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Two games


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Christmas is coming and two games are virtually leaping out of the shelves at me. I can almost hear their little voices sreaming "Buy me! BUY ME!" ... ...

Anyways, 'Neverwinter Nights' and 'Wizardry 8' are these aforementioned games, are they any good? Are they as good as they are supposed to be? What are they like? Does anyone know? Will anyone tell me please?

I think that's all the questions. For now...

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hmm i would personally go for wizardry 8 even though i don't know it too well and it's definetly older.

Here is the reason.

I heard that some ppl think that NWN is incredible. And in some ways it is. The graphix are phenomenal and there are a LOT of mods for it.

However, i heard that many fans of the D&D series like Baldurs Gate were quite disappointed because the game has become too aracade like. It has become a hack and slash game and story was not that important anymore. Even though i like hack and slash games like Diablo/Diablo2/Rage of Mages a lot the story is the most important to me and that is what these games had a lot but NWN nights lacks a bit here, just like Dungeon Siege.

And what i heard of Wizardry 8 is that it's realy a good story and quite challenging. And best of all, it has the atmosphere that you need, no matter what game you play

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Dammit, asked for the wrong one on Christmas list then... Oh well, I can always get Wizardry 8 later...

hey!, i'm not saying that it's wrong. I mean it has many good aspects and is probably more expensive ;) it's just not what i would've preferred. But i might be wrong, i didn't play any of these games LOL. I just read a lot about NWN and i know a bit about Wizardry 8

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I had neverwinter nights for about a week before I took it back, I didnt like how slow everything seemed. I dunno maybe its just me, I bought it as soon as it came out because it looked so damn cool but I was disappointed. Thats my humble opinion.

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I like enverwinter nights very much.

I agree with Flameweaver that the story is a bit too dull. Baldurs gat II with neverwinter nights graphic would be the best rpg ever, but better graphics often come at the cost of story(I don't know why).

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I'e now been the proud owner of Neerwinter Nights and I like it. Although a I have to warn for online play. Be carefull what server and mod you join. Some penalties for dying might not be what you like.

Apart from that, the multiplayer aspect of the game is excellent !

Game play is okay (I just can't get used to the controls) and the graphics are good.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Right, this topic was going down the list like a brick through... something thin. :) In any case, I've got the game, got far, but I started again for the heck of it. Can anyone tell me...

1) How to complete Tomi's (the Rogue Henchman) quest in Neverwinter? The one with the documents.

2) How to get a pass from a mercenary in the Trade of blades. The guy in the Blacklake tavern-ish place says I need to get one from there but I can't figure out how at all.

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