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15 files

  1. This module/plugin for TibEd will allow you to edit Dune 2000 files.
  2. A visual mod maker that has a 30 day trail, after which you get a delay of about 10 seconds while the program loads. More details can be found at the TibEd website.
  3. Visual ini editor that is no longer being updated. By Arno Raps.
    132 0
  4. A fairly complete mod editor that has now been discontinued. Includes version 1.12 and the upgrade to 1.20.
    190 0
  5. This program allows you to edit the text strings found in Dune 2000. Contact the author if you can program in Delphi and want to help write a Insert/Add function.
    -Siberian GRemlin
    120 0
  6. Opens RFH & RFD & BAG files.
    327 0
  7. The beta map editor release from Westwood. Currently the only map editor. It includes all the tools you need to make multiplayer maps.
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  8. Defines and lists all of the uses of all of the texture files in Emperor: Battle for Dune.
    126 0
  9. Program for viewing and editing Xbf files. Meshes can be viewed and modified, the Xbf file can be converted to a text file for viewing and the text file can be edited and converted back to an Xbf file. Meshes can be replaced with new meshes or new meshes inserted with meshes in MilkShape3D's ms3d file format. This version adds extraction of meshes from the Xbf file to an ms3d file.
    934 0
  10. Compress your maps and create Readme files for them. Required to open maps you've downloaded.
    146 0
  11. First of all, about functions:
    - Read & preview graphic format R8 from Dune 2000.
    - Edit & Save to R8.
    - Do not allow replace opened R8-file while saving - i.e. if you open C:\temp\mouse.r8, then you can't save R8 with the same name in the same folder. This made, coz source-file need as original while saving.
    - For replacing images you may use 8 - bits per pixel uncompressed Windows BMP-files ONLY. The most important is the palette of importing image!!! If it is not equal with the D2K palette - image can be viewed as "pixel garbage". This problem can be solve using internal function "optimize importing image-palette to D2K palette" (Check this in options), then all importing images will be automatically updated.
    But sometimes this function convert image colors not right, so, maybe, better use another program (i.e. Adobe Photoshop) for color optimize, and then load image to Dune 2000 Image Converter.
    154 0
  12. An excellent modding utility that allows you to skip from one header to another with great ease inside any Emperor ini files. This utility actually allows to perform the same function in numerous other game's ini files.
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  13. Converts the Hole in the Rock campaign map into a skirmish & multiplayer map.
    142 0
  14. This utility program is created to make custom bag files for customizing the music/dialog in the game. By Hoo.
    140 0
  15. This is a modswapper for Emperor. It allows you to easily install and remove mods. Only 1 mod at the time. You can also decide to reset Emperor to the way it was, before mods were placed.
    126 0

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