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The Eye sees all. Nothing in this world can escape its inquisitive fury.


Saruman trembled before the Dark Lord, but found the courage to answer - "Yes, M'Lord! It shall be done"

He turned to his orc aides, "Orders from Mordor. Get to work!"

OOC - it is mentioned in the third book - they call him WitchKing, but read Silmarillion if you want deeper knowledge.


The sky over the lands of Gondor grew dark. It seemed like Mordor was in itself, a living being, spreading like disease. Soon the Dark Lord will strike with his mighty forces of orcs and trolls and thus put a beginning to the end of the age of mankind. The Black Gate has opened, and a host of Olog-hai, orcs and evil men prepared to attack Minas-Tirit. At the head of the army stood the Witch-King himself, Lord of Nazgul.

Hobbits Frodo, Sam and Pippin, elf Legolas, wizard Gandalf and the mightly Aragorn, son of Arathorn have just left Rivendell with a mission to bring the One Ring into the fiery depths of Mount Doom so that the Ring can be undone. They have left the city of elves and now they had to go through the Mines of Moria since the way of Caradhras was closed off.

Gollum followed the ring and its master, trying to follow the Company as quietly as he could. So far no one has noticed him.

Saruman prepared his army of Uruk-Hai, these were huge orcs, bigger than the Uruks of Mordor.

OOC - I have started things out. Now you know the locations of your characters. Let the Roleplaying begin :)


a piercing scream deafened the soldiers behind the nazgul as he pointed his icy finger in the direction of the great city of men, Minas Tirith. he had only a short while ago made the short trip from minas morgul to the castle gates at Morannon. he could see the dagorlad in front and the mass of orcs and goblins in the rear along with the massive gates. once again his great lord would rise up to claim his rightful place at head of middle earth. the great sauron would rise from the ashes of defeat and he would be at his right side the whole time.

with a final screech the forces began to march and the great king of nazgul headed the march toward the city. he was getting impatient for battle. he was looking forward to this day for what seemed like eons. and now this day came. it all would begin.

in a strange motion he halted his forces upon just a short journey. he called up his two best men. Two nazgul came up upon his left side. he pointed toward a small group of 10 of the fasted goblins and then pointed deep into the forest. the hoods of those two nazgul had nodded and then sped off into the dark forest. the goblins, barely able to keep up with them, followed along behind. he would wait until his scouts returned before he played his little game of search and destroy.


The company had stopped to rest for the night after three miles of treacheris journieing throughout a forest, the tress were magnicently tall, streching up into the skies, and pine needles scattered the ground everywhere, crunching as the company passed by. Once they had set up Aragon and himself went in oppisite directions for some firewood. Looking around he saw nothing but flat land covered with many, many bushes and plants. Continueing to walk he wondered what dangers would lie ahead. Suddenly, his deep train of thought was shattered as a scream of a black rider echoed throughout the forest. Grabbing his bow and arrows he spun arund looking for the source. 10 orcs surronded him...


The orcs attacked the company from all sides with their crooked scimitars and rusty axes. The arrows of Legolas pierced the eye of the first two orcs, who fell to the ground dead.

Two more orcs were slayed by the hand of Aragorn, but the rest attacked harder than ever. One of the orcs swung his mighty axe and split the bow of Legolas in half. Another one slashed and wounded the arm of Aragorn. It seemed like the company was in trouble. More orcs and wargs joined the battle and not even Gandalf's spell could hold them off for long.


Gandolf creates a wall of fire around the group, temporarily shocking the orcs. He also casts a minor spell repairing Legolas' bow. Then Legolas began firing at the orcs through the wall of fire, the orcs could not defend against this.

At the loss of 20 arrows the company was safe. Gandalf removed the fire wall and commanded the group to run...


from each side, a loud uproar of screeches and screams pierced the minds of the brave heroes. shadowy figures emerged from the darkness holding their swords upon their hellish beasts. they both dropped down from their horse and slowly walked toward the company. legolas fired a single arrow through to top of the dark cloak of one of the riders, but it went straight through and didn't harm the nazgul. he had missed. the two began to move quicker toward the company. they were now a mere 50 yards from where all the heroes stood.


Legolas was in deepm thought as they walked through the forest, still not escaping the trees. "Gandalf is there any village coming out where I can purchase two small swords for melee combat if the need ever arises?"


Conflicting posts... I like the second one though.

Gandolf responds to Legolas' question, "20 miles north of here there is a human town, we can resupply there."

The group turns and begins the long trek north.


Sauron sensed the thoughts of Frodo, the want to put the ring on and hide from the battle.


The Ring glowed in the dark of night and it was all that Frodo looked at in the midst of fighting. He could clearly see what was written upon its golden surface:

"Ash nazg durbatuluk

Ash nazg gimbatul

Ash nazg thrakatuluk agh burzum

Ishi krimpatul"


OOC - oh, alright vigil. you can be all the other nazgul. i'll just be the king ;D

the king of the nazgul sits and waits with his troops awaiting the (hopefully) safe return of his minions.


OOC - oh, alright vigil. you can be all the other nazgul. i'll just be the king ;D

the king of the nazgul sits and waits with his troops awaiting the (hopefully) safe return of his minions.

No, you can control them. It's fine with me. I will just intervene sometimes to carry on the plot.


the nazgul that was struck by legolas fell down upon the ground hard. the other started to lunge toward the little hobbit frodo.

the fallen dark rider rises from the ground, and with a impressively loud shriek, began to speed off into the night upon the hellish beast it had orginally came with. the other, when just a few yards from frodo, followed after the fleeing nazgul. they were returning to the pack. the army had to be notified of the one who carried the ring and his followers. sauron would not be please of their failure, but his wrath would die down from their knowledge of the recently formed fellowship of 6. (OOC - lol)


Saruman sat on his big, black throne and stared. He was good at staring, that and crushing hope from the hearts of the living. He muttered a few syllables to himself, and grinned as he sensed a snowstorm surround the Fellowship. Then he sent for two orcs.

"Fetch the Ring for me!" He said to the first, who hobbled off to assemble an army.

"What shall I do?" asked the second.

"Ha!" Saruman said, and bopped him on the head with his big black staff.


It was agreed that Legolas would take one of Aragons swords and leave the company, he will scout out passages and meet them in 25 miles at the village where they will all re-stock. Legolas departs into the moonlight...


Im Ugluk and Gandalf


Gandalf approves the departure of Legolas, and suggests that the group stay in a constant movement around the town. The group agrees and begins a slow perimeter.


Ugluk survies his troops pleased by their armor and weapons. He orders them out to retrive the ring for his lord Sauron. His troops march out of Sarumans domain, into the night, filled with the need to fight.


Sam surveys the area with some trepidation, it's already a long way from back home, at the Shire, and Sam wants nothing more than to be there.

However, he is sworn to protect Frodo and the Ring at all costs, and with dagger or frying pan, he plans to to keep his word.

In the meanwhile, he is off with Pippin looking for food and herbs to help with the journey, with a pack full of Farmer Maggot's crop, he's confident in the food supply, but he plans to be prepared.

Just in case.

A few hours later, they trudge back to camp with arms full of various plants and roots.

"It's mostly weeds and and briars out in the forest, but I've managed to find some food." he says, showing the stuff to Strider.

"Good." says Strider wisely, "But make sure not to overload yourself, leave what can be spared."

"Yes sir." says Sam, pleased to serve.


The Eye looked. It looked far, far into the deepest Mines Of Moria. There, in the dark, the foolish dwarves have awakened one of the creations of Morgoth. Rise, mighty Balrog! One of the few serviving Valaraukars of the ancient world.

The Evil stirred, beckoned by Sauron's voice. The Balrog has not heard anything since the time when its master Melkor was cast down and chained for eternity.

Sauron commanded the Demon to rise from its slumber. The Balrog remembered him. Sauron or Gorthaur was always the right-hand man of Melkor. So, he sirvived?


The Balrog roared. The roar made the walls of Moria tremble. The rule of dwarves in Moria has ended.

The orcs and trolls attacked the dwarves of Moria and killed them off one by one. Moria was now the dwelling of evil.


the lord of the nazgul sat upon his steed and watched a full 4 moon's go by without word from his scout team. as he watched the moon rise of the 5th night, he heard the fellow cries of the two nazgul he sent out. there were no remaining goblins and liquid stained the cloak of one of the riders.

the great lord sauron has given him the mission of seeking and destroying the one who now carries the ring, and now he knows where the ring is, and who is with the ringbearer. the great nazgul turned toward all his forces waiting impatiently for combat. he let out three loud, high pitched cries and the goblins began to walk back toward the dagorlad and toward the gates of Morannon.

the two nazgul that had recently returned followed the lead. he was sending them back for he had learned from the lord sauron of the men becoming more fierce o'er the minas tirith. he would take it upon hisself to take out this "ringbearer" along with his 6 other nazgul. the army would stay back to protect the gates of Morannon and he'd send a couple of legions to guard the small entrance near Minas Morgul. if the race of men were to attack while the army was away to seek a measly fellowship of 6, the great and all powerful sauron would not be pleased.

the king decided to lead his small force between lorien and moria. sauron was to awaken the balrog, this he knew. so he would await the pathetic heroes if they could by chance outwit or (to laugh at the thought) kill the balrog and all the goblins that he knew were there. there was not a chance in Mordor of them getting passed lorien. he would see to that himself. he pointed the chipped and bloodstained sword into the forest once more, and all 7 nazgul ran like the wind into the forest. the goblins returning to the gates heard them screeching all the way...


The Palantir of Isengard darkened as the Eye appeared in it. It spoke to Saruman:


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