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Mod Concepts/Suggestions/Ideas


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I hope this thread can serve appropriately as an outlet for the following:

-suggestions or ideas from inexperienced modders who don't know how to make the mod.

-suggestions or ideas from experienced modders who don't have time to make a mod.

-requests for graphic and ini editing services from anyone here.

I have lots of time, and I like modding, so I hope to get some good ideas here :)

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here is what will probably be the best possible question you'll ever get, seeing as it will result in the most interest based on any work done as a result of it:

what all can you do to edit Emp 1.09 and still have it work during ANY online game? ie: if i install a Mod one of you makes, may I ever use it in an online game even if the other person in that online game does not have the same Mod? i know in many cases it will OOS, or the game won't run etc.

but are there a certain degree of changes that can be made which would still allow the user to play online normally?

ie: there is a program called KeyCraft for War3 and there are also working MapHacks for War3 which alter the game program on one user's computer yet he can still play online with other users who are not using the same Mods with no gameplay-related technical issues at all.

are these sorts of things possible with Emperor? i would not ask for cheats, but for the sake of example, is it theoretically possible to make a "maphack" for Emperor (meaning online, on WOL) ?

if the answer is yes then I can provide a whole ton of brilliant Mod ideas to improve Emperor gameplay

but if the answer is "we can only Mod for SP, or MP *IF* the other people in your game are using the same Mods as you" then I certainly would have no interest in any of the Mods anyone ever makes for Emperor and I'm pretty sure that attitude is prevalent among the vast majority of Emperor players

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As far as I know any change to the Rules.txt will cause an OOS error. Although I think the error will only occur if one of units/structures that were changed are built. So if you change the Dust Scout, but no one ever actually builds one, the game might not go out of sync. I'm not 100% sure on that though.

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I think you're right about the Dust Scout. :) A long time ago when I was testing a mod with Edric O, the game went out of sync when he built a leech, and only when he built a leech. The rest of the time, the game was fine.

So we played another game to confirm that the leech was what was causing the game to go OOS, and the results were the same.

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So in other words, I am to understand that the answer to my Question is "No."

Emperor gameplay can *not* be improved on WOL by the way of Mods if only one person has the Mods?

i'll throw something else at you: let's say I wanted you to make me a WOL Mod. in this Mod, i wanted a text-message to be permenanetly "pinned-up" at the top of my screen any time a building of mine gets Engineered. Say I have a Refinery and Windtrap of mine get Engineered. In that case, I want two text messages to be "stickied" at the top of my screen until either I re-capture that Refinery and Windtrap, or until they are destroyed. In the place where it normally says "Structure is ready to place" etc. with text, i'd want it to say "Refinery has been captured"; "Windtrap has been captured"

can things like that be done or would it OOS the game? i need a definitive answer so as I know if i'm wasting y'all's time or not

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no they don't get stickied. but wouldn't it just be a matter of altering a few files to make it stay stickied?

this would be a huge benefit to Emperor gameplay seeing as the current Engineering system is flawed in that it's way more difficult to *see* what has been Engineered than Westwood had planned for.

i have other even better ideas to fix this problem.

ie: have a "box" - just like the box you use to group units with - surround the captured buildings and flash constantly until they are re-captured or destroyed. or even just having the computer generate that "box-line" around the captured buildings until they are re-captured or destroyed would be a huge help.

i don't have any technical background with the nuts and bolts of Emperor code so I don't know how possible any of this stuff is but if these types of editing could be done for WOL games that would really rock

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no they don't get stickied. but wouldn't it just be a matter of altering a few files to make it stay stickied?

I'm not sure that anyone has ever found the settings that determine how long the in game messages stay up on the screen before they disappear. It may not be possible to keep messages 'stickied'.

ie: have a "box" - just like the box you use to group units with - surround the captured buildings and flash constantly until they are re-captured or destroyed. or even just having the computer generate that "box-line" around the captured buildings until they are re-captured or destroyed would be a huge help.

I doubt the selection type 'box' is possible. However awhile ago I did some experimenting with a different type of box, the 'alert' box, which flashes on the radar map. I was only able to make it flash when the unit/structure in question was attacked, and it would probably also be possible to make it flash for a building that was attacked. I'm not sure about making it flash when captured though, and the flash wouldn't last permanently.

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Editing the interface like that is theoretically possible - but probably only if you reverse-engineer the software, which is illegal. So you won't see any such mods.

The basic answer to any "can it be done" question is that we can not edit the engine, but we can edit the resources it uses, like the units and houses, but nothing hard-coded, like the interface structure. (nor can we remove bugs in the engine, before you ask).

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I think since an IX projecter can deploy it can teleport like a Niab tank- my original idea was to make a teleporting APC out of it but it probably wont work due to the fact you need to deploy for noth functions...

and another idea that i think wont work- can you make a Flying unit Deploy into a Building like a MVC does?

i avent seen either of these used so i asume neither works right? :-

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So you could make like a landing orni that deploys into like a cask then into something else- if i hade the right skins would be perfect- ill think on that today

Well ive done somethinking would it be possible to make a face dancer this way--- that would be cool- it could turn into a small cacoone or cask when it trans forms- the basic XAF could be either a deplying infantry or the "GU_MAN" he looks alot like a face dancer

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