ipzorj Posted October 27, 2002 Posted October 27, 2002 Hi all,Elite 47 alias Mstaki11a u dont like us "Ip players" is it because u loose against ip players ?if we really cheat, guys, we would be classified first in BC.We dont cheat because we play for fun and not to be first.Mstaki11a u quit also in the first 3 mn ! Do u remember when u quit against D1rkmo0n for not to lose so dont be so offensive against others players, u have also more than 1 wash game in the ladder.And if u dont want to play against us, It's not a problem arrakis is very vast for all players !I think that you have never seen here some posts from ip players complaining that one such or one the other cheating, it's my first and last post on this comment.Ciao.[~ I P Z o r j ~]
Elite47 Posted October 27, 2002 Posted October 27, 2002 I have wash games in the ladder because I beat them and the game washed. Darkavu7 owes me a win for a wash game, BECAUSE I BEAT HIM. not because i cheated and washed it.same for elpantera i beat them both.D1rkmo0n got a guild tank in a crate in the first minute and started killing my base, yep i quit and he ducks the shit outta me. he couldnt beat me without a guild tank he got in a crate.u forgot all those times i owned you ipzorj, and ipfun and ipiphoura, not to mention the shitty baby Ips like marcus and mano.Ipzorj, you have never cheated me, but all your other clanm8s have or tried to. Especially Ipihoura. And ipfun always says 'fuck you rusher' everytime i beat him, and hes only beaten my once by luck. I just gotta laugh one more time about d1rkmo0n cuz that guy is a super pussy,same with Maxima9.
Elite47 Posted October 27, 2002 Posted October 27, 2002 O yes I am a d/c cheater go look at all my stats and find one instance where i d/c cheated. Every win i have, i actually won the game. The 2 losses i have were both a loss. I got d/c from Ipfun, my own ISP, and i got the loss. Whoever Roedor is was a long game i was losing and i got d/c after a while and he also got the win. He got the win because it says 'saw completion=NO' which means i got D/c'd!!I have 2 wash games and i beat both of them(darkkavu7 and elpantera) you can also check those stats.You better never accuse me of being a d/c cheater again Zamboe, because You will not find stats that show i d/c cheated, because I havent. So i have 22 wins and 2 losses this month. I beat all 22 opponents (It's not Like i would have to d/c, i have skill i dont need to d/c ::))and those 2 opponents i lost to i could kick both of their asses as well. Every month there are always a few fluke losses you get, i already got my 2. thats all they were... flukes. So stfu Zamboe and accuse the real cheaters of d/c'ing...just like your friend Hbomb who accused me of using a trainer when me and graveside whooped your fucking asses,cause u both must be jealous or something.
RotazoOm Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 Guysi agree with krazy, is too better dont play with Tscy clan, scytheker is salamaext he is a cheater he try cheat me 2 times but for sort i wined, then he joined again my game and asked for join in raptor, he said that he was a idiot becouse he was a d/c cheater, then will be good clear the trash of the players communit. >:(
RotazoOm Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 Quote Jesus Christ... Sure everybody wants a piece of you because you have only one nick... DEATH TO THE SINGLENICKERS!!!So we think up new nicks and make them. So what?? You are the only one having problems with that.I have 45 (forty-five) nicks... Waddabout it? Plz stfu man. :-Xlol death to the singlenickers rofl oh my god lol I have 18 nicks..... waddabout it? hehe
Fuzi0n Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 Quote I don't believe Elite47.I didn't know he is mstak1lla. He looks lika a d/c cheater. Just take a look at the attachment.I u take a screenshot like that, atleast explain the situation.And why would elite cheat if he can easily win the qmladder?It does not make sense!!!! Here look at the silly monkey....
Razorox Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 Quote A personal note to ACE: you have said I suck. You have also said that Ipiphoura is an "excellent player". Therefore, the only possibility is that you are wrong on one or both of those counts. I have annihilated your "excellent player" and would again. No one in Emperor can beat me consistently more than I beat him, with the exceptions of Cerb, ACE, elite, and Xvayne. Like it or not, I'm one of the best and you guys know it.Oh wow nav, you're the 5th best player out of 10 players who play emperor still, 5 of which play once a month and are complete and utter noobs. The other 4 top play probably play once a week and still own you even though you live infront of emperor and these forums 24/7, and you still suck ::) The only reason you are "one of the best" is because 90% of the good player have left loooooong ago, and all the elites who are left still own your sorry a$$. Just because you can beat noobs doesn't mean you're good so stfu. And for all we know the guy was eating supper while playing you :P So humble yourself and stfu.
undsputed Posted October 28, 2002 Posted October 28, 2002 I play once a week AND have only nick......anyone got a problem with that? =)
Navaros Posted October 28, 2002 Author Posted October 28, 2002 Razorox - it's more like *you* don't play Emperor any more 'cause you were never anywhere near as hot as you wanted to be - like you always wished you could be - so you hoped you could leave before anybody called you on it LOLSure you could beat me back in the day but I'd like to see you own me nowadays. LOL And no elite player owns me other than about 5 or 6. I can beat any elite player except 5 or 6 specific people who I've mentioned in another thread. I bet I'd beat you too but you'd be so rusty that you'd probably die in real life, of embarrassment. In any case this thread is about DC Cheaters and since you don't care because you never even had the cajones to get any *real* Emperor experience in QM - take a hike! You Razorox, should leave this Forum and better yet, Gob should *Ban* you from this Forum because you *never* have anything constuctive or even remotely sensible to say.Since I know you will just continue your immature lil flame war, I now must close this thread. In the future, try not to spam vitally important topics like this with your petty flaming. Now less people will be informed of the DC cheating of Ipiphoura and his whole cheating clan. Thanks a lot. ::)
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