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Elite Force 2 Demo!


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Yes, the prerelease demo of what will arguably be the best FPS to date has been released. Get it here. (Obviously, there are other places you can get it from, such as FilePlanet, but this is the one I got from.)

I have one thing to say: WOW! :O :O :O :O The graphics are AMAZING! And the gameplay is just as good, if not better than, the original.

(Warning: Not for dial-up; the demo is 118MB)

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The key to beating the final monster was to strafe left around the back wall, then right. Also, you have to time it right, but if you pick up just one health pack, you'll keep your health up long enough to continue to strafe around that circle until the monster goes down. It took me three times, I believe.

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I just got the demo now (WITH dial-up, I might add), and to be honest, I'm not that impressed.

The Weapons are really crappy. It looks like a phaser rifle, but it's an assault rifle/grenade launcher. What's up with that? Same goes for the double-barrel shotgun that shoots energy. Also, the hand phaser is terrible looking, and the tricorder looks like an older PDA. I liked the TNG tricorders best myself.

And there's no real strategy to it. It's just ambush after ambush. "Gee, this room looks empty... oh wait, now it's full of spiders" and so on.

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