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Ok everyone, here is the big preview for the mod. The stories I wrote. I divided it into sorts of sections for each of the houses and subhouses. I hope you like it ;D

The gates of Arrakis lay wide open, ungaurded and unkept. All the houses battling for it had

finally exhausted their resources. A small Atreides Militia force remains, a commercial

establishment operated by House Ordos is all that remains of their presence, while House

Harkonnen is obliterated and is pulling back to Geidi Prime. Now new houses and fighters

approach the planet, sharpening their claws for battle.

House Moritani. The vicious Moritani approach Arrakis with murder on their minds. The land

on the dunes purchased from Arrakis's former owners and troops pour out onto the sand. The

Moritani establish themselves quickly and begin harvesting nearby spice fields only days

after their arrival. Viscount Moritani himself leads his troops, he expects a quick

campaign, but his expectations are quite thoroughly wrong.

House Corrino. The Corrino family leaders approach Arrakis with their self molded Padishah

Emperor leading them. The Sardaukar troops shout battle cries in the bellies of their ships,

their weapons raised in anticipation. A shudders travels through the ship, and then inti the

troops occupying it. The bay door slides open to reveal desert sand occupied by enemy

troops. The Sardaukar draw their knives and shout "DEATH BEFORE DISHONOR" and charge the

enemy forces.

House Vernius. The Vernius family descend through the thin atmosphere of Arrakis surrounded

by their technological advances. Earl Vernius himself trains with his soldiers, as few as

they are, for the Vernius rely on cunning, stealth, and advanced weaponry to defeat those

who would oppose them. Frigates land in the massive staging grounds House Vernius possesses,

spewing forth elite troopers to scout out inferior infilitrators hiding themselves in the


The Atreides Militia. The Great House Atreides is tired. THey have fought long on the spice

planet for a prize, a commoditiy, they do not desire. For this reason the enormous bulk of

Atreides forces withdrew back to Caladan, leaving only a small militia force commanded by

one of their most feared and respected generals, the great Swordmaster Duncan Idaho. Only

the most elite and powerful of Atreides units remain. With these forces they intend only to

reinforce the house they support on Arrakis. The Atreides may not value the spice planet

themselves, but they have no desire to see it fall into the hands of those who would do evil

against the empire.

The Zenshiite Warriors. Long have the Fremen, the Zensunni, fought on Arrakis for their

freedom and the protection of the worm-god. They have now gone on the defensive, retreating

to their desert sietches and preparing for a long battle. But in their stead came the

renowned and greatly feared Zenshiite Warriors. They hail from Galtar VI where they fought

bravely during the Butlerian Jihad, but away from the eyes of the sprouting Landsraad. Now,

only days after their arrival they fight. They fight enemie with fear in their eyes, for as

the Zenshiite now inhabit Arrakis, the only recently uncovered tales of the secret

Zenshiite war campaigns inhabit the minds of these fear stricken enemies. The Zenshiite are

small, but swing a long arm on the desert planet.

The Ordos Commerce Guild. House Ordos knew that defeat would grip them, so they sought to

protect their remaining investments and holdings. The Ordos returned to Draconis IV, leaving

only several small bases. Within these outposts vast research and development facilities

were harbored. The newly formed Ordos Commerce Guild stretches it's influence into CHOAM

Company, investing and sorting their gains. With these funds the Ordos Commerce Guild

presents it's buyers with a new and great development. An unstoppable gun turret, that could

win or lose the war on Arrakis for which ever house the choose to sell to.

House Richese. The Richese have finally, after many decades of financial depravity, begun a

reformation of their economy. Now devious and high tech advances are released by the Richese

with a furvor greater even then that of their Vernius competitors. The newly found Richesean

aggressiveness is being put to good use. The Richesean Mentat Council has nominated to bring

their forces to Arrakis, where they intend to sell their services to the highest bidder. The

Richese also have hidden motives. House Harkonnen stole the Arrakis fief from them, and now

through one of the great houses now fighting their, they intend to gain their superiority.

CHOAM Company. The elite of the empire. CHOAM Company is an untouchable asset to whom ever

they choose to serve. The CHOAM Company can draw upon immense military stockpiles throughout

the empire. CHOAM has no qualms with serving on Arrakis, for even should their supporters

fail they would not be harmed. CHOAMhas no obligations, no rules set for them, and they

possess a huge military. The support of CHOAM would be invaluable.

Arrakis was abondoned by those originally seeking control of it. New players now occupy the

planet, new candidates seek the Imperial throne, and new soldiers walk the sands of Arrakis.

The Empire now lays just as vulnerable as Arrakis, both are ripe for the taking.


Here are some Ideas for Vernius:

Mode Tank

This Tank has a Pursuit Mode who gives him only a lasergun and high speed and a combat mode who slows down the tank but gives its a very powerfull attack.(Selct the modes like mortar)

Steahlth Shuttle

This Airborne Unit is invisible and attaks with bombs they are very powerfull but the unit is very expensive and slow and needs only one Shot from a small missle to take serious damage.

Suboid Warrior

The normal infantry of House Vernius only armed with grenades. Quick and weak.

Scientist in Practical Mission :)

a long Range ABC-Soldier... late game unit


hoverunit The pices of a veteran is used to control this scout unit (i mean something like the dragoons in Starcraft, sorry for my english) weak ground attack strong AA-Missels

Vernius Guard

a Sardukar like unit with shields


this unit calls Worms like a fremen with one change: the worm can shootthanks to the sandcrawler stucking in the worm upside

sorry for my english



EDIT: sorry about the caps it looked like i yalled :) but ill keep it that way coz its look funny lol. :)


you really aren't supposed to post in all caps, maybe cap the first letter in each word. yes, Copec, your ideas are very good. :)

but impossible.. iv been trying for weeks to make a unit to deploy and move when deployed.. no luck :- tho i got some idea of changing mode! mm since fremen are not goin to be in this mod then i cud use the fed ability... im a genius!


Mode Tank - POSSIBLE and I tried a similar idea myself, however youd need to use a deployable tank.

Steahlth Shuttle - POSSIBLE - youd have to use an orni etc probly.

Suboid Warrior - POSSIBLE

Scientist in Practical Mission - Dont really get.

Veteran - Possible

Vernius Guard -POSSIBLE

Sandcrawler - didnt really get


Mode Tank - POSSIBLE and I tried a similar idea myself, however youd need to use a deployable tank.

i know that i tryed to tell that^ ::)


Those were good, and relatively plausible ideas. But the problem is that most of the units are worked out :'( . What wer really need now are weapons. But the mode tank ideas was very interesting. A kobra variant would be the idea though.


Spice-gas-trooper - um... chemical trooper?

Disc-thrower - tib sun, and why not just have a grenadier or trooper?

Sharpshooter - sniper?

and very important! A flying APC - unfortunately not possible

Interesting ideas nevertheless.

  • 2 weeks later...

sorry, I dont have time to read this whole topic right this second, so I dont know if someone already suggested it, but one of the sub houses should be the Ginaz Swordmasters


I appreciate the input. They aren't going to be a fulll house, but each main house has one unit from a different group. They aren't full sbhouses but they are new groups. Here are the houses and which unit they'll have.

Moritani - House Pavlov Heavy Infantry

Corrino - Ginaz Swordmaster

Vernius - Ecazi Raider Bike

These are my unit ideas, but if you have any suggestions for what the units should be I'd welcome them.

  • 2 months later...

btw inoc im back for some short time and im sorry to say this but.. all the project is lost :'( :'( :'( all my files were deleted :(

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