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DOWNGRADE THE F*&*&*ing Tileixu Contaminator !!

Guest Navaros.

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Guest Navaros.

Once again i have lost a game due to *ANOTHER* overpowered unit !!!.... I was in a custom skirmish the other night and this newbie selects tilexau.. well i laughed my ass off and then next thing i know my base is overrun with contaminators !!!! It was totally *infested*

they smacked the crap outta my feds and sards and then multiplied !!.. then leeches infected all my minos and made more leeches... it was horrible !!!... my eyes hurt from watching the mayhem !!... I totally wasted 5 hours of my life in that game as that friggin newbie toyed with me....i finally found out was happened... he used IX projectors to multiply them and thats how he *totally* creamed me !!!!!

AARRGGH WW DO SOMETHING!!This is worst than those pathfinding bugs !!!!!!!

i am soo mad!!! the contaminator should be slower and do much *LESS* damage .. one-hit-one-kill is rediculous !!!

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Contaminators may be powerful in groups, but the trick is getting that many contaminators!

If you ask me there is only one unit that is too powerful in the game (I bet you've heared this before) - The Gunship. It has so much armor that by the time you destroy it you don't have a base anymore! It's ridiculous. >:(

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