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Ok, Illiarnatha makes the first move. When the bell sounds that the fight starts, she jumps backward and recites something from memory. Then she takes out a composite longbow and before MilkEye realizes whats happening, an arrow pirces his leg. It travels strait through the muscle, and he'll probably have to hire a healer after this fight...

MilkEye's turn...


MilkEye doesn'nt even wince as the arrow pierces his leg.He had almost been stabbed through the hart once.HE moved,with slightly reduced speed towards Illiarnatha,and punched her with all the force he could muster.She staggered back,gasping for breath.


Illiarnatha staggers backwards from the blow. Luckily, he didn't break her bow. 'Time to activate my spell,' she thought. She muttered a word under her breath and floated up into the air. She chanted, then said a few more words, and her next arrow started to glow radiantly. She notched the arrow, aiming strait for his chest. Twaang, The arrow found it's mark, his right shoulder. If this was a fight to the death, she would have hit him in the heart, but since it's not, she trys to injure him....

MilkEye's Turn


Again,he but winces as the arrow hits him.(remember,he is an otter,and they are BULKY! :P ::) )He sees that she relies on her bow.With slight resistance from his arm and foot,he barely manages to grab on to the string of the bow.SNAPP!He thuds on the floor,but feels no pain.He quickly gets up.


Kage(the second-in-command) gets back to his feet, and the other fenrirs came in, surrounding the swordsman. Under the feet of the swordsman lies the 2 fenrir elites that had came in earlier.

"Who the heck are you! And what have you done to my comarades?" shouted Kage, pointing to the swordsman.

He didn't answer. At the same time, the swordsman raise his left hand and starts chanting. A heard of green creatures appeared and surrounded the fenrirs.

"Crap it's an ambush...these creature looks like one which we had captured a few days ago..." muttered Kage. "So you're behind all of this!"

The swordsman still did not answer. He continues chanting and the green creatures starts to close the fenrirs.

"I'll make you spit everything out after I've defeated you! Everybody, engage!" shouted Kage, rushing towards the swordsman with his blades raised.

~Back at Dadou~

"Khan, we've an orc at the gate. It seems strange though, he doesn't look like and ordinary one..."

"Not ordinary?" said the Khan, puzzled.

"He dressed like a sorceror and seems to be more polite then the orcs we've met before."

"Khan," said the Sage "This should be a High Sorceror of the orcs, I suggest you let him in."

"So be it."

The orc High Sorceror walks into the Great Hall.

"Greetings Khan Fenrir."

A few hours later, after a feast of deer, Khan Fenrir starts the discussion with the orc High Sorceror.

Dadou status:

134 civilians, no growth due to the attack. Growing by 10% per post


1 Great Hall

4 Oak-houses

1 Barrack

1 Workshop

1 Arena, the unknown beast is being looked after by 10 arenakeepers.

1 Trading post


10 cereamic blade, 0 wooden armor

Ceramic blades->30 gold each, cost 20 gold each

Wooden armor->10 gold each, cost 5 gold each


Gold mine:250, 50 miners

Oak-house construction complete.

Fenrir students is lucky enough to get away from the seige of Encleon. They would return after 1 post.

(OOC: Stats for the enemy please...)

Again,he but winces as the arrow hits him.(remember,he is an otter,and they are BULKY! )He sees that she relies on her bow.With slight resistance from his arm and foot,he barely manages to grab on to the string of the bow.SNAPP!He thuds on the floor,but feels no pain.He quickly gets up.

I don't see how you do that, when she's floating up in the air...

Sorry,mistyped it.I meant he jumped.


The fight had gotten into a total masscare. The mage-knight and his abosorber goons had slaughter the fenrir elites or devoured them. Only Kage and 4 of his men survived, and they're backed into a corner.

"Allow me to apologize for bringing you guys into such situation..." said Kage while halfing an abosrber. "Look, I'll go beserk and do a suicide, and you guys run."

"Never! We'll follow you even to the deepest of hell!" shouted the remaining men.

"Fools...hahaha! Too bad Kiter's ain't here to company us!" joked Kage.


The mage-knight points at Kage and his men, then chanted a spell. The absorbers starts closing in, and the final hours of the Fenrir Elites would soon come. At the same time, a crack starts to form on the "egg"...


(OOC: Hah! I *knew* the 15 was right, it was the first I selected for the spot. The other four were more or less random, I've lot a lot more to think about now :) )

Ztraag sits there on the floor where he landed after the bite, nursing his wound. He's not exactly surprised, but a little angry at the outcome.

Sighing with appearant disgust, he begins scribbling in his notepad once more.

Watching the fight from the arena entrance, Ghroqmoore is grinning insanely and winking at the barmaid.

A small embarrased smile flickers on the corner of the barmaid's mouth, a stark constrast to her pale face.

"Would you like anything, sir?", she asks nervously, "Perhaps some tea, or a meat pie...?"

Grinning, Ghroqmoore replies, "Sure, I'll have some Swamp Beer and buffalo toungue", then, with his grin growing larger, he adds; "Rare."

The new Tower of Wizardry is finished this post, producing a new High Sorceror every two turns.

Faction Status: Strong

Political Status: Neutral - High Alert

Infantry: 330War, 20Spy, 4Sor - 2 Barraks

Artillery: 56 Cannons, growing at 5 Cannons per post - Blacksmythe

Civil: 50 Longhouses, 2 Halls

Resources: 2250 Gold, 890 Crystal - 2 Mines

Research: Crystalline Armor: 40%


"The turtel riders" build their HQ at Stronkholt it cost them 200 gold, any warrior can now sign up, sign up bonus at 40 gp, and i addtion I can recuit orc warriors for 60 gp. And the cost of hireing the turtel riders have risein to 350 gp.

A turtel rider nails a post up on the door the the stronghold in Stronkholt, it says

Got orgers call us

Got goblins, no charge

Fighting war pays us and we'll join

Lossing a war, hire the best and we'll do the rest

Contact captain Fingon at the turtel riders HQ in Stronkholt.

Price list

A quest 350 gp

A commando raid 450 gp

Parttaking is a battle 350 gp.

Gold stock 800 GP


1 hero (captain Fingon)

9 guardians

10 bowmen

1 warturtel


OK mad, i get it, thats why after he snapped it, he thudded on the floor. Next time, say that he tries to snap it, but don't tell the outcome. I'll randomly select[with a neat little randomizer program i have] what happens.


'Karuchit!' Illiarnatha says the most common word said by drow[a curse word]. Then she flies up a little bit higher and anchors herself onto the cieling.[50 meters high] She casts a spell, and yanks a few pieces of hair out of her head. Then she ties a knot on both ends of the hair, and ties the hair around the ends of her bow. She says the last word of her spell, and the hair fuses together, creating a string twice as strong as the origonal.

MilkEye's Turn


MilkEye grabs a nearby attendant,rips away his dagger,and throws him to the ground.He takes the tip of the dagger,and launches it at Illiarnatha.It hits her right below the shoulder.


I told you, say you throw it at her shoulder, not that it hits, The opponent has time to respond...


The dagger glances off of the shield she erected around her with her first spell...

She casts another spell. She chants, then, releasing her spell, she shouts 'Feel the force!' Suddenly, a cloud of darkness surrounds MilkEye, draining his life, and strengthening her....


tsk tsk tsk,I thought a dungeon master had more sens than to god mode... ;D ;) ::)


MilkEye is weakening,but then he chants his own spell,an a blast of light fills the arena,and when it clears,Illiarnatha is drained of life.This was a common reverse spell used by the Jaskas'


That is not god-moding, I had planned before the fight how she was going to fight, And just to let you know, i planned for here to use a shield as her first spell, along with levitation and a spell that makes her more agile... All of those spells were activated at the start of the fight...


Now that she was drained of most of here spell-like abilities, She decides to turn this fight into a melee. She draws her two short swords, and floats towards MilkEye. Before he has a time to respond, she nimbly darts in, attempting to slice him with both blades......

And, she is succesful with 1 blade, she slices his un-injured arm, now, both arms are injured... As she misses with her second sword, she gets frustrated, and bites his chest open, squirting blood all over her face, and poisoning MilkEye of course. She licks the blood off of her face, but she forgets to fly back up into the air before MilkEye can counter attack...

Before he has a time to respond
Before he has time to respond,eh?Time to fight fire against fire :P :P :P :P :P :P He draws out his short sword and brings down the sword onto her injured shoulder.Now she will face more resistance when tryuing to draw a sword.

??? She didn't have an injured shoulder...

It is one combat round. If i said just simply, 'she flies right above MilkEye' Then it would sound like she is retarded. It pretty much means that she draws her swords, dives down and levels out, slicing him at the same time. she mises with one blade, so she bites him and doesn't have enough time left to fly back up. What does that have to do with an injured shoulder??? The only time she's been hit in all this, was when you countered her spell to drain some of her life.....t just made her a little weaker, not give her an injured shoulder.....


The fight had gotten into a total masscare. The mage-knight and his abosorber goons had slaughter the fenrir elites or devoured them. Only Kage and 4 of his men survived, and they're backed into a corner.

"Allow me to apologize for bringing you guys into such situation..." said Kage while halfing an abosrber. "Look, I'll go beserk and do a suicide, and you guys run."

"Never! We'll follow you even to the deepest of hell!" shouted the remaining men.

"Fools...hahaha! Too bad Kiter's ain't here to company us!" joked Kage.


The mage-knight points at Kage and his men, then chanted a spell. The absorbers starts closing in, and the final hours of the Fenrir Elites would soon come. At the same time, a crack starts to form on the "egg"...

Whoops, sorry ExS, i kinda forgot about your quest when the tournament started...


From the egg, a wierd shrieking sound starts, drawing all of the other absorbers towards it. Then, it hatches. The creature that comes out looks very wierd. It looks like the other abrobers, but one key difference. It doesn't really look like slime, as the others do, it looks almost exactly like the fenrir leader. Then it eats the pieces of it's shell. It gains a sort of Caraspace, or exoskeleton. Then it attacks the other absorbers, just like the real Fenrir leader would have done. After it destroys 2, the absorbers catch on and fight back. The ferir Absorber kills all but one. Then it goes over to help the other fenrirs....


??? She didn't have an injured shoulder...

It is one combat round. If i said just simply, 'she flies right above MilkEye' Then it would sound like she is retarded. It pretty much means that she draws her swords, dives down and levels out, slicing him at the same time. she mises with one blade, so she bites him and doesn't have enough time left to fly back up. What does that have to do with an injured shoulder??? The only time she's been hit in all this, was when you countered her spell to drain some of her life.....t just made her a little weaker, not give her an injured shoulder.....

Whoops,sorry. ;D ::)Anyway,now her shoulder is injured ;D ;) :) ::) :P


(OOC: Once again, please don't try to help me Twin Head, I'm going slowly this time ;) )

Ztraag finally rises back to his feet and picks up another stone.

This stone has the number "5" etched deep into its hard surface.

Warily, carefully, Ztraag slowly slides the stone into the bottem-left position, and jumps back.

After a few second he takes a small peice of wood and probes the wall expirimentally.

Seeing the deep cut by Illiarnatha to MilkEye's arm, Ghroqmoore yells angrily and drukenly and throws his mug at the drow.

Deep in conference with the Fenrir Lord, Ghrazz, the High Sorceror finally broaches the subject of alliance.

"Lord, if you don't mind, I'll cut right to the chase.", says Ghrazz respectfully, "I am here to open treaty negotiations between our two nations."

"Indeed?", asks Khan, "And why should we ally with...you?"

"My lord, in these trying times, our races should stick togeher.", Ghrazz says slowly, "Goblins, strange Knights, renegade mages and Ogres roam these lands, and a treaty could be profitable...for the both of us."

The Orcs of Dolicot erect a gigantic Town Hall in the middle of Orhkland and buy two more plots of land. Total cost: 2700 gold.

Faction Status: Strong

Political Status: Neutral - High Alert

Infantry: 350War, 20Spy, 4Sor

Artillery: 61 Cannons

Resources: 50 Gold, 990 Crystal

Research: Crystalline Armor: 60%

New Construction: Mine, 20%

Stronkholt: 2 Townhalls, 55 longhouses, 2 Mines, 2 Barraks, 1 Blacksmythe, 1 Tower of Wizardry, 5,500 residents.

Orhkland: 5 plots, 2 farms, 1 Townhall, 20 residents.


a thrtel rider in Dolicot nails up a note in the main street, is says:

Got orgers call us

Got goblins, no charge

Fighting war pays us and we'll join

Lossing a war, hire the best and we'll do the rest

Contact captain Fingon at the turtel riders HQ in Stronkholt.

OCC: please Twin-Head make some NP force to start a war so I can get some jobs


Already done that sardauker. I have bad people all made up and stuff. If your that impatient, sign up for the next tournament. I just have to wait for ExsPlug to finish his 'quest'.


Nothimg. It appears that all of the numbers have to be put in before anything happens.


OK, her shoulder is injured....

Illiarnatha is determined not to lose this fight. She flies backward and speaks a word of power. A blue ray blasts around MilkEye, freezing him[You can move on your turn, it melts really fast] , along with the stupid orc [illiarnatha's view] who tried to help MilkEye, even though he was clearly losing[again her view, as she is really losing...]. It hurts him. Temporarily weakened from poison, MilkEye decides to.........

MilkEye's turn



MilkEye says afew mutter,"May thy knife chip and shatter."(Hehe ;D)He runs forwards,throws his dagger,and with all his strength launches upwards towards Illiarnatha,and swings his beast of a tail.


Meanwhile Deyna is inspecting a village that was laid to waste.He finds 500 gold.


Lol, why didn't you just get a gold mine....


The dagger goes strait into her other arm. At about the same time, MilkEye's tail slams into her side, collapsing her rib cage. She waves her hands, giving the symbol that she gives up. She is rushed to a healer, whom heals her rib cage so that she can breathe...

MilkEye Wins!

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