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This is unbelievable!

i tried to find a qm for 5-10 minutes, but i couldnt get 1 becouse i got ducked about 100 times in a row!!!

almost all by the same 5 pple.

Why would u duck me? Becouse u migth loose or loose points or anything??? Well if you keep ducking better pple, u never gonna be good at this game. Challenge makes u better, not playing vs noobs or weaker pple. And u migth get some tips from better players.

Well its just sad when someone ducks me 20 times in a row. So plz go away after u ducked me once and dont hit quick cancel quick cancel for 2 minutes, so i can get a qm. Thats the least u can do.

I found it very strange those duckers didnt match up each others(maybe they ducked each other 2)

Why can u actually cancel anyway while a match is found? I know for example in wc3 u cant cancel. But at the end it wont solve the problem... they would just quit when the game starts. :-

If pple keep on ducking me i ll post there names. Maybe that can help( i dont know what else i can do except use an other nick next month... but after i win 1 time they probably start to duck again.)


Greetz Brennq


certain guys are notorious for ducking 100x in a row. Bestchris is really bad for that, so is skattimus and all his multinicks and a bunch others too who i can't remember off the top of my head

you're right, if they're gonna duck they should stay the heck out of QM! who are the guys who were ducking you today?


who are the guys who were ducking you today?

i didnt write it down but i know for certain these names(not sure its all correct spelled) :

- Bestchris (the last months he ducked me like 500 times) SAD :-

- engiruler

- blutox1

- veryugly0

- ......

As far as i can remember i even didnt play them once(except Bestchris) EVEN SADDER if you ask me.


yeah i hate bestchris. he ducked me like 100x last month too. he *always* ducks anyone he knows will beat him for sure and then he *stays in QM* while he is ducking and prevents you from getting any other matches. i hope a hurricane crushes his house


ducked you 100 times in a row last month nav..? hm u must have been on alot then..

Hey guys anyone seen Nav (Cryenius) in QM last month ?



Ok well first off Nav please stop this sharade, u and everyone knows ur the biggest ducker so noone cares if u get ducked cuz u deserve it.

Second Westwood is just stupid to put in an option were u can cancel on ur opponnnent, i mean its a tournament u shouldnt be allowed to cancel on ur opponnent.

And i can understand why people would duck, but with this much people left in emperor i cant understand it.

Why would u wait 15 mins for a match and then cancel?

And brennq, the fact that blizzard left this option out makes it a much better game, people can quite if they want but they will get a loss then.


AAAAFFF bestchris ducked me 100 times today !!!!!!!

then i wait 5 minuts and take my other nick z3rl and kicked hes ass too good !!!!!! :) woo hoo vengeance!!


People, Come and Play warcraft ! no duckers here!



Cause you can't duck here.

h3y... wanna play later? my nick is FOX_Dio or [FOX]_Dio

im in Ezeroth some times... post ur nick or ppl that wanna play....


well that IS multi nicking but i doubt many people will care much as long as you don't use the two nicks the whole time. as long as it's just to put someone where he belongs.

and remember, this is an emperor forum. if you people want to talk about warcraft III why don't you do it at the forum for warcraft III? i'm not trying to sound mean or anything but not all of us have WC III.


well that IS multi nicking but i doubt many people will care much as long as you don't use the two nicks the whole time. as long as it's just to put someone where he belongs.

and remember, this is an emperor forum. if you people want to talk about warcraft III why don't you do it at the forum for warcraft III? i'm not trying to sound mean or anything but not all of us have WC III.

Haha i play 4 fun not for ppl... cya

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