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Everything posted by Danuary

  1. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Unfortunatly I won't be able to make it this sunday, but good luck to all of you that do. (although I'm sure you won't need it ;))
  2. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    and it was quite a fun hour indeed, well at least until the second round. I remember in the first I racked up 73 points, 6 higher then the nearest XCU ;). But in the second, I don't even know what happened, my score mostly stayed constant because of TKs, but all I really remember was driving around in a jeep doing nothing because all the enemy team was doing was flying around and not attacking. The only bad thing was that everyone on teamspeak was British! It would be appreciated if XCU would correct this oversight at the nearest opportunity, as I had no idea who was talking at any given time, let alone what they were talking about. However I did manage to identify a few with the obligatory cursing which accompanied getting filled up with lead from my engineer gun.
  3. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Well I discovered you plan to be having this friendly at 2 O'clock my time, no thanks to your ridiculous site. However I was going to be doing something around that time but the way it looks now that may or may not happen. So when are you girls going to get on Xfire? I've been waiting all morning for ya.
  4. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Then you will need to fill out <i>Clan Friendly Requisition Form 3X-1B</i>. <u>Areas of note:</u> birth date, martial status, annual income, sexual orientation, social insurance number, method of payment (Visa, Mastercard, behind the shed, etc), agreement to give clan <i>XCU</i> the right of attorney over your person, property, and spouse. Remember to bring <b>six</b> forms of identification upon submission. Form 3X-1B must be submitted in quintiplicate and signed in lamb's blood. We don't <i>have</i> to be ready, we have xfire. ;) Edit: So are we still on for sunday or what?
  5. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Harr harr very funny, I'll be there just to prove you wrong. As long as someone can tell me what 7 British hours are in EST that is.
  6. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    As long as we get the AK101s; or in their place, 3 tanks with attack helicopter and multi artillery battalion support with a possibility of precision tactical nuke strikes.
  7. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    He says that now, but you guys have no idea how hard it was to convince erjin and scar to actually use Xfire. ;)
  8. If only there was some precedent for suspecting EA made sequels only to milk a franchise, then this all could have been avoided.
  9. Nope, no other way, its just one game you won't be able to play for free. Unless of course you, hmmm how should I put this... buy it?
  10. I tried to like this game, I really did, but no matter how much you gush over the good bits, the fact remains that this game is just like the original red alert with 3D graphics instead set in the tiberium universe. There is little if any innovation whatsoever, and as veK said, the camera control is horrible, you cannot even see your entire base at once; and even if this is CnC, you need a ridiculous amount of low level units to even think about taking on even a few vehicles, usually more than can fit on the screen, and they die so fast its pointless and sometimes impossible to maintain squads, the backbone of any strike force. Of course none of it would matter if the game was fun and interesting, but the units and mechanics are neither. There is a simple power scale for the GDI forces, one gun, two gun, three gun, guess which is more powerful? mechanics wise, EA has decided to put more of an emphasis on micromanaging combat with garrisonable buildings, flankable armour, and confined maps, however the game still uses the old CnC method of base construction, click on sidebar to build then place, but chances are you will never have time for that and end up getting extremely frustrated as you switch back to your battle and find the enemy has outflanked you and wiped out your forces, there have been plenty of times where my base has been out of power, yet there was a completed power plant just waiting to be placed. If you really feel like buying this game, just go reinstall your old copy of RA2 instead.
  11. Danuary


    Top Gear tests the tolerance of Americans. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6MJVzXbqRU&NR
  12. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    I always thought that white dots were the soldiers you clicked on. But then again I haven't been commander for about, ohhh... just over a year now?
  13. Probably gonna buy: Crysis Metroid Corruption Mario Galaxies Wait and see: Supreme commander - Great beta, but the skill level of players was definitely lacking, hard to find a good game. Bioshock - Might have "consolitus", maybe best to just play SS2 Stalker - I'm doubtful of any game that's been close to release as many times as this one has ETQW - Something about the gameplay videos just didn't seem right, probably fun anyways but then again, less than half a year ago they still didn't have the strogg base modeled. Doubtful yet hoping: CnC3 - Ea (need I say more?) Fallout 3 - Workable build but not a single preview? Dungeons in fallout?
  14. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Oh, I thought it was one of the times that one time when we were tking each other with knives and buggies, but I think you just got auto-kicked.
  15. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    thanks for that erjin, it brings back alot of fun memories, especially my 2% knife accuracy, and how you have become my arch-enemy, although I still beat you by a narrow margin on most, especially suicides. @scar If I remember correctly I may have had something to do with it, maybe. ::)
  16. veK, all the reasons you listed most wanted to be a bad game are the reasons its so good. The nightime racing in carbon is stupid, it was only added so the developers wouldn't have to put as much work into the scenery, if you take a close look you can see there is really nothing on the buildings besides a few windows. Ever wonder why your headlights are not very effective? for some reason they just seem to make the ground slightly lighter and purple; if you ever illuminate the beginning walls on one of the canyon runs, you can see that they are just black slabs instead of the grey concrete you would expect. When has the need for speed series been about realism anyway? The handling on the cars in carbon is completely messed up, there is no reason for the "muscle cars" to slide like they do, real life owners of the cars agree too, saying handling is not nearly as bad as in carbon. The "cop quest" was probably the most fun I had in the game and broke up the racing parts nicely so you weren't simply completing races to advance all the time like in carbon. As for the catch-up, do you even own MW? its the same if not worse in carbon, once after I lost the cops in a police chase, I maneuvered into a side alley to hide but accidentally hit a bus stop and suddenly the police car on my minimap spun around and flew back where I was at an impossible speed.
  17. Bah, scratch carbon, it is half the game Most Wanted was. I own both and in my opinion, carbon was a cheap cash-in on the greatness that was most wanted, it is still a good racing game but not near the standards MW set. I could go on a rant about it, but there are plenty of review sites for that, buy carbon then most wanted, or buy most wanted, either way you will get a hundred hours from Need for Speed: Most Wanted and have a very satisfying racing experience; buy carbon after, and you will be sorely disapointed and have wasted sixty dollars.
  18. I'll second BF2, and add Starscape, HL2, and the chronicles of riddick.
  19. Danuary


    What do you call a dog with no legs? Anything you want, he's not coming.
  20. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Yay for EA and their numerous bugs, Yay for EA and their lawyer thugs. Yay for EA and borderline crime, Yay for EA and no overtime.
  21. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    I can't wait for ET:QW, but even in those old screenshots it looks like any card beneath a 7800 is going have trouble maintaining a level of quality near those screenshots; I'd put good money on it being delayed again just to make it DX10 compatible.
  22. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Its too bad really, I was *almost* thinking of getting it, but then again, I really can't justify spending over 50 dollars on what should really be an expansion pack; especially considering the amount of use I got out of special forces. EA is really getting hit hard with this one, it already looks like the game is being boycotted on a large scale. Just take a look at Amazon's page for the game, only 1.5 stars out of 5 and the price has already dropped 5 dollars.
  23. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Fileshack, best place to download anything right now, you can get 250k a second if do the free registration.
  24. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

    Anyone with the demo up for a match?
  25. Danuary

    Battlefield 2

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