The_Sadukar Posted December 26, 2002 Author Posted December 26, 2002 Franz landed in the courtyard, and was meet by the reiksmarshal. "back so soon my leige" Kurt grinned."So it seems, has the land behaved?""Yes it has""Splendid, any problems, you would like us to know of?""I fear the taintets are up to something big, but I don't know""Ok send for the duke (azmeth and Sorrel)""As you bid"
Anathema Posted December 29, 2002 Posted December 29, 2002 May I rejoin? I see you have dropped the whole statistics thing...
The_Sadukar Posted December 29, 2002 Author Posted December 29, 2002 did you ever leave, and i haven't dopped the statistic, Franz just haven't been abel to check his forces. So i can't make any statictics.
Anathema Posted December 29, 2002 Posted December 29, 2002 I didn't really leave, I just didn't post for a long while.
Lord J Posted December 30, 2002 Posted December 30, 2002 (OOC: Yeah, I still post my stats, without them, we're no better than roleplayers (wink, wink) ;) ) Lieutenant Aspen stands before Duke Diomedes with an almost emotion-less face. "Report." "Aye sir," she says, "After three weeks of scouting, we have found virtually nothing." "'Nothing'?" "No, lord Duke," she pauses with a sigh, then continues, "If any of the Tainted Ones remain, they are in hiding. They know now we are able to defeat them." "Good. Then you will continue scouting. Hopefully you will find nothing, and this is all in vain. But if you do find anything..." "Yes, lord Duke." "Good. Dismissed."House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (700 at Fort Grendle, 900 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 500 at Dawss' Creek.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting for Tainted presence.)23,810 Peasants (8,818 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Forholm, 3,000 at Davidad, 2,000 at Dawss' Creek.)76,269 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 at Dawss' Creek.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 1, 2003 Author Posted January 1, 2003 Franz sat in the throne room whuikle listing to Kurt's repotr apparntly they've have huge problems with the tainted ones until a few vdays before his return, and then the tainted one just disappered, but it look like something big was comming.Imprial(my) Army: 4567 men-at-arms and 11 warturtelsImprial gold stocks: 40000Tax Income. form vassals: 0taxes from local popluation: 70.000bouns income: 5000Hartland county (my personal county)Pesants: 70.000Castels: 3Note: the many factories give an additonal income of 5000 goldOOC Lord J the one of your turtel tanks isn't dead just said it was servely brusied, it had just taken a few hits.
Lord J Posted January 2, 2003 Posted January 2, 2003 (OOC: Yeah...I know. I've got them split out, 1 to each stronghold.) Duke Diomedes launches a messenger to the lands of Emperor Franz with the following message: "Greetings, lord Emperor, I hear things are going fairly peaceful in your lands. The Tainted Ones have seemed to disappear around here as well. Do you have any idea where they could have gone, or what they could be up to? The period of peace is welcome, but sinister, still. In the meanwhile, thank you for your assistance. On my messenger's person you will find 10,000 gold. May peace remain the rule, within and without the Empire. Duke Alameaga Diomedes - Tiern Keep" Sure enough, a 10,000 GP gift is with the message.House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (700 at Fort Grendle, 900 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 500 at Dawss' Creek.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting for Tainted presence.)23,810 Peasants (11,191 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Davidad, 5,000 at Dawss' Creek.)92,460 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 at Dawss' Creek.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 2, 2003 Author Posted January 2, 2003 Quote Duke Diomedes.I hereby thank you for you gold, it will be put to good use we assure you. You may also consider this an invitation to leave the ghostlands, with you army and your underlings, and join the imprial nobility. We inviteyou because we fear that the dark ones might be preparing something evil down south. If you decide to join us, you may keep you currrent army.Signed Franz Hargedorf. Emperor and lord of the middellandsImprial(my) Army: 6000 men-at-arms and 12 warturtelsImprial gold stocks: 53000Tax Income. form vassals: 0taxes from local popluation: 70.000bouns income: 5000Hartland county (my personal county)Pesants: 70.000Castels: 3Note: the many factories give an additonal income of 5000 gold
Lord J Posted January 8, 2003 Posted January 8, 2003 A few days later, a message is sent back to the Imperial Palace. Quote Emperor Franz, Many thanks for the acceptance of our gift, and the invitation to join your mighty Empire. Although I cannot give you an answer now, I will submit the invitation to my council, and ponder the possibilities myself. The descision will be niether uninformed or in haste, as one oft follows the other. Either way, I am happy that we are able to work together, lord to lord, if not Emperor to vassal.Meanwhile, Lieutenant Aspen stands before the Duke with a new message. "Lord Duke, as you know, it has been another three weeks with no new Tainted sightings." "Indeed. But yet you stand before me now, when I gave you orders to continue scouting until you found somthing. Have you, in fact, found something?" "Yes, lord Duke, about twenty leagues north of what was once the major town of Forholm, we found the remains of a small campsite." pausing here, she removes a small package of dried powder from her belt, "Here we examined the remains, and found proof of Tainted magical activities, in the production of the camp fire." "I see," the Duke pauses, gripping his chair with some agitation, "Have you found the people who camped there?" Shaking her head, Leiutenant Aspen says, "No. But we sent our fastest scouts ahead and came to a large community." "Community?" "Yes, lord Duke, the community of Toren Lake." "Toren Lake...How fascinating..." "Orders, sire?" "Continue scouting the area. I will send a diplomat to Toren Lake." The yound lady snaps a perfect salute, "Aye, lord Duke!" Dawss' Creek continues growth, and is becoming quite the economic stronghold. Realizing the richness of the area, Duke Diomedes orders the construction of a military stronghold in the area, as well as city walls.House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (700 at Fort Grendle, 900 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 500 at Dawss' Creek.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting town of Toren Lake for Tainted presence.)26,191 Peasants (8,691 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Davidad, 7,500 at Dawss' Creek.)118,651 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 at Dawss' Creek.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 10, 2003 Author Posted January 10, 2003 Narrator:The cursed gods knew that their time was close at hand, ow if only the emerald sword wasn't in the hands of the greatest thereath to their evil plan.
The_Sadukar Posted January 13, 2003 Author Posted January 13, 2003 and something great and terribel happend, in the southren most ghostlands, and mightly blow was struck against the wery reality, and a gateway opend to the demision of the cursed ones.
The_Sadukar Posted January 16, 2003 Author Posted January 16, 2003 and hordes of evil creatures swarmed into the ghostlands.
Lord J Posted January 20, 2003 Posted January 20, 2003 (OOC: Trying to get my attention ehh? ;) ) "Lord Duke! Reports of Tainted presences all over the countryside!" yells an exhausted meesenger, running from his outpost in Dawss' Creek. "I see." the Duke turns to his chief advisors and says, "Send a message to the Emperor asking for assistance, as well as a message to Sorrell. We cannot face this threat alone in all the Ghostlands." "Sir, I also have a report on Toren Lake..." Although the Duke was busy talking to his advisors, the mention of the small town gets his attention. "Yes?" "Lord Duke, the township is in most dire straits. The Tainted forces have almost overrun the stronghold." The Duke nods, "Then here is our chance. Send seven hundred men and one warturtle to Toren Lake, perhaps we can gain the assistance through battle." "Aye, lord Duke."House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (400 at Fort Grendle, 600 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 400 at Dawss' Creek, 700 marching to Toren Lake.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting town of Toren Lake for Tainted presence.)26,191 Peasants (8,691 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Davidad, 7,500 at Dawss' Creek.)118,651 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 on it's way to Toren Lake.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 20, 2003 Author Posted January 20, 2003 after 2 days of nonstop rideing a lagre dragon shaped Shadow fall opun the messenger. He looks up a sees a dragoness with a rider in the emperors armour, the emperor says something to his dragon and she lands gracefully, infron of the messenger, the emperor removes his helmet and say:"Ride no futhure. we have alredy sendt aid, the most of my army is but 2 days away, and We have also orderet Duke Sorrel to aid us, and Azmeth will also join us."The he sets off agin and flies towards the Duke castel.
Usul Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 "My lord we have a message from Duke Diomedes asking for our aid agaist the tainted ones and an order from the Emporer to help" an aid reports."Hmm an order? Not really nessecary, we always help our allies. However to buisness, send 400 men to the Dukes castle to aid him and have our 50 best men find the opening they came from. Send General Isen with the main force and Lieutenant Carver with the smaller one" Sorrel ordered."Yes my lord. It shall be done".Tax: 3025Money: 14025 Peasents: 5075Army: 600 (increase paid for - 2500 goldForces with allies already: 100 menForces sent 450 men and me on Azreal (my dragon)
The_Sadukar Posted January 21, 2003 Author Posted January 21, 2003 hey your alive cool 8)The emperor lands in the corutyard of Keep Trendis
Lord J Posted January 21, 2003 Posted January 21, 2003 (OOC: I don't know if you're still offering it, but, you once had an offer about mulitple characters. Say...If I wanted to promote Diomedes' brother to a Count in his own right?) The Emperor's dragon lands on court lines before expected, the Duke and a half-dozen attendants run out to the area to find out why... "Emperor Franz, thanks be to the Goddess of Water you have arrived!" Franz politically ignores the religious reference, saying, "Indeed. Now, show me your strategic plans." "Yes, yes," the Duke calls over his aide, who unscrolls a map. "A force of 700 men and a warturtle are marching here, to Toren Lake," the Duke points and clears his throat, "a place, as I'm sure you know, of vast strategic purpose." "Yes, Toren Lake, I know of it," says Franz, nodding, "And the rest of your forces?" "Spaced out evenly, more or less, at our strongholds," the Duke looks at the Emperor and says, "Toren Lake is only a minor battle, you have flown over the area and you know the true main thrust of the Tainted armies. What are your...Suggestions?" Meanwhile, the Tiern reenforcements finally arrive at the Toren Lake stronghold. Mounting the turtle, the forces attempt to flank the Tainted forces...House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (400 at Fort Grendle, 600 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 400 at Dawss' Creek, 700 reenforcing the battle at Toren Lake.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting town of Toren Lake for Tainted presence.)26,191 Peasants (8,691 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Davidad, 7,500 at Dawss' Creek.)118,651 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 reenforcing the battle at Toren Lake.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 23, 2003 Author Posted January 23, 2003 yup the offer is still up.don't worry I'll post motre later.
The_Sadukar Posted January 24, 2003 Author Posted January 24, 2003 "Our surgesstions are the following" Franz said "either, we charge the unclean ones and die very bravely, or we wait for 3 days, and my 4000 men-at-arms and 8 warturtels will join us, The god of fire appered to us in a vision so we decided to prepare for war before it began"Imprial(my) Army: 6000 men-at-arms and 12 warturtels2.000 men-at-arms and 4 warturtels home 4.000 men-at-arms and 8 warturtels aborad.Imprial gold stocks: 126025Tax Income. form vassals: 3025taxes from local popluation: 70.000bouns income: 5000Hartland county (my personal county)Pesants: 70.000Castels: 3Note: the many factories give an additonal income of 5000 gold
Lord J Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 "Good. Then we shall wait for you men." says Diomedes with a swift nod. Rising from his seat at the long table, Diomedes says, "Now if you men would excuse me, I have some work to do." A few hours later, the Duke sits in counsel with his brother, David. "Then it shall be done. Perhaps the name will continue even through the fall of one." "May it be, brother." The next day, David, with an escort of 100 men and 50 peasents rides off into the rising dawn. (OOC: Please fill in the Toren Lake battle sequences, Sard.)House Tiern of the Ghostlands3,000 Men-at-Arms (400 at Fort Grendle, 600 at Tiern Keep, 300 at Davidad, 200 at Tanides capital, 400 at Dawss' Creek, 700 reenforcing the battle at Toren Lake.)100 Mercenary Forces (Scouting town of Toren Lake for Tainted presence.)26,141 Peasants (8,641 at Tiern Keep, 5,000 at Fort Grendle, 5,000 at Davidad, 7,500 at Dawss' Creek.)108,651 Gold1 Dragon (Illiana)4 Warturtles (1 at Tiern Keep, 1 at Fort Grendle, 1 at Davidad, 1 reenforcing the battle at Toren Lake.)
The_Sadukar Posted January 25, 2003 Author Posted January 25, 2003 The tainted ones have take he township at lake toren, but the stronghol
Anathema Posted January 25, 2003 Posted January 25, 2003 Hmm, I haven't posted in a while, so I'll have to make up some excuse for not having come to LJs aid ;)Duke Azmeth looked from the tower over the wasteland. Corpses lay all over the city, and many buildings were set aflame. A few weeks ago, Azmeth led a small expeditionary force stealthly through a mountain pass to the lands of his cousin William. He and his army laid waste to a few guard fortresses along the way and thus could march deep into the enemy lands before they even noticed them- and when they did, it was to late. William had spread his forces acros the countryside and didn't have enough troops left to guard his own fortress. The stronghold was taken, and count William Azreal fled to where nobody could track him.The defenders had used repugnant manners to postpone their defeat as long as possible. They used their own civilians as human shields, and even went as far as torching entire city blocks to stop Azmeths advance. He could barely imagine that William was his cousin.With its former ruler fled, and the capitol in ruins, Azmeth decided it was his moral plight to take care of the population of the country. His troops remained in the county, and Azmeth commanded that food supplies and tools be send to the wasteland so it may be rebuilt.If its okay, I'll take over Williams (the other house I made) county over from here, then at least I won't have so much less stuff then anybody else :-
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