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Everything posted by Loki

  1. erm, how could you all miss the greatest ever?? Earth Worm JIM!!!!!!!! sorry. the cartoon, his little doggy friend would always recite the litany of fear, ALWAYS. hehehe, great cartoon.
  2. my amp goes all the way up to 11! hehe
  3. ok, just read all the posts.Edric0 deserves an award for putting up with emprworm, i mean, he's been asking perfectly mature questions, posing them in a coherent way. then what does he get as an answer? blah blah .....blah blah blah dear oh dear. who's the one being childish? ooh ooh i know i know!!! oh yeah. just a point. but er, well, how can i put this, since your [emprworm] obviously against dictators, um, well, i've decided to use my @mega biased evidence card@, Michael Moore, Stupid White Men, (a book) according to him Bush was not a rightfully elected blokey, so theres your dictator. but apart from that, how can you say you live in a free society? lets face it, USA aint a free society, thats sorta the point of capitalistic countries, freedom is bought an sold. Meh, there are very few (if any) free societies in the world.
  4. Loki

    The Big Read

    havta say, the BIG READ SUX AND THEY CAN ALL BURN IN HELL >:(. er, anyway, i have to say i wasnt to pleased that dune wasn't in the top 22, ok, so harry potter, good books, no doubt, but, when compared to Dune, HAH!, and as for NightWatch (pratchett), i was disgusted :'(. it should of been in the top 22.
  5. Ok, so, here is the answer to all your questions of life...... http://sms.mike.neir.org/sms.htm
  6. OK, i dont know whether plants are concious or not, but an interesting point is... just because no normal nervous system or brain, that doesnt mean they dont have one, they may have a system that we just cant understand. not quite the same, but, a man had a couple of mm's of brain tissue along his skull, he was born with it, he had a perfectly normal life, no physical or emotional difference apart from that. (we learnt that in psychology, cant remeber where from though). so who knows, plants may have a nervous system, and a brain, but just nothing we could understand as being such.
  7. cry? pray? sorry. havta say, you know its a good game when you enjoy watching your entire fleet being blown apart, but even more when you do it to the enemy. anyone agree thata dreadnought type ship would have been nice? although, i suppose the battle cruisers are almost good enough.
  8. ok, interesting topic, 1st) No reall doubt that plants are alive, unless the are plstic and live in [insert food type]take aways. They grow, eat, create waste, reproduce etc. they are alive. Now the rest, for the stimulus response there can be a number of reasons, like you have already put. But i dont believe that some apply. at all. sorry. plants often rely on outside elements to carry out there reproduction or to transport their seed. They must be aware of those things to use them not only insects/wind but birds mammals etc. uh, well, thats one way of looking at it, that sort of stimulus response can be put down to evolution, eg fisrt plants grow, 2 are exactly the same, APART FROM, one have colourful flowers/interesting smell/etc the other doesn't, the colourful one gets polinated, the other doesn't, simple as that, the most effiecient system rules. the plants don't just decide to change their 'outfit' as it were. its the same with all animals, its evolution. now with that though, im not saying they are not aware, but its a different time scale, um, as example a fly lives for a short time, but it moves damn fast, a tortoise moves slowly, it lives longer (nothing to do with kit kat mini cube thingys). metabolism. plants can live for a vvvveeerrryyy long time, and, if you lived for a couple of hundred years, in the same place, doing the same stuff alll the time, even if you a hyperactive little sappling, even after a few years you wouldnt notice much, you'd either beome insane or go into yourself. it's almost like the frog and the boiling water, if you put a frog into boiling water, it would leap out, but if you put it into cold water and then raised the temperature, kaching, boiled frog. Soooo, even if plants are very conscious of themeselves and their world, they may have their heads in the sky, and not notice anything.
  9. 28 Days later, very good, but it does have attributes of other films/ideas, ok, so broadly speaking, Day of the Trifids--- just think about them both for a min. OK, so not a 'classic' horror, but check out DogSoldiers, very good.
  10. as a person who prefers more hardcore than the softer metal, KsE, Chimaira, Prospect Acconite Thrill etc, i have to say that The Darkness rule, ok, so they look funny, GOOD! they have great music, an no blonde big breasted bimbo singing (good or bad?hmm), which is a nice change.
  11. well, i think a good point is.. at least when Arnold has his speech's to the media he (hopefully) won't have many gramatical errors. unlike the born an bred american *coughBUSHcough*
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