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Understanding the Eight Questions

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There have been a lot of boards attacking Atheism. There has also been a lot of slander and attack towards religious people. Both sides have their obvious extremists. Out of many attacks I will do something different.

These are not loaded questions. Obviously there is a denial in an existance of a God in my opinion for atheists. There is also a direct assumption for the belief for a deity on the other side of the coin. This is just my opinion. No arguments on the opinions I hold by the way. I want you to answer the damn questions.lol ;)

Repeating them

Why isnt there a God?

Why do you believe this?

Why assume there is no God?

If there is no substantial evidance against a God, then why say there is no God?


To be fair, the same opposite questions to Theists.

Why is there a God?

Why do you believe this?

Why assume there is a God?

If there is no substantial evidance to prove the existance of a God, then why say there is a God?

Of course there is no substantial evidance for a God, I am just making questions. There has been discussion in eachother's flaws, but relatively no clean questions. just answer these if you wish. if there are alterier motives to your posting here, please post it somewhere else. No slandering or bashing of any kind. No obvious statements against either side. Just answer these questions.

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I'll be a good boy and answer ;)

Why isnt there a God? Not that there isn't a god, I am agnostic atheist, but I do not believe in a god because the world around me does not suggest a god, and there is no reason to believe that there is one. Occams razor falls into this.

Why do you believe this? Read first question. Guess I went on and on ;)

Why assume there is no God? Because there is no reason to.

If there is no substantial evidance against a God, then why say there is no God? I don't say there is no general god. Again, I am an agnostic atheist. As in, I lack a belief in a god - but I don't know if there is one or not for sure.

These questions seem to fall into the Gnostic Atheist category. Try to specify that in your post please.

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Why is there a God?

- Look at physics. Which path is taken? Always the most perfect one, the one that is straight. Why? It could take any path, but it'll always take the most perfect it can take in the circumstances (out of an infinite possibilities). I see human and things in general the same way. Of course, it implies human having freedom to make his own decisions, which aren't always good. But a human that wouldn't be free would thus not be in a perfect world in the array of possibilities.

- Only one truth exist. How could two path both be perfection? Only one is perfection. Perfection is ONE. It is beauty, good and truth (Plato and trinity concept somehow). There aren't two perfect moral, two truths nor two beauty. Thus all brings to one.

- From this also comes, indirectly, "from where comes order"? It could take an infinite array of paths that do not have order. All is coherent in rational terms: why? Because it is the only RIGHT way... Right = correct = beauty = true. So what could bring this except a conscious beeing, since would from inconsciousness come an order CHOSEN to be correct/true/right?

- We exist, in the sense that we ARE and we THINK. The world is formedof its constituants. And our existence is part of its constituants. Thus something has to think in this world, no? How could it bring BEEING without having any of this constituant in itself?

- Add to this Jesus, which is quite a special case... All the ideas in the New Testament is about having only one perfection, through good and so on. Some influence from Plato. Also, that many people saying there were miracles and all (otherwise alot of scriptures denying people promoting Jesus woud have been done at that time), does alot on Jesus' side... would it all happen randomly on someone?? Jesus is platonician ;)

Why do you believe this?

Maybe I misunderstand this question, but it seems like I'd repeat what I wrote for 1st question...

Why assume there is a God?

Erm... how do I make the difference between a question and another?

If there is no substantial evidance to prove the existance of a God, then why say there is a God?

No substantial evidence? Well I do not believe in knowledge (I'm near Kant for those who know him) so I do not believe you will have any "substantial evidence" on anything, even about your wall's color. It's all about following what we believe the most in, to make our best to follow the righteous path. I guess it's what we call "faith": having faith in what we do, in following a right path. And when what we do is going to God by trying to follow a right path, then it is faith in a theological sense.

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I like this idea...

"Why isnt there a God?"

Because there is no indication around us that points to creation from an intelligent deity. Everything suggests that it came from something else and just changed form (conservation of matter, and of energy)

"Why do you believe this?"

Because I have no reason to believe there is.

"Why assume there is no God?"

The scientific method, and good, general doubting and questioning.

"If there is no substantial evidance against a God, then why say there is no God?"

Ahh, the clincher question. :) There is no substantial evidence against the sun burning out in my lifetime. There is no substantial evidence against the world blowing up tomorrow. There is no substantial evidence against birds and bees flying out of my ass at every moment after I press the post button until the whole atmosphere is filled with the buzzing flappers. There isn't any evidence for it, either. For me to believe in a God, when there is no substantial evidence for or against it, would make me an illogical hipocrit. :)

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Maybe because if we had evidence of God, we would all commit suicide? What is the point of living and working in misery, fighting wars, paying taxes, when there is a guarantee that "life" will be so much better if we die...

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Why isnt there a God?

There is no reason for there to be a god, nor is there a reson for there to be a god. However, the functionality of the universe is such that there are no omnipotent beings or similar there.

Why do you believe this?

Hmm. I can't think of explaining without writing an essay. The evidence and reason seems to point in that way.

Why assume there is no God?

I do not.

If there is no substantial evidance against a God, then why say there is no God?

If the evidence for a God is far enough less to make it worth saying.

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Why is there a God?

Because there is. and there is no explanation for some certain species. and much evidence agienst Evolution. along with it not being vaildly possable due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Why do you believe this?

There is much indirect evidence Jesus is Lord. Take the Bible codes for example. Though some athiests probbly wouldn't belive if he appeard to them and cut off all there toes and fingers. or did something no humen being could do. and still try and explan it away with science.
Why assume there is a God?

I do no such thing. I know there is a God. from many evidences.

If there is no substantial evidance to prove the existance of a God, then why say there is a God?

Just because there is no direct evidence don't mean there isn't one. Take you for example. I have know way of knowing you are a humen being and not some computer. But though your reasoning and much other evidence on here i know you are a real person. Take the wind second example. we can't see it yet we belive it is there though much evidence. though no substantial evidence. In the same way we can know there is a God though evidence of species. And there is no other explanation that is really possable nor probbly never will be
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Why is there a God?

Because there is. and there is no explanation for some certain species. and much evidence agienst Evolution. along with it not being vaildly possable due to the 2nd Law of Thermodynamics.

Why do you believe this?

There is much indirect evidence Jesus is Lord. Take the Bible codes for example. Though some athiests probbly wouldn't belive if he appeard to them and cut off all there toes and fingers. or did something no humen being could do. and still try and explan it away with science.
Why assume there is a God?

I do no such thing. I know there is a God. from many evidences.

If there is no substantial evidance to prove the existance of a God, then why say there is a God?

Just because there is no direct evidence don't mean there isn't one. Take you for example. I have know way of knowing you are a humen being and not some computer. But though your reasoning and much other evidence on here i know you are a real person. Take the wind second example. we can't see it yet we belive it is there though much evidence. though no substantial evidence. In the same way we can know there is a God though evidence of species. And there is no other explanation that is really possable nor probbly never will be

You constantly bring back that there are evidence of God and that they are a reason to believe, but you say none of them! And about just "knowing", what makes you different from people who are saying they "know" that animism is true just because they know it? I do believe in the possibility of faith, but I do not believe faith is arational (which means disconnected from rationality, independent from it).

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thats the point ACE. :) By the way, I said no arguments.lol Just give your info and thats it, I planned this on purpose and there will be a follow up thread for it. not in attack or in retort, but to hash over the questions. I am getting psychoanalytical on you guys.lol ;)

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"Why is there a God?" - where?

"Why do you believe this?" - what?

"Why assume there is a God?" - WHERE again?

"If there is no substantial evidance to prove the existance of a God, then why say there is a God?" - why no evidence?

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Why isnt there a God?

I don't know, maybe there is, but there is no reason to believe in a God without some kind of evidence.

Why do you believe this?

No evidence. It is illogical to inject a supernatural being into the explanations when no evidence is present.

Why assume there is no God?

I don't.

If there is no substantial evidance against a God, then why say there is no God?

Because an outrageous claim of a mysterious supernatural being needs positive evidence for any kind of logical belief.

I wont make it that specific acriku, as I have never met other atheists who had your specific views.

Well now you've met two. I also am an agnostic atheist.

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I would have stated some but TMA said no arguements in this thread & stay ontopic. Though even if I stated some I don't think it would appease an athiest anymore then if there was none. We can have a follow up thread latter. :)

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