experience pcu slowdown :(
  13. i think you should set textures to medium and reslotion to 800x600
  14. Ive searched every store for emperor when a friend finally burned me a copy and i wanted to play online i'd got a problem with westwood registration (which u need in order 2 play online) it says that i should reinstall the game with the right serial number in order to finish westwood registration. suggestion anyone?
  15. ow U mean they git scared and flee off the map the same points reinfocements come from
  16. i play with low detail shadows, multi textures on, TL off, 16 bit that goes nicely
  17. i ment that red aint in the color list its only orange
  18. working on it dont worry you can kick my ass soon :P
  19. question: why are the differences between units so little in dune 2000?
  20. when playing harkies why cant u choose red? that sux
  21. agree that u should train but game addiction can be a real problem (social life ;)) and school
  22. ectually i do... i was very addicted to games and now i'm not any more happily, i was very into dune 2000 until i played 2 much and it became boring after i while :P emperor rocks but i dont play it TOO often (lets say 5 days a week)
  23. Atriedes should have air supriority not harks the orni does way 2 little damage so you should build 4 at least and they are way too expansive.. sonic tanks are good.. the real useless units i think are sand bikes i dont build em as for apc
  24. question: what excactly is the use of a hawk strike? i didnt see it makin casualties ???
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