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Round Robin A


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His heart beating in his pants now, he wiped the sweat from his forehead. His legs felt like jello, but he soon turned around only to see a ridged spaceship, he saw from the distortion of the air. He saw as the ship finally stopped moving, rather silent landing he thought, and he thought he saw something moving in the clear ship, he went closer to see it...

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He started running towards the ship it was only about 30 yards away now he was nearly 10 yards away when he triped over a  fallen julka(tree) limb. His nose streamed with blood. He pulled himself off the cold hard ground and looked up towards whare the ship had last bene. It had vanished. He raced towards its previous position.  Most interesting he thought to himself there was no visibul signs that the ship was even there.  "Interesting, most interesting" He said out loud. Maybe he was just loseing it. he thought.

He looked up the blueish light was there getting smaller and smaller. He turned and walked towards his home. He looked up one last time. The blue light was there but there was something different about it. Like it was blown into peices and came back together but couldent fit back together the same.  The light was getting bigger now heading towards the mountins in the east.  Another blue light caught his eye then another and another. Soon the whole sky was lit blue. He dident know what they what they were or who they were, but  he decided it best  to leave, he raced home.....

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He huddled under his bed at home, fear almost being a tangible entity in the air.  The smell of his sweat hung heavy and overcast around him, and the dust under his bed was irritating his nose.  He wanted to sneeze but couldn't.  He held his glock 9mm close to him, even though it wasn't likely he could stop anything with it.  Soon the only sound he could hear was the sound of his own heart beating quickly, and of his harsh gasping breaths that he was trying to control.  Suddenly the lights of his house began to flicker madly, and his knuckles grew bone white from the grip he had on his gun.

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He heard the crackel of automatic weapons outside and a wzzzzp wzzzzp noise the sounds continued for many minutes. He was shaking uncontrolably now. The sounds of  automatic weapons died down. but the wzzp wzzp continued This time getting closer. He home shaked. He heard something pounding at the locked door. Whack Whack Whack the door held but was starting to give. He raised his 9mm the door burst open something with pruple hoves walked in he coudent tell what the rest of him looked like becouse of the bed. there was a louad wzzzzp wzzzp at the creature fired at a nearby picture. He raised his 9mm up and fired..............

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4 hooves?  This could not be the humans of legend then, they supposedly walked on two legs.  He fired twice and the purple thing dropped dead in front of him.  It was wearing an armband of gold fabric along one of its four arms.  It had a massive upper body with a well muscled chest, strong double spined neck, and a squarish head with two eyes, a nose like his, and no visible ears or mouth area.   Along the elbows of its arms were scythe-like blades, and the blood leaking from its wounds was burning a hole through his floor.  But he had killed it and protected himself.  The question now was, what was he going to do next?

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Fearing more would come, he had to get rid of the body. But it was too late, he heard them outside. Sounded like 4 or 5, possibly 6. He nearly peed in his pants, but took a deep breath and checked out in the window. Yes, about 4. He had enough to finish them off, but if he missed a single shot...

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He aimed, trying to control his shaking hand..  He fired once, twice, three, four times.  Three of the beings fell dead, and the fourth's had a knee shot out and fell upon the blades of his companinions.  

He let out a cheer that he had killed these things.

The television was on and he could hear something, it was the Emporer of the planet.  

"My fellow Kwintari, these aliens have come to us peaceably, for we fired the first shots apparently.  Lay down your arms for these beings are on a mission of peace not war..."

Yeah right, he thought as he listened to the speech.

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He looked again at the television, the Emperor was shaking hands with one of the aliens.  There was only one thing he could do, try to resist this invasion.  Supposedly they were here on a mission of peace, but he knew their goal was to control the Kwintari...

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He decided that more of the aliens would come looken for there comrades. He decided he must leave. He packed a few things most notable more ammo for his 9mm and some food. He decided that he would try to reach one of his freinds house. Kala did have a nice armory in his basement. But the journey will take atleast a day and who knows what will find him on his way there. He walks out the door......

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...and looks back one final time before embarking. He ran as fast as he could, seeing more blue-ish lights in the sky. He saw one land near his house, but turned and ran some more. He could see his friend's house from where he was, but a ship landed right in the middle of him and the house...

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...the purple "peace loving" creatures was running out of the spaceship, lights where flickering and he saw Kala's house burning. He heard screams terrible scream and smelled burned flesh a horrible vision came before his eyes, he saw some of the creatures coming out of the burning house with Kala. They took into the space ship and took of. "Noooooo.." he screamed.......

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"As if this could get any better" He thought to himself. He knew that they were after him and would stop at nothing to eliminate the minor inconvience he had become. He jumped quickly as he could into the nearest bush and hid. "Get a grip and breathe buddy, it not like you haven't done this before" He told himself. Suddenly a scream pierced through the air. It came from the direction of his friend's residence...

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He stood up and looked at the house, still in flame. He heard another scream, and he started to race towards the house, not fearing if he would make it. He saw that Kala's sister was still trapped on the second floor, but he knew he couldn't get to her. But, with his adrenaline pumping, he didn't care if he would make it or not, he needed to try. Running up the crumbling stairs, he put her on his shoulders and looked around for an exit. The stairs fell, and the roof about to. He saw a hole in the flames downstairs, and he jumped with an ounce of hope still in him, and landed on the boards of wood falling. He took her outside and put her down. That was when he saw the ships surrounding him...

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The purple hooved aliens jumped out of their ships and surrounded him and Kala's sister.  They raised their weapons and he knew that he was doomed.  As they prepared to fire, one of the blue-ish transparent ships exploded.  Then another, and another, until all the ships around him exploded.  Then the purple hooved creature were forced onto their knees by an unseen force.

That was when it walked into view, it walked on two legs, had blond hair, green eyes, two arms, and five fingers...a human.  The human pulled what appeared to be a pen and then flipped a switch on it and sliced off the purple hooved aliens heads.  

"Stupid creatures, Earth may have fallen but they will never take another world again," muttered the human, apparently a powerful telepath, and then he walked again into the shadows.

All the Kwintari guy and Kala's sister could do was stare at the carnage that had been wrought around them.

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( i was refering to the "legendary human", but i could be wrong)

They came into the room, making sure they gave the impression that they were only their to ask a few simple questions

"You are not getting anything from me, you ugly purple nazis" He knew what they wanted "And you never will"

In an instant, the aliens were on the floor screaming in agony. As he left the room, he brought out and rubbed a charm of some sort, an oval with a strange crest.

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