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The Dune 7/Butlerian Jihad speculation thread! Spoilers!

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Aurelius venport and norma i believe will be the founders of the guild. Someone else said that before. He will probaly be the first navigator. He wants to enhance his skills and is always experimenting with drugs and will probably take tons of melange. And the betrayal between xavier and vorian will involve serena. will the thinking machines have a role in dune 7? And if the person who fights at the battle of corrin gets his last name from the planet, does that mean we wont know who exactly the first corrino is until after the battle of corrin? Could any of the characters in the first legends of dune book be the first corrino?


that is funny, the DE explains that Norma Cenva is the founder of the Society of Mystic Mariners. Which would later be called The Spacing Guild.

Note: I am pretty sure its true, can you check it out for me vanguard? I could be mistaken.


It states in the DE, which I am holding right now searching..


Don't read if you dont want to know future possible info about norma cenva! in later jihad books.

[hide]It says Norma is an ixian shipwright and navigator. "Foster-mother of the spacing guild."

It even says she was to tupile!?!?!(Due Messiah's place)

and theres much more but too much to write



the DE says that norma guides the first foldspace journey and venport leads the ixain refugees. It says norma lived after the jihad and she used ixian industry and invented the whole foldspace thingy. and she also befriended bene gesserits. But then again it also says that JEHANNE butler of bene gesserit training starts a crusade after having her child aborted by a richessian machine. And that transcom was a corporation that used computers for hyperspace travel and the galaxy was dependant of self repairing robots and quick communication and the crudaders won becuase they disabled these. The DE version of the jihad makes the crusaders look like the bad guys, or fanatics who fought against other humans not like the brian/kevin version. also some guy named ecevit becomes the first corrino. and albulrud abondonds the battle. but that was in the house novels too.


who will be the first corrino in the brian/kevin version? do you think he has been introduced in the series yet? or maybe in one of the other 2 legends of D books.


I remember in (I believe) House Corrino, that in a scene on Junction, someone sees a statue of Aurelius Venport, and it is mentioned that he is the founder of the Spacing Guild. I'm not very sure on this all, maybe someone can look it up for me? I don't have the books myself.


im not sure on that q about venport. but Sheuset was his first name and ecevit his last name before he took corrino. Also his abulurd harkonnen fights at the battle at corrin, do you think sufficeint time will pass for one of xaviers children to grow up and fight in the battle?


hey accoriding to the DE house "ordos" had one more vote than house harkonnen in the landsdraad.(atriedeis had more than both of them) during the begining of the riegn of emperor paul muaddib. but then who was leading house harkonenn. Wow the pictures in the DE are really shitty. and the snake wrapped around a book crest for ordos in the games was used for hose wallach in the DE. Also ram and hawk were the crests in the DE. Ordos had two bones crossed with and ivy plant around it. acooriding to the DE gunseng harkonen was vladimirs father. and holtzmans name is vaughn ibraim. More: one of the duncans of leto II found out the harkonnens had some sort of blood disease: hardison's disease. and on arrakis the low oxygen was killing pauls brain cells. wierd huh? IX was also the "9" planet of some system and the planet was called komos. someone by the name of albans starts the whole mentant thing. and they eventually started on the planet of theliax. What planet was tupile again? Also some guy named rohtar rode the first worm on accident. where did this guy come up with all this suff.


actually if I remember right, house ordos had two more votes in the landsraad counsel than the harkonnen. Ordos with 7 and harkonnen with 5.


Abulurd... who is Abulurd Harkonnen going to be? I'm very curious. How long is the Battle of Corrin after The Butlerian Jihad?

If you mean a release date; 2 years. September this year: The Machine Crusade, september 2004: The Battle of Corrin.


Sorry. I meant in Imperial time. :P

Oops...I should've noticed that :)

I think it is some years after BJ, say 20 years or so. That way, they can introduce some new characters (Xavier & Octa's children?)

  • 2 months later...

Should this be in a new thread?(below)

Dune 7 Predictions *spoilers* if have not read GEoD, Heretics and Chapterhouse

In Chapterhouse Dune near the beginning, the Great Honoured Matre thought:

The Sisters knew Futars could not be bonded by sex. At least not by sex with humans. That might be the way the Enemies of Many Faces did it, though. Who knew?

Now, are the Enemies of Many Faces some Tleilaxu people, possibly face dancers?

In Heretics Dune, Lucilla and Burzmalli are walking through Gammu streets (near the end of novel) and Lucilla notices a Futar, after Burzmalli tells her what it is called. Lucilla surmises:

"A Tleilaxu experiment," Lucilla guessed. And she thought: a mistake that has returned from the Scattering. "What are they doing here?" she asked.

"Trading colony, so the natives here tell us."

"Don't you believe it. Those are hunting animals that have been crossed with humans."

And what power can cross hunting animals with humans? Tleilaxu.

And the Ones of Many Faces, curse them through eternity, had caused the disaster. Them and their Futars! The ease with which all but that handful of The Weapon had been confiscated! Awesome powers. We must arm ourselves well before we return to that battle. Dama is right.

Above we learn that Futars were allied or pawns of Ones of Many Faces. Obviously the People of scattering lost or withdrew from the battle and may have went back to the Old Empire to build up forces to destroy their enemy. futars are able to freeze (out of fear) honored matres when they scream.

Duncan sees 2 elderly people in the Great Hold in the no-ship (and later outside the Great Hold). I believe that these people may be an enemy or an ally as to how humans will live for eternity. Duncan eventually believes that they are face dancers and that they were not bonded to Tleilexu masters. These 2 face dancers are obviously a threat to humankind, as they are not really humans.

Another perspective (according to prequels) complicates matters. In the

  • 2 weeks later...

Was it someone here who said that the "unknown enemy... future enemy" that D'murr Pilru refers to could be one of the Omnius probes?

Anyway, in God Emperor of Dune, Leto goes off on this big rant saying it WASN'T Aurelius Venport who makes the first Guildship, it was either Zufa or Norma. More likely Norma. But Leto said Norma was Aurelius' mistress. Damn incontinuities. Anyway, yeah Leto goes off ranting saying that the history books are wrong, he knows what really happened cause of Other Memory.

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