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Just did WW1 Millenium Edition on SC. Great battle, so what if I sacrificed most of my military to buy Russia time, and then ended up losing my Asain foothold when Russia didn't get back on its feet.

Then I hid for a half hour over the ocean before Ex and his partner managed to find me, and then my dad kicked me off anyhow. If I had my way I would've taken my dozen dropships full of troops and made on last cool looking attack after they found me.

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just wanted to let you know that earth nucker and i recently played a game of sc

terren vs terren

here are the results.

well i started with a marine rush about 4 to 6 rines to his base.

he defeated the rush.

i then built two baracks/two bunks/ and a acadamy near the eneterence of his base.

his seige tanks blown my bunks to peices. my rines were slaughterd also.

thinking despretly.

i built about 4 bunks infront of my base enterence.

with three seige tanks garuding them.

i also planted about 7 spidermines around my enterence.

when he finaly atacked. my spider mines took out his first wave of rines.

his seige tanks were just out of range of my seige tanks.

in resualt he blown up my bunk line.

i rushed rine reinforcements in when he charged his rines to my seige tanks.

beat him back.

he had set up a factory like how i had set up my little base eariler.

my seige tanks held back his counter atack while 7-8 scvs destroyed his war fac.

he however did control 2 out of 4 of the main resource areas on the map.

i only controled one. the other both have us didnt descover till nearly the end of the game.

well i buit up a some drop ships and flew carefully into his main base.

the drop was unsucessful however. my forces were slaughtered and there heads put on sticks.

my second drop was on a island next to his base. it worked. my clocked wraiths handeld the scvs while a force of about 4 marines and a scv droped in.

i took over that isle. and built up a decent aa belt around it. it also became the main drop production point for my forces.

i built about 2 drop ships filled with rines. and droped it in his still undefeanede cost(guess one drop didnt teach ya.)

my rines basicly destroyed the south western portion of his base and were still fighting.

his forces however had defeated my 4 seige tanks and were preping for another invasion of my main base.

earnucker had to go however.

and quit giving me the win. that i would get anyway.

so my new record is 30-20-3 ;D

gg earthnucker you are prety good at it.

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