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I don't know where your DXDiag log file is. I guess it is in some other thread. Well I would say the most important component to spend that money on would be either a new CPU like a Pentium III 1.13 Ghz Processor (I took into account your chipset http://www.intel.com/design/chipsets/datashts/29067602.pdf ) on www.pricewatch.com for $125.00 or a video card like the Geforce 4 TI4400 for $187.00 also on pricewatch :) .

Edit -- Oh I see you added your Dxdiag now :)

Looking at your Dxdiag I would say replace the video card first. Then when you get another $125 replace the CPU. For about $325 you will have much more power.

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So u think a new video card would be more helpful than a new processor? Ok, since like i said i know barely anything about comps I'll listen to you. You think i should get the geforce 4 TI4400 ? I dont knwo if i want to spend that much on a video card, id rather spend more money on a new processor.

i will get a new video card first(Ill spend about $120 max on a video card), but wont spend as much money as i would on a new processor(ill spend up to $200 on a CPU, shooting for atleast a 1.6ghz). So what would u recommend now?

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The problem with the CPU is your chipset. You would need a new motherboard to get anything faster than the PIII 1.13 Ghz processor I mentioned. You are stuck with PIII with your motherboard. When you factor in the price of a new motherboard and the cost of a better CPU you are looking at over $300+ (and possibly a lot of headaches). The PIII would be a pretty good upgrade and if you only want to spend $120 I would say go with the CPU I mentioned. The video card is where you are going to get the biggest bang for the buck and you can take that Geforce 4 to a newer motherboard when you want to get a P4 2.4 Ghz processor.

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It takes up a PCI slot as well as the AGP. That heat sink and fan are huge and I thought this info about how hot it gets is interesting:

While testing the card in an open environment (i.e., outside of a PC case), the heatsink on the back of the card reached over 68

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'll also going to post about my own PC that I want to buy and build. As soon as I am going to build it, I will try to put up some screenshots of the building proces.

I have figured out most parts that I want, but still haven't made up my mind about some. One of the parts is the mainboard. I know I want AGP 8x to put the new GeForce FX Ultra (5800) in. But as far as chipset goes, I'm undecided. I have the following chipsets in mind:

1) SiS648. - This chipset offers AGP 8x, is capable of running FSB533. It doesn't have many features though, but good performance for your money.

2) Intel E7205. - This chipset offers AGP 8x, is capable of running FSB533. Good thing about this one is that it uses double DDR ram. Unfortunate thing is, it can only handle DDR266.

3) Intel 850E - Top performance for the P4. This chipset is capable of running RDRAM PC1066, currenty the fastest memory you can get. Disadvantage, it doesn't have AGP 8x. This is an old chipset and according to many, Intel should release a updated chipset, as this one is aging.

4) SiS 658. - This chipset would answer all my needs. It offers AGP 8x, is capable of running FSB533 and supports RDRAM PC1066. Unfortunately, it isn't available yet.

As for the rest of the parts:

2) Intel P4 3Ghz - If a faster CPU is available, like the 3.3Ghz or 3.6Ghz that'll be it.

3) 1024mb of ram - Type of ram depends on the motherboard I choose.

4) GeForce FX Ultra (5800) - Preferably with 256mb of memory.

5) Maxtor 80Gb harddrive - This drive has also 8mb cache.

6) Soundblaster Audigy platinum II

7) CD-REW IDE 48x24x48 Plextor - A normal cdrom will be added also.

8) Logitec cordless desktop optical - Mouse and keyboard wireless. The mouse is optical.

9) Iiyama 17" LCD - This isn't the screen I'm going to use for gaming though. But I need another screen for my other PC.

10) Super flower S201 case with 500watt power supply

As OS I have chosen Windows XP pro.

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Thanks Nyar! You just saved me a lot of research for the next system I will build for myself. I can have a Doc_Nyar system after all ;D .

Remember that if you go for an already existing mainboard to check if it's Hyper Threading ready (assuming you'll get at least a 3Ghz CPU) ;)

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Has anyone tried this tool yet? I played the demo and the first part (Wings of fury or something like that) ran real smooth on my system. It was a great demo! The second part of the demo slowed my system to a crawl and locked up eventually :O .

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  • 2 weeks later...

It sounds like Tom thinks that the new ATI chipset may be more efficient than the NV3X because the ATI uses 24 Bit and the NV3X uses higher precision 32 bit or 16 Bit for rendering. ATI sounds like a better card for general Direct X code whereas the Nvidia needs optimized code. I guess Doom 3 will be telling as to which card is better for gaming. I am not impresed all that much with the latest 3D Mark especially after reading those articles. Thanks Doc!

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I have to admit that I'm disapointed by the performance of the FX compared to the ATi 9700Pro, but it doesn't stop me from getting the FX. I've read and heard to many problems with ATi and it's drivers, I'm not going to risk having problems with games due to drivers. Currently the FX is a bit faster (4% - 8%) when it comes to games and the ATi takes over the lead when it comes down to programs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

New video card news from ATi and Nvidia:

ATi has released the Radeon 9800, 9600 and 9200 series. Read more about it here.

ATi is updating its entire product line. All cards of the 9000, 9500, and 9700 series will be replaced by successors named 9200, 9600, and 9800, respectively.

Nvidia's counter attack, the GeForceFX 5600 and 5200 series. Read more about it here.

A small part of the cnclusion in the Nvidia article:

We'll have more for you on this in a few days, including extensive benchmark tables. But this much can be said for now: the FX 5600 and 5200 cards won't have an easy time against the new ATI products.

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Regardless of the hardware ATI puts out I am staying with NVidia because they support their drivers much better than ATI. It all comes down to how well games play and NVidia cards have been playing games much better than ATI cards.

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